The Final Trial Pt.6!

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Paintbursh: You're talking about you hijacking the airwaves, aren't you?

Baseball: Uh-huh. That's exactly what I'm talking about. To show the world the murders taking place at this school, which was meant to be a symbol of hope...

Baseball: That was the whole point of the Ultimate Despair! When I said "climax," THAT was what I was talking about!

Baseball: The object show multiverse watched as you fell into despair, and began to kill each other one after another... Despair is as contagious as any disease; any hope left turns to despair.

Monophone: Puhuhu. Isn't the power of television just amazing!? By the way, since we started broadcasting, a whole bunch of people have tried to come and rescue you.

Fan: A-Are you serious!?

Baseball: But utilizing the heavy weaponry I bought from Best Buy, I stopped them. (except for one maybe I don't know).

Marshmallow: You...stopped them?

Baseball: I have to thank you all. They all said, "Nooooo you can't give up hope :("!!! But in the end, I was able to give them the final despair--death.

Knife: So you just used us? To bring despair to everyone in the outside world...?

Baseball: Well sure, but I also gave you a second chance at life, right? So it's like...give and take!

Knife: Give and take!? You're so full of-!

Baseball: And there's a reason I chose you guys to survive, when all the other students were dropping like flies... I mean, we built up eight years of memories together. You were all my treasured contestants...

Baseball: Eh, I lied. I never liked you all (except for one maybe I don't know)

Baseball: And that's the truth! MAN, that was long. Dudes, we all should have known this! So, to recap, you were all turned into the Ultimate Despair, then I filmed you all to keep adding despair, then, once it was over, you could continue despairing!

Fan: ...

Paintbrush: ...

Baseball: See? Discovering the truth doesn't necessarily lead to a sense of hope.

Baseball: Truth can be full of despair, too! Like right fuckin' now!

Baseball: Not to mention, all those motives I talked about were totally meaningless. I mean, Balloon's actual parents were already dead. And, technically, all of you would've been revived. Surprise much?

Paintbrush: We've been murdering each other...for nothing?

Fan: We weren't just randomly picked objects, either. We were contestants on Inanimate Insanity. We'd spent at least 9 years together...

Baseball: Hehe--! No, even I can't laugh at that.

Paintbrush: Wait, hold on... You've just been going on about whatever you feel like, but...

Paintbrush: But there's no real reason for us to believe you!

Baseball: ...Huh?

Paintbrush: You say the world's fallen apart. But I haven't seen it for myself.

Paintbrush: So I can't follow you!

Baseball: Are you saying you won't accept the truth until you can go outside and see for yourself!? Well you better not! You go out into that world, and you're gonna lose your memories! You will revert back to despair!

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