Quick Update

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Hey everyone! I won't be able to post a lot next week, so I'm trying to do a lot of Chapter 3 this week. Hopefully I will still be able to post something though. For now, we'll see what will happen.  I know you guys were probably expecting the FTE, but it will be out soon. Here's a short story involving Fan and Test Tube.



Fan yelled at Test Tube from across the lab. Test Tube invited Fan over to help study for her big science project. Since they were done, Fan decided to look around. Fan found lots of cool inventions. Like Experiment 626 and a time machine. But the one Fan was most excited about was the dimension hopper, which did what the name implied. Fan wanted to test it out.

"No, Fan, I'm not sure if it works yet. And, I don't want you to get stuck in an alternate dimension."




"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"FINE! Only if you stop whining."


Test Tube turned on the dimension hopper and selected DIMENSION ONE. The dimension hopper fired on and Test Tube and Fan were transported to another dimension.

"Huh, where are we?" Test Tube asked.

They were in a mountain town covered in snow. Fan and Test Tube began to shiver.

"And why is it so cold?" Fan asked.

"I have a better question. Why is that kid over there singing?"

They looked and saw a very short kid with a hat singing, "Ohhhh, the snow's pure and white on the earth rich and brownnnn~"

"Yeah, this is weird. Let's try DIMENSION 2! There's only 10 dimensions, after all." Fan hoped.

The dimension hopper took them to a trial room. They were standing in 2 separate stalls, along with a girl with hairpins.

"No, that's wrong!" came from a boy with a hoodie across the stall.

"Huh, this seems familiar...somehow." Test Tube observed.

"Were we here before? Oh, never mind. It's probably one of the many fandoms I used to be in." Fan replied.

"Puhuhu... Puhuhuhu! So this is how the despair of death feels... Ahh, it's so wonderful! Even a tenth of this despair... Even a hundredth...! I want every last soul on this planet to taste such despair! I want the entire world to die with that despair in its mouth!" the girl with ponytails said.

"Let's...get out of here before things get nasty." Fan whispered.

"Agreed. Off to Dimension 3, then!"

Dimension 3 was in a school. There was a girl with purple hair standing in front of them.

"Do you accept my confession?" she asked the 2 objects.

"Um...no...we literally just met you." Test Tube pointed out.

The purple haired girl then started laughing. Then she pulled out a knife and stabbed herself, 2 times in the stomach and 1 time in the breast.

"OH JEEZ!" Fan yelled.

"LET'S LEAVE! NOW!" Test Tube shouted.

Dimension 4 was located by the outside of a castle. Test Tube read the sign.


"Who else is here?" 

They then saw a green man and a donkey walking towards them.

"Quick! Let's go!" Fan yelled.

Dimension 5 took the 2 objects to an area with a lot of houses.

"Is this...a cul-de-sac?" Fan asked.

"More importantly, who are those three kids over there, and why do they have awful fashion choices."

There were 4 kids on a boat. Their attention was focused with a kid with a sock on his head, who was playing a pedal steel guitar.

"Huh, that kid can sure play a pedal steel guitar." Test Tube remarked.

"Let's go continue on to the next place." Fan excitedly squeaked.

When they arrived in DIMENSION 6, they were right in front of a TV. A hypnotic toad was on the screen.

"Quick! Let's go before we get hypnotized!" Test Tube yelled.

DIMENSION 7 was a beach house.

"Finally, somewhere calm!" Fan sighed.

"Don't be so sure." Test Tube said.

Suddenly, a huge pink monster tore down the house. Then, a bunch of weird looking people with gems supposedly "taped on" went past them.

"SEE WHAT I MEANT?" Test Tube yelled.

Fan just stared in awe.

"DIMENSION 8 it is, then."

Darkness. Pure darkness in DIMENSION 8.

"Fan? Where are you? I can only eyes." Test Tube yelped.

"I'm holding on to you!" Fan replied.

"But wait? Who is that behind us, then?" Fan asked.

The person behind them then jumped out at them, like a jumpscare. It was an animatronic brown bear.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" both of them screamed, Test Tube pushing the button as fast as she could.

DIMENSION 9! What a lovely place! It was full of berries and it was very purple!

"I gonna eat one!" Fan said putting a berry in his mouth.

"NO! We don't know if they are poisonous!" Test Tube yelled.

Fan became a solid metal object.

"Well, this stinks. What's DIMENSION 10?" Fan sighed.

"Let's see..." Test Tube said.

...they were back at Test Tube's laboratory.

"Oh, so we're not going to get stuck in an alternate universe. Good." Test Tube breathed.

"That...was...SO MUCH FUN!" Fan yelled.

"Let's go home now." Test Tube said.


They walked up to Test Tube's door and opened it. Fan said goodbye and went home. What an eventful day!


If you got every single dimension right, you get a cookie. The first 4 have already appeared in the story somewhere. See you soon!

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