An Amazing Sleepover!

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We all stared at our papers, trembling at each other's secrets.

"Huh? I didn't know that...'" Suitcase trembled.

"Ok, WHAT?!"Apple yelled.

"This is-HORRIBLE, YOU IDIOT!" YinYang screamed.

I couldn't believe it. Trophy was a huge softie?! He seemed so mean and rough, but he liked to take photos? Craziest thing I've ever seen.

"Now then, you guys, we won't kill each other! Besides, why kill people when we have an awesome sleepover to have!" Lightbulb cheered.

"She's right! We don't want this sleepover ruined by a murder! Come on guys, let's go!" Fan yelled.

We all began to start talking to each other while walking up to Fan's dorm for the sleepover. It was then that Soap started to approach me.

"Hey, Paintbrush, can I talk to you?" she asked.

"Of course! What's up?"

"I... got your secret."

"What did it say?!?!?"

"It said, and I quote, Paintbrush is nonbinary, even though everyone is confused by that."

"Wow, I...sort of expected that."

"Well, I support you! LGBTQ+ rights, Paintbrush!"

"Cool, but why?"

"Maybe I have a crush on Micropho-DON'T TELL HER THAT! I'M GOING TO ASK HER MYSELF!"

"Ok, suit yourself."

We finally reached the dorm. Let the night of partying begin!

We had a lot of fun! Fan and Test Tube gave out cups of sweet tea, Trophy broke the pool table, Test Tube was actually convinced to drink and pooped on Fan's bed, and Cheesy did standup!

"ALRIGHT! WHO'S UP FOR TRUTH OR DARE?!?!?!?!?!?!" Fan yelled.

"Uh... actually, I'm not too sure about-" Suitcase sighed.

"OH come on, Suitcase, it'll be fun!" Lightbulb bubbled.

"Um... ok..." Suitcase said.

We all gathered around and sat in a circle.


Ok, this next part we're changing formats again back to trial! Since everyone will be talking, this will make this part easier for me and you to follow along.


Test Tube: ALRIGHT! Golly gee, Suitcase, truth or... he he he... that's fuunny.

Suitcase: Uh, I'll pick, ...truth?

Fan: Well, Suitcase,... have you ever made out with someone here?

Suitcase: NO! I've... never made out with anyone!! I swear!

Fan: Ok, YinYang, truth or dare?


Fan: Alright... eat five tablespoons of mustard.

Yin Yang: HA! EASY *GULPS* Ew, Yang! That was gross!

Fan: Onto Baseball! Truth or dare?

Baseball: I'm doing a dare!

Fan: Allow drunk T. Tube to put makeup on you!

Baseball: ...ok.

T. Tube: Hahaha... I'm makeup pro!

Fan: Lightbulb, buddy, time for you to play!

Lightbulb: Gimme a truth, Flatface!

Fan: Rude... anyway, out of anyone in the room, who would you kiss?

Lightbulb: Oh... let me think... probably... Paintbrush.

Paintbrush: Uwhat?!?!?!

Fan: Paintbrush, it's time to choose!

Paintbrush: I'll try a... dare.

Fan: I have a perfect one for you! I dare you... to kiss Lightbulb!

Paintbrush: WHAT?!?! I CAN'T DO THAT!

Fan: Come on, Paintbrush! It's just a kiss!

Lightbulb: Don't be a chicken, Painty! Just do it!

Paintbrush: OK, OK! I'LL DO IT!


...I can't believe it... I kissed my best friend... I don't know whether to feel happy or... weirded out. I need to go to the bathroom and talk to Lightbulb later.

I went to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall, and took a deep breath. This night... is getting wild.

Suddenly, from the next stall over, I heard crying.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" I shouted.

"I'm... not ok, Paintbrush. I... can tell it's you. It's... Soap."

"Soap, what's wrong? You don't look ok..."

"I'll explain everything to you. Earlier, I went to go ask Microphone out. But, when I asked her, she thought I was joking. She said, I have a crush on Knife! Why would I ever like you back Soap? Then she turned around and saw me crying. She tried to apologize, but it was too late. I was already in the bathroom. I decided to stay here for a while, because I'm sad. But you came in, and I feel a lot better now. So, tell me, why are YOU here, Paintbrush?"

"Well... I kissed my best friend of 7 years. I don't know how to feel."

"Well, I'd say if you do get together, then don't tell lies to each other or keep secrets. Also, love is an action, not a feeling. It's learned and developed skill, not an experience. Not that the romantic feeling doesn't exist or isn't a wonderful part of the relationship, but it doesn't make it last."

"Good luck, Soap. Want to head back into the party now?"

"Sure. I'm gonna avoid Mic for the rest of the night, though."

We walked out of the bathroom together, and a movie was just starting. I've seen memes of it on the Internet a lot. I sat down next to Marshmallow and Lightbulb, and we watched the movie together.

One by one, the others began to fall asleep. Suitcase and Marshmallow were the first to fall asleep, since they were tiny. Then, everyone else fell asleep to the sound of Shrek in the background, including me.

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