Paintbrush's Story Concludes

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Wow, I can't believe it... Baseball caused us all misery and now he's dead.

"He's...gone..." Fan stuttered.

"Look, guys, I found a key! This should open the door we were waiting by while Knife was 'finding cookies'." Marshmallow said.

"Hey, I was at least trying!" Knife yelled.

We took the elevator up into the lobby.

"Goodbye, Hotel OJ." I said, quietly,

We all began walking slowly to our future, waiting behind that door. 

We reached the door.

"Welp, this is it, guys." I said.

"What do you think's gonna happen after we open that door?" Knife asked.

"Well, we can't trust Baseball's judgement just yet. We'd have to see for ourselves." Fan added.

"But still, there has to be something good, right?" Marshmallow asked.

"And if there isn't, we can always rebuild." I added.

"So, this is goodbye, for now, huh?" Fan asked.

 "Well, I guess this is goodbye. ...And the dead objects. Well, if we have to say goodbye, we should at least do it with a bang!" Marshmallow chirped.

"I didn't like you guys, but, I wouldn't mind helping if you need it." Knife scoffed.

"I'm not sad that Baseball died, but it is still weird to leave here. I'll right this on my blog." Fan said.

We're finally leaving. I'm going to keep moving forward, with hope in the air.

The door began to open.

With my hands... With *our* hands...

Hope and despair mingled together...opening the door to the future...

A blinding light hit all of us.

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