A Magical Experience!

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I sat down next to Apple in the auditorium. He seemed excited to be seeing magic.

"Hey, where are all the others, Lightbulb?" Apple asked.

"Either in the show or still coming."

Suitcase, Soap, Microphone, Marshmallow, Baseball, and Trophy were in the show. Fan, Knife, Apple, and I were watching it.

Everyone was here.

"Ok, let's begin! Soap will be on a spinning wheel, while Marsh shoots arrows at her. Be amazed!" Baseball announced.

"WAIT, WHAT?" Soap yelled.

"Ok, I got this." Marsh picked up 32 arrows in each hand and threw each one at Soap. They all landed on the circle, and not on Soap.

"Wowee! This is amazing!" Fan yelled, clapping.

"Ok, you go backstage and get changed, and the next act come on! Now, I will saw Microphone in half!" Baseball said, grabbing a saw.

Microphone looked visibly nervous, but Baseball was successful.

"Wow! How does he do that?" Apple asked.

"It's all magic," I said to him.

"Now-wait a second. Our next act isn't ready yet. Want to go search for the act with me?" Baseball yelled.

"YEAH!" we all yelled back.

Baseball let us all come up on stage, then he told us to stay back. 

"Um...Act 3? Where are you?" he yelled.

...No response.

"Oh, they're probably getting ready. They are probably getting changed." Baseball laughed.

We journeyed deeper into the backstage area, getting more nervous the farther back we got.

"Ok, this is where they should be! Ok, let's pull apart the curtain!"

"Wait, no, stop!" Suitcase came out, running.

"And why not?" Baseball asked.

"Look behind you!" Suitcase whimpered.

Behind us, there was a timer. The timer hit zero, and the curtains opened to reveal...

Soap, with tons of arrows in her body, hardly any blood, and a bite mark on her neck.


Are you sad that Soap died? Because I sure am! Want to feel better? I made an animatic on YouTube that gives easter eggs  on who the mastermind is! Just copy and paste this link onto to your webpage.


See you all soon!

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