Break Time!

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An Agent Sneak flashback special!


"Why are you kicking me out?!?" I said.

"You know too much. Don't even think about coming back. I have guards all around the hotel that can stop you." the mastermind said.

"I should've never trusted you. You seemed nice, but in reality, you're just a loser."

"That's the final straw!" the mastermind said as he pulled out a knife. 

...Stab. Stab. Stab. Three stabs on my left cheek. Blood stained my face. That... really hurted.

"I hope that will teach you a lesson. NEVER come back here. EVER. Or you will feel true pain."

"Wait!!! Don't throw me-"


At least it can't get any worse than this...

Rain. I felt rain. It started pouring down on me. Amazing. I'm outside with no umbrella. Great. Just spectacular.

I began to head back to camp. You see, everyone kicked out of Hotel OJ by the mastermind went to go buy tents. But, they were kind of far from here, so I had to take a bus back to the area where we were all staying.

No one was around me. I began to cry. I just let my best friends feel the kiss of death. How great. CARP! WHY CAN'T I BE USEFUL!?!? EVERYONE ELSE HAS A TALENT, BUT I'M JUST INVISIBLE! GOD, I WANT TO DIE.

Then, I saw... him. My partners in crime. We can say their names, because the mastermind doesn't know they are helping me. Their names? Pickle and OJ. All three of us together form the Resistance Pals! We're always accepting new members!

After we all got kicked out of Hotel OJ, everyone tried to make up with each other. Even Taco's back now! So, I made friends with everyone again. Then, Pickle decided that we needed to take a stand to the mastermind. I decided that I would join him and help us out. OJ decided to join too, because that hotel was his baby. I became the unofficial leader because I was the spy of the group, but we all try our best.

We've all had... rough pasts with each other. But, we're getting better.

"Heya, you! What did the mastermind do to you this time?!?" Pickle asked.

"Stabbed me three times in the cheek. We need a new plan, and a Band-Aid." I replied.

"We need an army of people. You know, safety in numbers?" OJ asked.

"That seems good. We can each take an area of ground." Pickle said.

"Ok. I'll head over to purgatory mansion and grab Bow and Dough. OJ, with your celebrity status, get an army of MePhones. And, Pickle, you go toTest Tube's lab and kidnap our past selves.

"Let's get this party started, guys!" OJ said.

"Yeah, we're ecstatic." Pickle and I both said.

All 3 of us haven't gotten along well due to the alliances of the past. I feel like Pickle and OJ still hate me. Pickle... I do miss hanging out with him. OJ? Not so much. But, I'm trying to make amends.

Poor Balloon. He tried so hard. But, in the end, these objects aren't so forgiving of your past.

I need closure. Not thinking, I pulled out my phone and texted Pickle,

"Hey, it's me. Please don't let me hold you back anymore."

Off to purgatory mansion...

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