Drip Drip Splash Splash Rub-A-Dub

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At around 6 in the evening, we all decided to go to the pool. Everyone except for Soap, who was just laying around in the magic room, Painty, since they were still a puppet, and Fan, who said  being in the pool would be death. I honestly didn't know what to say about this.

Suitcase, Cheesy, and Knife were already in the pool. They found some pool floaties, noodles, and pool volleyball in a storage closet. The sticks for the water volleyball were short and pointy. Suitcase tripped on a pool noodle and banged her head on one, giving her a bruise.

Man, this place would be more fun if Painty was here. I played a round of water volleyball with Cheesy, then Microphone came in with Trophy. Suitcase took Cheesy away to play with Microphone and Trophy. I hopped on a floatie.

Next, Marsh and Apple came in. Marsh decided to sunbathe, while Apple splashed her with water.

Finally, Knife came in. Knife, Trophy, and I were racing each other. I always lost, though, since they were both stronger and faster than me. 

Everything seemed so peaceful...

Suddenly, the lights turned off. It was pitch black.

I heard...

"Don't touch me!"

"What's going on?"

"Someone get the lights back on!"

"Wowie, this is awful! I'll get the lights back on in a minute!"

On again. Blood filled waters. I turned around and saw a horrible sight...

Cheesy...had quite literally...been...shredded.


Since y'all are probably pretty depressed now, here's what Painty's grooving to in the void!

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