Investigating/ 100-Part Special!

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I'll go investigate with Fan. Besides, he's probably watched a lot of detective animes, so he should have knowledge on this subject.

"Hey, it looks like all the rooms are open, so let's explore, Paintbrush!" Fan said.

The first room we stumbled upon was a headmaster's office. There was a computer in the middle of it.

"What do you think the password for this computer is?" Fan asked.

"Hmm...let me think...try OITRD, because that's what we've been seeing this time on the letters..." I replied.

Fan put it in, and the computer buzzed to life. A couple of tabs were popped up on it.

"This is the traitor's computer, I'm guessing?" I asked.

"I'm not sure about that. Maybe the mastermind forced the object to work for them." Fan replied.

"True, sorry."

The tabs that were on the computer showed something about a hacking gun supply company, Fortnite hacks, a news page, and contact orders. Some of the keys were missing.

"Hey, the news page says: The Ultimate Despair are a group of objects that spread despair all across the object communities. From the Ever-Convenient Object's Shopping Mall all the way down to the Goiky Canal, no one has been able to stop them. The objects seem normal, but they are filled with despair. No one is safe from it. The only remedy is if- and then it stops right there." Fan explained.

"Who are the Ultimate Despair? I...might have an idea for later."

We found a room that said: "DO NOT ENTER! TEACHERS ONLY!" 

But, since we were the only ones in the school, we went inside.

The room was much more sci-fi than the others. In the center of the room, there was a big control panel and a rack of monitors.

"Man, if Test Tube saw this, she would be in Heaven!" Fan swooned.

"Wait, I can see the three others on the camera. Does this mean..."


"Oh jeez, but who would want to monitor us?"

Monophone then popped up out of nowhere, with his broken controls.

"h̵e̸l̵l̷o̶ ̷s̸t̷u̷d̸e̵n̸t̴s̸,̶ ̸i̶'̶m̵ ̶s̷o̸r̶r̶y̸ ̴b̸u̷t̴ ̵t̵h̷i̸s̵ ̵r̶o̴o̵m̸ ̶i̷s̴ ̸o̴f̷f̷ ̵l̶i̵m̴i̷t̷s̵,̴ ̴i̷ ̴c̶a̴n̴'̷t̶ ̸m̵o̴v̶e̵ ̵" Monophone gurgled.

"Huh?" I asked.

Monophone forcibly pushed us out of the room.

"I'm sorry, but this room is off limits!" he said.

"Why? You can't hide things all willy-nilly." I replied.

"Yeah, but I can't work if SPECIFIC people are in my place!"

"So what you're saying is that someone is controlling you?"


The next room me and Fan found was a teacher office. Marshmallow was in there. 

"Hey, dudes! Check this out!" she said, handing us the folder she was holding.

The folder had a class roster list! But, it was missing a couple of names.

"Why are some of the names missing?" I asked.

"I don't know?" Marshmallow replied.

"It looks like there were 17 names, but there are only 16 students."

"Why would the 17th student, Knife, Microphone, Suitcase, Lightbulb, and Test Tube's names be missing?"

But then, we were interrupted by Monophone on the monitor.

"Uh, is this thing on? Good. Are you guys all working hard? Good. Report to the gym for a special clue!" Monophone said.

"No use in arguing with that." we all sighed, making our way over to the gym.


Taco: I regret getting you that blender

Object in the Red Dress: *drinking a copy of Fortnite* Why?

Wow, it's Part 100 already? It seems like yesterday when this all started! What should I do for this 100 part special? Put something down in the comments!

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