In The Outside World

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*Agent Sneak's POV*

Tomorrow, we will go on a journey to Hotel OJ, and stop the killing game.

I decided to walk around camp late at night, since I was nervous about the operation, even though I looked calm.

I grabbed my tea, put a dash of lemon in it, and walked outside my actual camp. 

Everyone was doing different things. Salt was chasing OJ, who was running away from her. 

There were a group of objects watching a reality TV show. I had never met these objects in my life. One of them had a country accent, and I saw one that looked like a stoplight...

Aw well, they look so happy together...I wish I had that relationship with the other contestants.

They couldn't see my true, evil self behind the walls.

At least in Season 2, things were looking up...

Then the mastermind came along...

The mastermind was looking to spread despair across the land. And, the mastermind succeeded.

Luckily, the Object in the Red Dress and I were wearing contacts, so we were immune to despair.

I've been helping all the contestants get back to normal. So far, all the original contestants are back to normal.

I took a sip out of my tea. I hope I'm not too late to stop the mastermind. I think the mastermind's goal of the killing game is to overwhelm people with despair.

But, I know my partner in crime, the Object in the Red Dress is there, so I think the mastermind's plan won't succeed.

I walked up to the mountains and sat down, worrying about tomorrow.

Then, Pickle showed up.

"Hey, dude. Long time no see, huh?" Pickle told me.

"Yeah, I guess." I sighed, drinking another sip of tea.

"You worried about tomorrow?"

"Of course I am."

"Yeah, me too. Knife's still in there, right?"

"Yeah. Also, my business partner and Microphone, too."

"Who's your business partner?"

"You'll find out once we get there. Uh, you wouldn't believe it."



"...So, what have you been up to?"

"Just living out in the woods. A fine life."

"Ugh...that's right. I've been at Hotel OJ, until, you know, the mastermind kicked us out and brainwashed us."

"Coolius. I feel a lot better now."


"...hey...don't let me hold you back."



"Thanks, Taco."

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