Who is She?

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Marshmallow, Fan and I went over to the gym. Baseball and Knife were already there when we got there.

"Hey, Paintbrush! I found the 17th students file in the AV room!" Baseball shouted.

I took a look at the file.

The file said:


Name: Taco

Nationality: British

Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Lemon Spitter? I guess I could give that to her. In actuality, she'd be the Ultimate Secret Agent.

Taco reappeared suddenly, and in the background an entity floats, close but just out of reach. The entity known as...the Resistance Pals. Right now, I can't be sure if this just her, or some kind of group. Whatever it is, Taco definitely has some sort of connection to it.

"I have a bad feeling about all this. I need to push forward with my research into the Resistance Pals. And I need to pay attention to Taco's behavior, too. This is just my gut feeling, but I think she's dangerous to my plan. Despite the countless battles she must have gone through as a member of the Resistance Pals, when she entered my office, she didn't display any signs of battle wounds or scars. That fact alone proves her tremendous skill in battle.

Naturally, I want to believe in her. She's one of my favorites, after all. But if I decide she's a danger to the plan I will be forced to take all reasonable measures.



"So, that's the 17th student, huh?" Knife said.

"Yep! Taco, or whatever she is." Baseball replied.

"Who is she? And why would someone accept someone so potentially dangerous to this school?" Marshmallow asked.

"You say that like having the Ultimate Bipolar at the school was normal..." Fan drifted.

But, before we could discuss it more, Monophone appeared.

"Hello, everybody! I have a special gift for you all!" Monophone said, handing us all envelopes.

I opened up my envelope as soon as I got it. A picture was inside of Suitcase, Baseball, Knife, Test Tube, Lightbulb, and Microphone. Test Tube, Baseball, and Suitcase seemed very sad in the picture.

"Why would they..." I started, then I flipped over to the back side of the picture.

The back of the picture had a little bit of writing on it, that said: 

"Despair is always hiding in the people you think are good."

Huh? What does that mean?

We all shared our pictures. Baseball's picture was Suitcase and Nickel  with Baseball and Balloon arguing, saying "Arguing didn't help anyone." Knife's was a picture of me, Lightbulb, Balloon, Baseball, Apple, Marshmallow, Knife, Nickel, Taco, and a bunch of other objects, saying, "This was fine. Season 2: Not so much." Marshmallow's was a picture of Soap, Microphone, and others cleaning up a hotel, while Marshmallow was hitting Apple. It said, "I sung or talked in Keep on Cleaning, but not in the other one." Finally, Fan's picture was of everyone in our class, plus a couple others, saying, "They all deserve it, but the maximum of the thingy-doo is 16 students."

Ok, now I'm going to continue my investigation.


Here is my headcanon for everyone's favorite season:

Spring: Marshmallow, Microphone, Suitcase, Salt, Pepper, Taco, Yin, Cheesy

Summer: Lightbulb, Trophy, Baseball, Knife, OJ, Cherries, Bomb, Dough

Fall/Autumn: Paintbrush, Evil Suitcase, Fan, Box, Paper, Tissues, Balloon

Winter: Apple(of course, literally there was an episode of this), Nickel, Test Tube, OITRD, Yang

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