Rest Well, For Trouble Awaits Ye

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Marshmallow, Fan, Knife, Baseball, and I decided to go check out and see if there was any exit out of this hotel.

"Well, the only thing I found was a big, latched off exit." Knife scoffed.

So, we went over to the big exit. We each tried our hands, and in Baseball's case, his legs,  at opening it, but it wouldn't budge.

We also heard some light mechanical whirring in the background, but that was from the monitors, we supposed.

"So, the only way to get out of here is to kill someone. How great." I sighed.

"Woohoo." Baseball sighed.

"Spectacular." Marshmallow added.

"Amazing." Knife added.

"Magical." Fan sighed.

"Well, we shouldn't lose spirit, guys! We've might have lost a lot of students, but we can't lose hope! Isn't that what our dead friends would want?" Marshmallow said.

"I suppose..."Baseball replied, probably thinking about Nickel.

"Yeah!" Fan replied.

"I'm kind of hungry, who wants to get cookies?" Knife said.

"ME! ME! ME!" the rest of us shouted.

Thus, Knife went to get the cookies.


Suitcase: Ask me questions. Also, I can bring out Evil Suitcase for questions, too!

Also, do you guys have any song recommendations for the IIRonpa character playlists?

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