You Messed Up

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"Painty! PAINTY! WAKE UP, SLEEPYHEAD!" Apple startled me.

I shot up in bed. How did Apple even get into my room?

"What do you want, Apple?" I asked him.

"Well, I just wanted everyone to have a good morning gift! Me and Marsh made pancakes!"

"Ok, I'll go around with you and help pass them out."

We began walking around the dormatories. Fan was tired, but liked the pancakes. Trophy and Knife were swimming laps around the pool, so we just left the pancakes by the side of the pool. 

We reached Marshmallow's room. The door was locked and had a sign on it.


"Well, screw it! I'm saying good morning to Marshmallow!" Apple said, kicking down the door.

We looked inside...


What we saw was a twisted turn of events...



Oh dear, what's going to happen to Painty?

Here's a song spoiler for Chapter 6 Painty:

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