Chapter 5: Start!

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We're almost to the heart-destroying chapter that is Chapter 6! Also, over 2000 reads, guys? Thanks so much! I wish there was a way to say thank you to you all! Now, let's start the penultimate chapter!


Like usual, I woke up crying in my bed. Lightbulb was truly gone, wasn't she? I got up and looked around. I looked like a mess. I decided maybe getting some food in me would help me feel a little better...

I walked down to the cafeteria, thinking of all the good times I had spent with Lightbulb here. I stepped into the cafeteria, and everyone seemed so sad. Our group was so small now. There was no Lightbulb to lighten up the situation, and no Apple to be stupidly funny.

I looked at the menu for today, and I said, "Oh heck no!" 

It was just applesauce...

I decided, "Screw this, I'm making pancakes!"

But, I accidentally said this out loud. Everyone was staring at me now.

Then Marshmallow said, "...can I join you? I...don't want to eat my dead best friend..."

So me and Marshmallow went into the kitchen, making pancakes. I was terrible at decorating them, but Marshmallow put on some whipped cream, strawberries, syrup, and popcorn, which made the pancakes look super good.

We came out with pancakes for everyone. Everyone happily ate them, especially Marshmallow.

Now that everyone's feeling a little bit better, who should I spend time with?


You all know by now: Choose any object you want to spend free time with! Choose wisely!

Nickel: Also, I'm supposedly open for questions in the comments, too. Woohoo. Ask me anything.

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