2: Jamie

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I was ready to start walking out of the hospital and I walked past Kamryn's room. I saw Amelia sitting in a chair while the girl slept. I opened the door and Amelia looked up.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," she said, "you going home?"
"Are you?" I asked.
"She wants me to stay, she's so scared," she said.
"Okay," I nodded, "where's the family?"
"CPS was talking to them," Amelia said, "come sit shes asleep." I sat down next to her on the couch and she looked at the little girl.
"She's been in here three times in the past month," Amelia said.
"What did CPS think of the parents?" I said.
"Arizona is talking to them," Amelia said.
"Okay," I said.
"I think her brother did this," Amelia said.
"What? The little boy who came in?" I said.
"She's afraid of male doctors, her heart rate increased rapidly when he came in, and she sounded like she wanted to tell me about him," Amelia said.
Her eyes started opening and her eyes widened when she saw Owen.
"Hey you're awake," I said.
"Who?" Kamryn said looking at Owen.
"This is Doctor Hunt," I said, "He's very nice."
"Like you?" She said.
"Yup, he's nice like me," I said.
"Where's Jamie?" Kamryn said.
"Jamie?" I said.
"My brother," She said.
"Oh he went home with your mom and dad," I said.
"Okay," she nodded.
"Do you want to talk about him?" I asked.
"No," she said.
"Is he mean to you?" I asked.
"I didn't fall down the stairs," she said.
"You didn't?" I said, trying to act surprised.
"Jamie and I were playing and he got super mad at me and he shoved me, I fell down the stairs and then my parents got mad that we had to go to the doctors," Kamryn said,
"Don't tell them I told you, they're already mad at me."
"I won't tell them sweetie," I said.
"Hey I'm going to head out okay?" Owen said.
"Okay," I said.
"Bye," Kamryn said quietly.
"Bye sweetie," he said. He closed the door and Kamryn turned to me.
"Is he your husband?" She asked.
"No," I chuckled.
"Boyfriend?" She asked.
"Nope, he's just my friend," I said.
"Why? You're so pretty," she said, which melted my heart.
"Thank you," I chuckled.
"Do you like him?" She asked.
"Why don't we just check your fluids," I chuckled, I mean I've thought of Owen and I together a million times, a million scenarios, but, it wouldn't happen, he was my best friend.
"Can I ask you a question?" I said. She nodded.
"Did you fall off the jungle gym at school a few weeks ago?" I asked.
"I'm clumsy," she said.
"You don't have to lie to me," I said.
"We were at the park and we both wanted to go on the red slide but he got so mad and he pushed me and I fell off the platform by the slide," she said. I could see tears falling down her face.
"Hey, hey it's okay," I said.
"They say I'm clumsy, it's my fault," she said.
"Who does honey?" I asked.
"My parents, well my foster parents," she said.
"Is he their foster child too?" I asked. She nodded.
"You don't have to answer this next question okay?" I said as I changed her IV bag. She nodded.
"Do your parents ever get angry like Jamie does?" I said.
"Yeah," she said.
"Do they push you like Jamie does?" I said. She shook her head no.
"They let him hit me though," she said. When she said that I felt my heart stop. This poor girl, she was so fragile.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"I'm just changing your fluids," I said, "see this ones empty."
"Oh," she said. The door opened and it was Arizona.
"Hi Miss Kamryn I heard you were awake," Arizona smiled, "your labs came back super duper good which means you can go home back to your bed soon okay?" I looked at Arizona and then she realized.
"Hey Kamryn I'm going to go talk to Doctor Robbins real quick okay?" I said. She nodded and I followed Arizona out of the room.
"It's her brother," she said.
"The little one who came in?" Arizona said.
"Jamie," I said, "She told me he gets mad at her sometimes and pushes or hits her, today he pushed her down the stairs, two weeks ago he pushed her off the playground, the parents just tell her she's clumsy and let it happen."
"Horrible foster parents," Arizona said, "and the social worker said they were cleared! We can't send her back."
"We can't," I sighed and looked at her in the bed.
"You gonna stay here tonight?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"She really likes you," she said.
"Yeah," I said, "I feel bad I don't want to leave her alone."
"Understood," Arizona said. I walked back into the room and Kamryn looked pretty sleepy.
"Do you want to go back to bed?" I said. She nodded yes. I sat down on the couch and she reached her arms out.
"You want a hug?" I smiled.
"Can you sleep here with me?" She asked.
"Sure honey," I said.
I walked into work and went past Kamryn's room. I saw Amelia asleep in the bed next to her. I was worried she was getting attached to Kamryn. Or kamryn was getting too attached to her. Amelia was my best friend, and I was worried she'd break when this girl got discharged.
"Hey do you know where Amelia is? I've been trying to reach her all morning," I heard. I turned to see Meredith. I motioned one the direction of Kamryn's room.
"Aw," Meredith said, "that's cute."
"Yeah," I said.
"Is that the little girl who was brought in last night? Arizona told me CPS is worried about her," Meredith said.
"Yeah, Arizona and Amelia think it's the foster brother," I said.
"That's horrible," Meredith sighed, "can they move her to another family?"
"I have no idea how that works," I said, "Arizona said the parents were cleared by them."
"Maybe it's just the brother," Meredith said.
"Yeah I don't know," I said.
"Make sure Amelia doesn't get attached to her," Meredith chuckled, "you know how she gets."
"Will do," I chuckled.
I opened my eyes and Kamryn was cuddled into me. She was adorable. I got up and left to go change into new scrubs and when I got back Arizona was talking to Kamryn and her family.
"You left," Kamryn said sadly when she looked at me.
"I'm sorry, I'm right here I just had to use the bathroom," I said.
"Can we take her home?" Her mom asked.
"We still need to observe her overnight tonight just to make sure her labs come back 100%," Arizona explained.
"Can we play?" Jamie asked. Arizona and I looked at each other and neither one of us knew what to say.
"Sure," the father said. I could feel my chest tighten up as I didn't want to let Kamryn alone with them.
"Honey you can go play with your brother if you want to," Arizona said, putting emphasis on the if.
"Okay," Kamryn nodded. She got up and her father rolled her IV pole and I looked at Arizona.
"We can't let her alone with him," I said.
"Amelia, we can't keep her from them, she said she wanted to go, they won't leave the hospital, and CPS cleared them, I'm sorry but we can't do anything more, I promise you I already told the nurses they cannot leave the Peds wing and I'm keeping an eye out for her," Arizona said.
"Arizona what if they hurt her!" I said.
"Amelia she said she wanted to go with them," Arizona sighed. I walked into the hallway and saw Owen.
"Hey you okay? Did you sleep here all night?" He asked.
"She let her go with them," I said.
"What?" He said as he put his hands on my shoulders.
"Arizona, she let Kamryn go with them around the hospital," I said.
"Didn't she put the Peds wing on alert for her?" Owen said, "nobody will let them touch her."
"I'm worried," I said.
"Come here," he said as he brought me into a hug.
"I'll keep an eye out for her okay?" He said.
"Okay," I nodded, "thank you." I was almost feeling better until I heard a child scream.

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