4: Too Attached

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I walked into work and knew Amelia was with Kamryn. She took 4 days off of work to be with her. I'm worried she's getting emotionally attached to her, and the same for Kamryn. I didn't know what was going to happen with her foster family or brother. I walked past her room and sure enough Amelia and Kamryn were both asleep in the bed.
"Owen," I heard Maggie say.
"Yeah?" I turned and saw her walking over to me.
"We need to talk about Amelia," Meredith said as she followed Maggie.
"She's getting too attached," I sighed.
"I'm worried what will happen to Amelia when Kamryn gets discharged," Maggie said.
"I know," I sighed.
"You're her best friend, try to talk to her," Meredith said.
"You're her sister," I chuckled.
"Yeah but Amelia and I already have our differences we don't need more," Meredith laughed.
"She has a point," Maggie said.
"Fine I'll talk to her," I said. We saw the same social worker again walking the halls.
"Is this Kamryn Jenson's room?" She asked.
"Yes, she's asleep right now," Maggie said.
"Okay, hello, I'm Miss Cauldwell, her social worker, I'll go wait over there for her to wake up," I said.
"What is going to happen to her?" Meredith asked.
"Social services wants to split her and the brother up, take both of them from their foster home and put them back into the system," She said.
"Together?" I asked.
"Since they aren't blood siblings they don't have to be fostered or adopted together, and social services will make sure they aren't," Cauldwell said.
"So she's just going to go from one foster home to another?" Meredith asked.
"Unfortunately it looks that way, her birth mother signed off all rights at birth, we've been in contact with her but she was a teen mom, now a college student, and the father is out of the picture, she doesn't want Kamryn back," Cauldwell said.
"Oh my gosh," Maggie said.
"There's nothing you can do for her?" I asked.
"She'll stay here until she's healed and good for discharge and there's nothing more I can do, we can't let her go back to those parents and brother," Cauldwell said. We all nodded and she went to sit in the waiting room.
"So I have to tell Amelia?" I said.
"Oh if you're offering that's great," Meredith said.
"Mer," Maggie said.
"Owen offered," Meredith said and walked off as her pager went off.
"Good luck," Maggie frowned as she went the other way. I looked at Amelia and Kamryn snuggled up and it was so cute, and I can't believe I was about to shatter Amelia's heart with this news.
I opened my eyes and Kamryn was asleep next to me. I got up and walked into the bathroom in her room and brushed my hair and changed into clothes I left here last night. When I opened the door she was awake and I smiled.
"Good morning," I smiled.
"Good morning," she said.
"Do you want to go get breakfast?" I asked. She nodded and we got up and when we opened the door I saw the social worker sitting in one of the chairs. Shit.
"Hi Miss Kamryn," Cauldwell said.
"Hello," Kamryn said.
"Can we talk again?" Cauldwell asked.
"Can I get breakfast with Amelia first?" Kamryn pouted.
"Sure, can you bring her right back here," Cauldwell asked me.
"Absolutely, we won't be long," I said. I walked down the hallway and I pushed Kamryn's IV pole into the cafeteria. She saw how many little kids and doctors there were here and I felt her cling to my leg.
"Hey," I said softly as I bent down to her height. She buried herself into me and I hugged her lightly to avoid hurting her.
"Hey you're okay, these are all nice people," I said.
"See look, thats Doctor Torres and Doctor Robbins with their little girl, a little girl like you, and there's my friend Doctor Hunt remember? And that's my sisters Meredith and Maggie. Everyone is nice here okay?" I said.
"Can I eat in my room?" Kamryn asked in a small voice.
"Of course sweetheart," I said and kissed the top of her head. She picked out a muffin and we walked back to her room where Miss Cauldwell was waiting for us.
"You have to wait outside, I'm sorry," she told me.
"It's okay," I said, "no problem."
"Where are you going?" Kamryn asked.
"I have to go check on a patient okay?" I said,
"You're going to stay here and talk to Miss Cauldwell like you did yesterday and I'll be right back okay?" She nodded but I could tell she was fighting tears.
"You're going to be okay I promise," I said. She nodded again and I left the room when I was met with Owen.
"We need to talk," he said.
"Okay," I said. We walked upstairs and neither one of us said a word until we got to his office.
"Sit," he said.
"Owen what's going on?" I said and sat down.
"I'm going to tell you something you aren't going to like," he said.
"Okay," I said.
"Kamryn has to go back into the system once she's discharged," he said. I felt my heart stop.
"What? No," I said, "she- she's so small, she's a little girl, she can't go back into the system! What if she gets shitty parents again!" By this point I was crying. He got up and wrapped his arms around me.
"I know," he said. The door opened and it was Meredith.
"Hey," Meredith said.
"She can't go back into the system!" I cried.
"Amelia," Meredith sighed, "it's the best they can do."
"What if I take her?" I said.
"Like kidnapping? Because trust me I tried with Zola and it's not always the best with a social worker," Meredith chuckled.
"What if I like fostered her, can't I do that?" I said.
"Once again I kidnapped Zola so my process wasn't exactly normal," Meredith said. Owen was still holding me tightly and I was still crying. Meredith rubbed my back and I didn't know what I wanted to do, I mean Kamryn couldn't get bad parents again, but was I ready to have a kid?
"I don't want her to go back," I said.
"Amelia, just think about your decision, this is a big decision," Owen said.
"I'm impulsive! I do this for a living! You know that," I said.
"She's right," Meredith said, "but this is a child."
"I know," I said, "I can't do it can I? I mean me as a mom?"
"I think you'd make a good mom," Owen said.
"You wouldn't be a bad mom," Meredith said.
"Should I talk to the social worker?" I said.
"I think it would be best," Meredith said.
"Okay," I said.
"Are you really doing this?" Meredith smiled.
"I don't know," I panicked.
"She's loves you Amelia," Owen said, "she really does."
"She never wants to leave your side," Meredith said.
"What if I just foster her first, see if she likes me?" I said, "see if she likes it here?"
"That's a good idea," Meredith said, "see if she adjusts."
"Should I do this?" I said.
"I think you should," Owen said.
"Really?" I said.
"Yeah," Meredith said, "go talk to the social worker."

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