100: New Kid

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I guess Luke was now my boyfriend. The date went really really well, I loved it. Jenny, Luke, and I were walking into school together.
"I'll see you guys later," Luke said and went his separate way, but before he left he kissed my cheek.
"So I'm assuming the date went well?" Jenny asked.
"It did," I said.
"Ok well I love you and my brother, and I like the idea of you two together, but I don't need to hear all the mushy details," Jenny chuckled.
"I'll spare you," I laughed as we walked down to the hallway and got to Jenny's locker.
"I told him he better treat you right, I'll kill him if he doesn't," Jenny said.
"Okay," I chuckled, "I know it might be hard to believe because he's your brother, but he is a gentleman."
"I don't believe it," Jenny laughed, "my brother and your boyfriend will never be the same person in my mind."
"Understandable," I chuckled. We finished grabbing our books at our lockers and walked upstairs.
"Oh by the way I have a club after school so it's just going to be you and Luke on the way home, not that you mind that now," she said.
"Shut up," I said.
"I'm just playing," she said, "make out for however long you want as long as I'm not there."
"Jenny!" I said.
"Love you Kam, I'll see you later," she said.
"Love you too, see ya," I said. We walked to our classes and I sat down in my spanish class. I was writing down something in my planner when my teacher said something.
"We have a new student today," my teacher said, "everyone, welcome Jamie to Spanish 1." I froze. I looked up and it was him. It had to be him. The blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, faded freckles. It had to be him. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I watched him sit down and my teacher took attendance. I couldn't focus. The bell rang and I got up.
"Hey," jamie said.
"Hey," I said.
"It's been a while," he said.
"Yeah Uh, sorry I have to get to my next class I'm going to be late," I said and avoided eye contact.
"Can't you show me to my next class?" He asked as he grabbed my wrist. I froze.
"Where is it?" I said.
"C29," he said.
"Okay," I nodded. I was so scared of him. He let go of my wrist as we walked down the hallway and I showed him his classroom.
"So I guess I'll be seeing you around," he said.
"Leave me alone," I said and turned around and walked down the hallway. Today was a horrible day.
"Okay guys time to get ready for school," I said as I walked downstairs and Noah and Ellie were playing video games.
"Is mommy at work?" Noah asked.
"Yup," I said, "and you two are going to be late if you don't stop playing Mario Kart so let's eat some breakfast."
"Daddy can we have pancakes?" Ellie asked and got up and followed me into the kitchen.
"Sure," I said. Noah came into the kitchen and I made breakfast. The three of us ate breakfast and then they got dressed and ready for school. They came back downstairs and I grabbed their lunches from the refrigerator and put them into their lunchboxes and then their backpacks.
"Okay so what are we going to do at school today?" I asked.
"Not let Marcus be mean," Ellie said, "but Noah isn't going to get in trouble and hit him either."
"That's right," I said, "nobody can bring the two of you down because you're amazing little kids who deserve the world okay?" They both nodded. We got in the car and I started driving to their school.
"Daddy guess what," Noah said.
"What buddy?" I said.
"I have music again so I might pass another recorder test!" He said, he loved music so much and it was so cute.
"That's awesome buddy, what is that, 8 belts?" I asked. He nodded.
"You remembered!" He said.
"Of course I did," I said, "Ellie what do you have going on today."
"I have gym," she said.
"Well that's cool, you'll get to play a bunch of games," I said.
"Yeah," she nodded, "I think we're playing soccer."
"That's fun," I said. I parked at the school and they got out.
"Have a good day," I said, "I love you guys."
"Love you daddy!" They giggled as they walked into school. I hoped today would be a better day for them.
I couldn't focus all day, but I couldn't call my parents, they were at work and probably saving lives, but I was panicking. He lived in town. Did he know where I lived? The final bell rang and I got to my locker so quickly.
"Hey," Jenny said, I practically jumped because she scared me.
"You alright?" She asked.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I said.
"Alright," she said, "well I have art club so I'll see you tomorrow."
"See ya, I'll text you later," I said. She smiled and walked the other way. I closed my locker and I saw Jamie walking down the hallway. I had to find Luke. I had to get home. I had to tell someone. I knew where Luke's locker so I found him. I tried acting cool but I was freaking out so much.
"Hey," he said, "how was your day?"
"Good," I lied, "how was yours?"
"Pretty good, better that you're here though," he said and kissed me. I smiled as he put his arm around me. We walked out to the school parking lot and got in Luke's car. I pulled out my phone and texted my mom.
"Need to talk can Luke drop me off at the hospital?" I sent.
"Sure, boy drama?" She sent. I ignored it and looked out the window.
"Can you drop me off at the hospital?" I asked, but my voice broke.
"What's wrong?" He said. I couldn't stop the tears from coming out of my eyes. I couldn't tell Luke. He didn't know I was adopted, only Jenny did because I hated talking about it. I hated Jamie.
"Kamryn what's wrong?" He said and stroked my cheek with his thumb, "did I do something? Did something happen today? Did you and Jenny fight?"
"There's this new kid in my spanish class," I said.
"Okay," he said.
"And he, he was my old foster brother, and he abused me," I said quietly.
"Kamryn I'm so sorry, did you tell anyone?" He said, "did he do anything to you today?" I shook head no.
"I need my mom," I said crying.
"Okay," he said, "I'll get you to the hospital okay."
"Okay," I said, "thank you."
"It'll all be okay, I'm sure your parents will figure something out, I bet if they just tell the school what happened when he was living with you guys they would move his classes," Luke said.
"He didn't live with us," I said.
"What," he said confused.
"I'm adopted," I said, "uh, my birth mom is kinda crazy, my birth dad left when he found out my mom was pregnant with me, so she put me up for adoption because she was a teen mom. I was placed with this family with Jamie, the boy that abused me, and I lived with them for about 4 years, and then the injuries got so bad that I ended up in the hospital 3 times in one month. The doctors totally noticed and started questioning me, and one of the doctors was super caring and nice, and I was instantly attached to her. That doctor was Amelia, my mom, she fostered me after that and eventually adopted me. Her and Owen weren't together yet, although they definitely liked each other but I don't know, it was weird back then, they had no idea what they wanted, but eventually they got married, and then Owen adopted me too, and they became my parents and had Ellie and Noah."
"Wow," Luke said, "I didn't know that, I'm so sorry Jamie did that to you, if he ever gives me a problem tell me okay?"
"Okay," I nodded. He parked at the hospital and I took a deep breath.
"Thank you and I'm sorry for being such a mess," I said.
"You aren't a mess," he said, "you're strong."
I was sitting in my office when the door opened. I put my files away and looked up and it was Kamryn. It was obvious she had been crying.
"What's wrong?" I said and I got up and hugged her tightly.
"Jamie's at my school," she sobbed.
"WHAT?" I said.
"He's at my school mom, he's in my spanish class," she sobbed, "he talked to me today, I don't know what to do, and I-I told Luke about him."
"Okay honey just calm down okay, we'll figure this out," I said and pulled her into a hug, "we'll figure this out like we always do."

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