104: Movie Night

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We got home from the lake and we were going to watch a family movie tonight. Today was so much fun. Family time was really long overdue.
"Amelia," Owen said as I walked into the bedroom.
"Yeah?" I said.
"I was gonna shower before the movie," he said, "care to join?"
"Yeah," I smiled. He smirked and grabbed my hand as he pulled me into the bathroom. I giggled as he started kissing me.
"Today was fun," he said.
"It was," I smiled.
"You're horrible at football," he teased.
"I know," I chuckled as he pulled my shirt over my head and we got in the shower.
"I love you honey," he said as he kissed me.
"I love you too," I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.
Owen and I got out of the shower and we wrapped towels around ourselves.
"I like family day," I said, "we needed it."
"We did," Owen said, "it was really fun."
"Yeah, I think the kids had fun right?" I said.
"Yes," Owen said, "they definitely did." I changed into sweats and a T-shirt and I felt Owens arms wrap around my waist.
"Hi," I smiled.
"Hi," he said and kissed my cheek. We walked downstairs and the kids were on the couch.
"Mommy can we make popcorn?" Noah asked as he jumped off the couch and ran over and hugged me.
"Sure buddy," I smiled and we walked into the kitchen. I grabbed the popcorn and put it in the microwave.
"Bud why don't you go grab some bowls?" I asked.
"Okay," he said and went to the pantry to grab a few bowls. I popped popcorn and then went back into the living room where Owen and the girls were. Noah and I passed out popcorn and I took my spot next to Owen. He put his arm around me and I leaned into him. I felt him kiss my head and I smiled.
"Mommy I want to snuggle," Ellie complained.
"Well there's plenty of room for you too," I said and reached my arms out for her. She came over and snuggled into me. I rubbed back as she nuzzled into me and I smiled. Owen started the movie as we all got comfy on the couch.
The five of us were watching a movie and it was so nice. I loved my family so much. Amelia was snuggled into me and Ellie was snuggled into her. Kamryn and Noah were sitting on the other couch across from us.
The credits were rolling and I'm pretty sure Noah and Ellie were fast asleep, and Amelia was probably next.
"Amelia," I whispered in her ear.
"Yeah?" She responded softly.
"You awake?" I chuckled. She nodded as she leaned up and kissed my cheek. We shut the movie off and I carried Ellie and Noah upstairs and tucked them into bed. I closed both of their doors and turned back into the hallway and Kamryn was walking upstairs.
"Night dad," she said.
"Goodnight sweet pea," I said.
"Love you," she said.
"Love you too," I said.
"Is your mother still downstairs?" I asked.
"Yeah," she nodded.
"Alright thanks," I said. I walked downstairs and saw Amelia laying on the couch on her phone.
"Hey," I said.
"Hi," she giggled. I laid down next to her and she put her phone down and smiled. I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was.
"I love our family," she said.
"I do too," I said. I thought about today, and how good it felt after the past few weeks. I loved Amelia and my kids so much, and although we had ups and downs and struggles, I wouldn't want it any other way. I love them with my whole heart.


Okay so I just wanna say thank you guys for so much love and support on this story. It's my longest story I've ever written and I'm so glad you guys enjoyed it. Please check out my newest story: Roommates, which will be updated shortly after this is posted. Thank you guys!

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