40: The Wedding

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Wow. Today was the day. I was marrying Owen. It came all so quickly, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I was nervous though. Nervous as hell. I was in the bathroom at the venue getting ready with Meredith, Maggie, Addison, and Charlotte. Kamryn and Zola were getting their makeup done and Bailey and Ellis were with my mom and Evelyn. My makeup and hair was already done and I looked in the mirror and I was so happy. I was marrying the love of my life.
"Alright are you ready to put your dress on soon?" Addison smiled, I haven't seen her and Charlotte in a while and it was so good to see them.
"What if it doesn't fit?" I said nervously.
"Amelia your dress is going to fit," Maggie said.
"What if it doesn't?" I panicked.
"Amelia, we are not panicking today, were not thinking of worst case scenarios today okay? Everything has been planned and is going smoothly, just take a deep breath, this is your day," Charlotte smiled and hugged me.
"Exactly, stop stressing for maybe an hour or two," Meredith laughed and hugged me, "it's all going to go well."
"What if he says no," I said, "what if he doesn't want to marry me."
"Amelia I think that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth," Charlotte said, "I haven't know Owen for that long, but he's clearly crazy about you."
"Yeah seriously amelia he's not going to back out," Maggie said.
I was nervous as hell.
"You look very handsome," my mom smiled.
"Thank you," I said.
"Owen!" I heard. The door opened and it was Megan.
"Megan aren't you supposed to be with Amelia?" I chuckled.
"Yeh but," she chuckled, "she wanted me to come check on you."
"Okay," I chuckled, "how is she?"
"Looking as beautiful as ever," Megan smiled, "lucky man."
"She always is," I smiled, "where's Nathan?"
"He's with Bailey and Ellis," she said, "are you nervous? You look nervous."
"Thanks Meg," I chuckled.
"Are you nervous? It's normal to be nervous," my mom said.
"Yeah I'm a little nervous," I chuckled.
"Don't be," my mom said and gave me a hug, "you have nothing to worry about."
"What if I'm not a good husband?" I said.
"If you're half as good of a husband as you are a big brother, I think you're in pretty good shape," Megan smiled.
"You'll be a good husband Owen," my mom said.
"Get those nerves out now before the ceremony," Megan chuckled.
"I just want everything to go right," I said, "and for Amelia not to be stressed because I know she is equally as nervous and stressed as me right now and Megan can you tell her I love her and she needs to stop worrying."
"Will do," Megan said.
"Everything will be fine, we're right on schedule," my mom said.
Nerves. Nerves. Nerves. God I was so fucking nervous. You'd think it would just be easy to get up in front of everyone and marry the love of your life. It's not. It's so not. It's so stressful. I was looking at the schedule and we were on time. We were. I had nothing to worry about, except my sisters, not Mer and Maggie, Elizabeth, Kathleen, and Nancy.
"Can you put that damn schedule down and put your dress on already?" Meredith chuckled.
"Yes," I chuckled. The door opened and it was Megan and Nathan with Zola and Kamryn.
"Mama! You look so pretty!" Kamryn smiled as she hugged me. I picked her up and smiled.
"Look at you and Zola! You two are also super pretty," I said and they smiled. Their matching dresses were adorable and they had matching eyeshadow on. They were so cute.
"Owen sent a message," Megan said, "he told you to stop worrying about everything, and that he loves you."
"Thanks," I said, "tell him I love him too."
"Are you two really making me the messenger right now?" Megan laughed.
"Yes go," I chuckled and she hugged me on her way out. The door opened again and it was my mom.
"Hey," I smiled as she hugged me.
"Are you excited? You look gorgeous," she said.
"Yes, and thank you," I smiled, "are they here?"
"You have nothing to worry about, I just talked to them, and you have my permission to kick them out if they do anything rude or inappropriate."
"Really?" I laughed.
"Yup," she chuckled.
"That's a lot of power," I laughed.
"Use it wisely," she said.
"Thanks," I chuckled, "I love you."
"I love you too," she smiled.
"Okay Amelia I'm not joking get in this dress or I'm dragging you down the isle," Meredith laughed.
"Yes okay I'm going," I smiled and ran into the bathroom with Mer.
"What if-" I started.
"I swear to god if you say if it doesn't fit," Meredith laughed, "shut up, you stress too much, how does Owen put up with you?"
"Hey," I chuckled. I heard her zip the dress and I looked in the mirror.
"It fits," I smiled.
"Of course it does," Meredith chuckled, "and you look stunning, stop worrying, and go marry your man alright?"
"Okay," I smiled, "thanks Mer, love you."
"Love you too," she said.
It was time. She was going to come down the isle with Carolyn and the bridesmaids any minute. I was so nervous, but so excited. Amelia was going to be my wife soon. I'm so happy. The doors opened and first Meg and Nathan walked down, then Addison and Jake, Charlotte and Cooper, and then Meredith and Maggie, since both of them didn't want a +1 to the wedding. Then I saw her. Amelia. God she was beautiful. She was gorgeous. My eyes couldn't leave her. Her dress was stunning too. I could feel myself tearing up. She finally got to the alter and I smiled.
"Hi," she said quietly.
"Hi," I whispered, "you're so stunning." She smiled and put her hands in mine. I was marrying the love of my life today.
"And do you, Owen Hunt, take this woman, Amelia Shepherd, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better and for worse, for sickness and in health, till death do your part?" The priest said.
"I do," I smiled at Amelia.
"And do you, Amelia Shepherd, take this man, Owen Hunt, to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better and for worse, doe sickness and in health, till death do your part?" The priest said.
"I do," Amelia smiled.
"You may kiss the bride," the priest said. I leaned forward as Amelia wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I love you," I said softly.
"I love you too, my husband," she smiled as I kissed her.

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