70: First Birthday

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2 months later
Today was Ellie's first birthday! I was so excited. I know she's still super small and probably won't grasp what's going on around her, but we're throwing a party for her. I'm so excited! My baby girl is already 1. Crazy stuff. Something else that's crazy is that Owen and I's third baby is on the way, and he doesn't know yet. I found out last month I was expecting, and I wanted to wait until now to tell Owen, Kamryn, and the rest of the family as a surprise. I'm the only one that knows which is crazy. Maybe sometimes I can keep a secret? Anyway, we were decorating the house for Ellie's birthday. Owen was helping Kamryn with balloons, and I was putting out the table cloths. I looked at the baby monitor on the counter and as I looked over crying started.
"Well the birthday girl is awake," I chuckled. The three of us walked upstairs and I opened the door to the nursery. Owen picked her up and I smiled.
"Happy Birthday little one," Owen smiled.
"Happy First Birthday Ellie," I smiled and kissed her cheek.
"Happy Birthday!" Kamryn smiled, "she's so big now."
"She is," I said, "a whole year old!"
"Can we show her all the balloons?" Kamryn begged.
"We sure can," Owen said. The three of us walked back downstairs and we were done decorating. Balloons, streamers, table cloths, and cake in the fridge. Ellie's face lit up at the balloons and she made little happy squeals since she doesn't really talk yet. She reached for the balloon and hugged it. I took a picture of her and it was so cute.
"Ellie can you say balloon?" Kamryn asked.
"Why don't we start with a shorter word," I chuckled.
"Dada!" Ellie said as she pointed to Owen.
"Oh my gosh Ellie," I smiled, "you said your first word!"
"Ellie who's that?" Owen asked as he pointed at me.
"Ma?" Ellie said.
"That's right thats mama," Owen said, "can you say mama."
"Ma," Ellie said.
"Mama," Owen chuckled.
"Mama," Ellie said cutely as she reached for me.
"Okay Ellie one more question," I said as I held her, "who is that?" I pointed to Kamryn and she looked at me.
"Can you say Kamryn?" I asked.
"K-Kam," she said softly.
"That's right," I smiled and kissed her head.
"Dada!" She said again. She was so adorable. I can't believe we just witnessed her first words.
"She can talk now," Kamryn smiled.
"She can," I smiled.
Everyone was over now, and Ellie was showing everyone her new words. She was so cute. Kamryn, Bailey, Ellis, and Zola were in Kamryn's room playing toys. Everyone was talking in the kitchen and it was fun.
"Hey mom," I smiled as she hugged me.
"Hey," she smiled, "I see Ellie is talking now!"
"She said her first words this morning," I smiled.
"She is just adorable," she said, "she looks just like you."
"I know," I smiled, "can you do me a favor?" We walked into the hallway and she nodded.
"Sure," she said, "what's up."
"Okay, so, it's a weird request but don't ask okay? When we're singing to Ellie with the cake, I need you to take a picture of Kamryn, Owen, Ellie, and I okay?" I said.
"That's not a weird request," my mom chuckled.
"I'm not done," I chuckled, "when you do you have to say 'look at this adorable family of four' okay?"
"Okay," my mom said, "why are you prompting me?"
"Mom just trust me okay?" I said, "so what are you saying?"
"Look at this adorable family of four?" My mom said.
"Yes," I smiled.
"Okay, you're so weird sometimes you know that right?" My mom laughed.
"It'll make sense later okay?" I chuckled.
"Okay," she said, "it better."
We were now doing to sing Happy Birthday to Ellie. Everyone was here, my mon, Carolyn, Meredith, Maggie, and the kids. It was really nice. Amelia our Ellie in her high chair so she could see the cake.
"Okay baby it's time to sing happy birthday okay?" Amelia smiled. I lit the candles on the cake and Kamryn stood next to me. Everyone sang and we clapped for Ellie. I can't believe she's one today, and she said her first three real words this morning! This day was truly amazing, and I got to spend it with my family.
"Okay picture time," Evelyn said. Amelia smiled at me and I put my arm around her as the girls were in front of us.
"Look at this adorable family of four," Carolyn smiled as she took a picture of us.
"Well actually," Amelia said, "soon to be family of five." I looked at her shocked.
"You're pregnant?" I said. She nodded and grinned.
"I'm pregnant," Amelia smiled. I couldn't contain my smile and I picked her up and hugged her.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she smiled and kissed me.
"Another baby?" Kamryn asked.
"Yup," I smiled, "another little baby in the family." Kamryn smiled and hugged me.
"Congratulations!" My mom smiled and hugged us, "oh this is a wonderful day."
"It made sense! Congrats!" Carolyn chuckled as she hugged Amelia.
"What made sense?" I chuckled.
"Why I made my mom say 'look at this adorable family of four'" Amelia chuckled, "without any explanation."
"You're too cute," I smiled and hugged her. Mer and Maggie hugged us along with the kids and congratulated us. I can't believe it, a soon to be family of five.

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