10: Kindergarten

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Yesterday I spent all day organizing Kamryn's transfer to school. She was starting kindergarten today with Bailey, and the principal of the school put them in the same class so at least they'll Kamryn will have a familiar face, but I'm going to let that be a surprise so she's happy when she gets there. I could tell she was super nervous about going, she was really nervous about the other kids. She was drinking her apple juice at the kitchen table and I smiled at how adorable she was.
"What hand do you write with?" I asked.
"Right," she said, well that was good because her sling was on her left arm.
"So you can still write and color today at school," I said.
"Are you picking me up when school is over?" She asked.
"Of course I am, I'll be waiting for you at the school, and then we can get lunch, and you can tell me all about you day okay?" I smiled.
"Okay," she smiled. Kindergarten was only from 8-12:30. I was going to work from 8:15-12, which gave me time for a craniotomy and I would hopefully start back at work tomorrow assuming everything goes well with Kamryn today at school.
"Okay sweet pea go get dressed for school," I said, looking at the clock and it was already 7:30.
"Okay," she said.
"If you need help I'll be down the hall okay?" I said.
"Okay!" She said. She seemed excited, I hoped I calmed her nerves last night about going, and hopefully seeing Bailey in her class she'll realize the kids aren't going to hurt her like Jamie. I cleaned our breakfast dishes and grabbed my laptop bag and keys.
"Kammie honey are you almost ready?" I said. She opened the door and she was wearing a cute pink dress with tights.
"Look at you!" I smiled.
"Can you do my hair?" She asked.
"Sure, come sit on the bed," I said. She ran over to her bed and sat down and I sat behind her.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Ponytail!" She giggled. I smiled and pulled her hair into a ponytail and then she got up and ran to the door. We walked out of the lobby of my complex and into my car. I buckled her in the backseat and put her backpack on the floor. I drove over to the school and parked in the parking lot and turned to look at Kamryn.
"Okay Kammie you ready for your first day?" I asked. She nodded but I could tell she was scared. I opened the door and I unbuckled her.
"Okay you ready?" I smiled as I picked her up.
"Yeah," she said. I bent down to her head and kissed the top of her head.
"Remember what we talked about, the kids are going to be super nice here and you're going to have so much fun, and then we can go to lunch and talk about it okay?" I said.
"Okay," she smiled.
"And be careful on your arm okay?" I said. She nodded. I grabbed her bag and we walked into the school where the principal was waiting for us.
"Hello, I'm Principal Rachel Miller," she smiled, "and you must be Miss Kamryn." Kamryn instantly became super shy and grabbed my leg.
"Hey, it's okay, you can say hi," I said, "I spoke to he on the phone yesterday, she's super nice I promise." Kamryn looked up at me and nodded.
"Do you want to walk down to class with us?" Miller asked me. I nodded and the three of us walked down the hall.
"Okay Miss Kamryn, here's your classroom, and there's your teacher, Mrs. Williams," Miller said, "she's super nice, and she's very excited to see you."
"She is?" Kamryn asked.
"Yup, why don't you go meet her?" Miller smiled. Kamryn nodded and grabbed my hand.
"Okay but after this I have to go to work okay?" I chuckled.
"Okay," Kamryn said. I walked over and Mrs.Williams smiled.
"You must be Kamryn," she smiled.
"Hello," Kamryn said.
"Why don't you put your bag in the empty cubby over there and then we're going to get started with today's lesson okay?" She smiled.
"Okay!" Kamryn smiled and walked over to the cubby.
"You must be Miss Shepherd," she smiled.
"Yes," I smiled, "it's good to meet you in person." As I had only talked to her in the phone previously.
"You too! I promise she is in good hands, and once she sees bailey everyone will be okay," she reassured, "you have nothing to worry about."
"Thank you," I said. Kamryn ran back over to me and I hugged her.
"Okay well mama has to go to work okay?" I said. She nodded and I kissed her head.
"Bye I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she smiled and then went off with her teacher. I walked into the hallway and Principle Miller smiled at me.
"She's in very good hands," she reassured me.
I was scrubbing out of a surgery and I saw Amelia doing the same across from me. I waited and she opened the door and took her scrub cap off and saw me.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," she said, "Kamryn went to school today!"
"That's exciting," I said.
"Yup, and I thought she was going to cry," she chuckled, "but when I left I wanted to cry."
"It's only kindergarten, it'll be like what, 4 hours?" I said.
"Yeah, I just hope she's okay," she said, "I have to go pick her up at 12:30."
"I'm sure she's having fun," I said.
"Yeah," she said, "and guess what."
"What?" I said.
"She calls me mama," she smiled.
"That's cute," I said.
"Mhm," she smiled, and all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss her, but I knew she didn't want a relationship, but I wanted her. We got in the elevator and I turned to her and she looked at me and smiled. I pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and grabbed her face and we passionately started making out. We heard the elevator ding and we stopped and she smiled.
"I could get used to that," she said.
"Me too," I said as we walked out together.
I looked at my phone and it was almost 12:10.
"Alright I have to go pick up Kamryn," I said.
"Are you coming back to work?" Owen asked.
"We're going to go get lunch and then I have to come back for some paper work, I'll probably bring her here," I said.
"Okay," he said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and went and changed out of my scrubs and walked out to my car, I just hoped her first day went well.

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