22: Family Time

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Don't be nervous. Don't be nervous. Don't be nervous. Shit. I was so fucking nervous. I'm sure Owen saw it. He can read me so easily. I parked on his moms street and got out and unbuckled Kamryn. Owen got out on the other side and I kissed her head. She held my hand as we walked around the car.
"Hey Amelia," Owen said.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Stop being nervous," he said.
"I-I no I'm not," I chuckled.
"Yeah okay," he said and put his arm around me. Owen rang the doorbell and his mom opened the door and smiled.
"Oh my gosh hi!" She smiled and hugged Owen and then me, "you must be Kamryn!"
"Hi," Kamryn said shyly and waved.
"Oh come in," she said and Owen and I took our jackets off.
"It is so good to see you two finally together," Evelyn smiled at us, "it feels right."
"It does," Owen said and grabbed my hand. I smiled and I felt my nerves ease.
Amelia was really nervous. I could tell. My mom loved her though. Kamryn was in the other room watching TV while we waited for dinner to be done.
"So how did you guys get together?" My mom asked. I chuckled and turned to Amelia.
"When I found out I was able to foster Kamryn I got so excited that I kissed Owen," Amelia chuckled.
"Yeah," I chuckled, "then I took her out in a date and we've been dating ever since." I smiled at Amelia and she smiled back.
"I have always wanted you two together!" My mom smiled.
"My mom said the same thing," I chuckled. She smiled at us and I realized I had nothing to worry about, it was going to be okay.
I adored Amelia. I have and I always will. I've always thought her and Owen would be a close match, especially since they were such close friends for so long, they knew each other well. Amelia fostered and adopted a little girl recently, and she is the cutest thing. Amelia told me about her backstory and my heart ached for the little girl, but Amelia was certainly such a good mother for her, I could tell by the way they interacted. Kamryn also seemed like she really liked Owen too, it was like a little family, so freakin cute. Amelia was watching cartoons with Kamryn while dinner was cooking and I walked over to Owen who was watching them from the dining room.
"Kamryn seems like she likes you," I said.
"Yeah," Owen smiled, "Amelia says the same."
"Well that's good isn't it?" I said.
"Yeah it is," Owen smiled.
"They're both so cute," I said.
"They are," Owen said, and in that moment I knew he was in love with Amelia. I suspected it for years but I saw it right then and there.
"I'm going to marry that girl one day," Owen said and turned to me and I smiled.
"You better," I chuckled, "Nobody has ever made you this happy."
Dinner went well. I could tell Amelia's nerves went away. My mom adored Amelia and Kamryn, which I was glad. She had no reason to be nervous but I understand. We finished dinner and Kamryn looked awfully tired. She cling to Amelia and Amelia was running her fingers through her hair. She was such a good mother to her.
"Hey do you want to head out? My mom would understand," I said in her ear looking at Kamryn.
"Yeah," Amelia nodded, "hey Kamryn."
"Mhm?" Kamryn said.
"We're going to say goodbye to Owen's mommy Evelyn now okay?" I said.
"Okay," Kamryn said sweetly. I smiled at them and I found my mom in the kitchen.
"Thank you so much for dinner," I smiled.
"Oh you're welcome," my mom smiled, "Is kamryn tired?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"It was really nice seeing you guys," my mom said.
"Thank you for dinner," Amelia smiled as she came in with Kamryn.
"Oh you're welcome honey," My mom said and hugged her.
"Thank you," Kamryn said sweetly.
"Oh you're welcome sweetheart, it was so nice meeting you," My mom smiled and gave her a hug. Amelia and I smiled at each other. Amelia and I helped my mom clean up and then we walked out to Amelia's car. Amelia buckled Kamryn in her car seat and I drove back over to her apartment. We got to her door and Amelia unlocked it and I followed her in. She tucked Kamryn in bed and came back out.
"Thanks for a good nice," she smiled.
"I told you that you didn't have to be nervous," I said and kissed her, "my moms loved you both."
"Aw I love your mom," she said. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her passionately.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" I said in between kissed.
"Yeah, definitely," she said. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
"Good night Owen," She smiled.
"Good night Amelia," I said.

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