71: Another Baby

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We were cleaning up after Ellie's party. It was so much fun, and I successfully surprised everyone with the pregnancy. Ellie was sitting in her high chair and she looked really tired. I figured I could give her a bath and she would fall asleep soon.
"I'm gonna go give Ellie a bath before bed," I said.
"Okay," Owen said. I picked up Ellie and walked upstairs. I got the bath ready and she giggled.
"Did you have a good first birthday?" I asked.
"Mama!" She giggled and splashed the water. I smiled and finished her bath. I wrapped her in a warm towel and then changed her into her favorite pair of pajamas.
"Wanna go say good night to Daddy and Kamryn?" I asked.
"woodnight?" She said softly. I chuckled, everything almost started with a 'W' now. I walked downstairs and Kamryn was watching TV on the couch.
"Kamryn Ellie wants to say good night," I said.
"Kamwin!" Ellie pointed.
"That's right!" I smiled and kissed her head,
"That's Kamryn."
"She knows me name," Kamryn smiled.
"Woodnight," Ellie said as she snuggled into me.
"Good night," Kamryn smiled. I walked into the kitchen and Owen was washing dishes.
"Hey Ellie," I said and pointed to Owen, "Who's that?"
"Dada!" She giggled.
"Hey princess," Owen smiled as he turned around. He dried his hands and came over to us.
"Did you have a good birthday?" He asked.
"Dada!" She smiled and started bouncing.
"What did you want to say to dada?" I said. She looked at me confused.
"Can you say goodnight?" I asked.
"Woodnight," she said softly.
"Goodnight Ellie," Owen said as he kissed her head. I brought her upstairs and put her in her crib. I rubbed her back until she fell asleep. She was adorable. I turned the baby monitor on and walked downstairs.
"Mama I'm tired too," Kamryn said. I looked at the clock and it was almost 8:30.
"You wanna go to bed?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said. Owen came out of the kitchen and Kamryn smiled.
"Daddy can you carry me?" Kamryn asked.
"Where? To bed?" He chuckled.
"Please," Kamryn said.
"Yes come here," he said. She jumped into his arms and lifted her up. She giggled as Owen ran up the stairs and I smiled. We tucked her in bed and said goodnight. She was so cute. We walked back into our bedroom and Owen grabbed my waist and hugged me.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I said.
"And I love you," Owen smiled as he pointed to me stomach. I grinned and kissed his cheek.
"Hopefully it's a little boy," I said.
"Yeah," Owen said, "but it wouldn't be horrible to have 3 girls."
"Yeah," I smiled. We both laid down and Owen put his head on my stomach. I smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair.
"How long did you know?" Owen asked.
"I found out about a month ago," I said.
"You kept a secret for a whole month?" Owen chuckled.
"I did," I smiled.
"That's insane," Owen said, "never thought I'd see the day." I chuckled and rubbed his back. He kissed my stomach and then came back up and snuggled into me.
"So when should we get an ultrasound?" Owen asked.
"Next week?" I asked. He nodded.
"Are you nervous?" He said.
"A little," I said, "what if something is wrong?" He sat up and kissed my head.
"Think positively," he said and put his arm around me.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," he said.

time skip- a week later

We were getting our first ultrasound today. I was really nervous. I was scared something could be wrong. Even though Eliana is beautiful and perfectly healthy, that didn't guarantee anything for this baby. I'm so scared. I got dressed and Owen did the same and I went to go see if Kamryn was awake. I opened her door and she was sitting at her desk playing on her iPad.
"Good morning," I smiled.
"Good morning mama!" She said and hugged me.
"Guess what daddy and I are doing today," I said.
"The Doctor is taking a picture inside your tummy right?" She said excited.
"That's right," I smiled.
"You'll bring them home right? So Ellie and I can look?" She said.
"Of course, just like we brought home pictures of Ellie home," I said.
"Are you going to see if the baby is a boy or girl?" She asked.
"Not today, it's still too early," I said.
"Oh okay," she nodded.
"Grandma is coming to watch you and your sister while daddy and I go to the hospital," I said.
"Why can't I come," she pouted, "I want to see the baby too."
"Maybe another time okay?" I said. She nodded. I heard the doorbell ring and I ran downstairs and opened it to Evelyn.
"Good morning!" I smiled and hugged her.
"Oh good morning dear," she smiled, "are you excited?"
"So excited," I smiled.
"Say hi to my little grandson or granddaughter for me okay?" She smiled.
"Will do," I said.
"Hey mom," Owen smiled as he hugged her.
The first ultrasound. I was so excited. I sat sitting in the table as Carina got the machine ready.
"Alright you guys, you ready to see baby number three?" She smiled.
"Yup," I smiled as I squeezed Owen's hand.
"And there's your baby," she smiled as she pointed to the monitor.
"So small," I giggled as Owen kissed my forehead.
"It looks like you're only about 6 or 7 weeks into your pregnancy," Carina said.
"Okay," I nodded, "and the baby is healthy?" She looked around on the monitor to double check.
"Perfectly healthy," she nodded.
"That's awesome," Owen smiled at me. I smiled and kissed him. Carina printed pictures for us and I was so happy. Another healthy baby.

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