81: Noah Ryan

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Panic time. I was freaking out. I was still fucking driving.
"Ow," I said as I bit my lip and pulled into the parking spot. I looked down and sure enough my water broke. I gripped the steering wheel as I felt a contraction.
"Kamryn you need to do mommy a really big favor okay?" I said and looked at her.
"Okay," Kamryn said.
"Can you go through the hospital doors and tell the first doctor you see that I'm in labor?" I said.
"Baby brother is coming?" She smiled.
"Yes and I need you to go find someone okay?" I said, "be careful and safe and come right back here okay? It doesn't have to be Auntie Mer or Maggie okay? Just the first doctor you see."
"Okay," she said. I unlocked the car and she jumped out and ran inside.
"Ow," I groaned as the kicks, well now contractions were getting stronger.
"Mommy ou okay?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah," I said, "mommy's okay." I needed Owen. I saw Kamryn come out with Meredith and Arizona. Meredith opened the door and I knew she could read the panic on my face.
"You're going to be okay," she said, "Maggie is filling out paper work for you, I gave Jackson your mom and Evelyn's numbers and he's calling them okay?"
"Okay," I said. Arizona rolled over a wheelchair as a contraction picked up.
"Give me your hand," I said to Meredith. I squeezed her hand and the contraction passed. I sat down in the chair and Arizona got Ellie out of her car seat.
"Okay Kamryn, why don't you go with Doctor Robbins and Ellie so that mommy can have your little brother okay?" Meredith said.
"Okay," kamryn nodded, "bye mommy, love you."
"Bye honey love you too," I said.
"Mommy!" Ellie said as she reached for me.
"Hey baby, you're going to go with your sister okay?" I said and kissed her cheek, "I'll see you soon okay? I love you."
"Wove ou!" She giggled. I smiled as Meredith pushed me into the lobby and into the elevator.
"Mer?" I said.
"Yes?" She said.
"Owen," I said.
"I know," she said.
"Is the baby going to be okay? I'm 7 weeks early," I said.
"I think you'll be fine, he'll probably just have to be in the nicu for a few weeks," Meredith said and pushed me down to my room. She opened the door and Maggie was sitting on a chair filling out papers.
"Baby time!" She smiled, "Jackson said your mom and Evelyn are on their way."
"Thanks," I said as I leaned onto the bed. This hurt so bad, and all I wanted was Owen. A contraction started and I looked at Meredith. She grabbed my hand and I squeezed it.
"This hurts so fucking bad," I complained.
"I know," Mer said, "I know, it'll be over soon okay?"
"Mhm," I said as I fought back tears.
"Mom I cant do this," I said. I was squeezing both of her hands while Evelyn rubbed my back.
"Yes you can, you're doing great okay? Just breathe through the next contraction alright honey," my mom said.
"You're doing great Amelia," Evelyn said.
"I want Owen," I complained.
"I know honey," my mom said.
"I'm back!" Maggie said, "I have the ice chips."
"Oh thank god," I said.
"Mer has to go check on a patient but she'll be back," Maggie said.
"Okay," I said. I was so exhausted. I wanted my
Husband. He deserved to be here. He needed to be here.
"Mom," I complained as I felt another contraction starting.
"Just breathe," my mom said.
"Take a deep breath in okay?" Evelyn said.
"Mhm," I said as it picked up. I started crying as I felt the pain kick in.
"Okay Amelia you need to start pushing," Arizona said.
"No please," I said, "I need Owen." I looked at Meredith who was squeezing my right hand, and Maggie was on my left side.
"Okay Amelia I know you want Owen okay? But you and I both know he can't be here. You know he would tell you how strong you are and that you can do this alright? Let's have a baby now," Meredith said.
"No," I cried, "I can't."
"I had Ellis without Derek okay? It sucks. It really sucks. But unlike Derek, Owen is coming back. He'll be here okay. Right now you have Mags and I, and I'm sorry but that's the best we can do right now, if you wait any longer your baby will go into distress and your baby boy will be at risk okay? I know it sucks and nobody wants to have a baby without their husband Amelia I get it okay, but you can do this," she said.
"Okay," I said.
"You ready?" Maggie said.
"Yeah I'm ready," I said.
"Okay, when I tell you, push," Arizona said.
"Okay," I said and squeezed Maggie and Mer's hands.
"Okay, three, two, one, push!" Arizona said. I pushed and it hurt so bad.
"I can't do this," I said.
"Keep pushing," Arizona said, "I see the head keep going."
"You got this Amelia," Maggie said.
"Push!" Meredith said. I squeezed both of their hands tightly and I finally felt relief. I heard a beautiful cry.
"Oh my god," I said crying.
"Amelia," Arizona smiled, "congratulations on your baby boy." Meredith went over and got him and I smiled. He was so tiny, but he was so precious. She placed him in my arms and I started crying.
"Hi baby, I'm your mama," I said, "oh he looks just like Owen."
"He does," Maggie smiled.
"Do we have a name?" Arizona smiled.
"Noah Ryan Hunt," I said.
"I love it," Meredith said. Noah grabbed my finger with his small precious hand. He was adorable.
"Is he going to have to stay in the nicu?" I asked Arizona.
"In a few minutes I'm going to bring him upstairs and monitor him, he is on the small size, but everything seems to be alright right now, I'll just have a team monitor him and check his stats to see his condition since he's 7 weeks premature," Arizona said.
"Okay," I said.
"I'll go get everyone," Maggie said.
"Thanks," I said. A few moments later both moms and the girls came in. Kamryn and Ellie's face lit up and I smiled. Kamryn sat down next to me and held Ellie on her lap.
"Girls, meet your little brother," I smiled.

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