12: Mothers

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I figured I had to call my mom and tell her about Kamryn. We were both eating dinner right now and watching TV. She told me all about her day with Owen at the hospital on the ride home and it was so cute. I looked over at the kitchen and her backpack was neatly on one of the counter chairs with her lunchbox for school tomorrow. She had so much fun at school today and I'm so relieved, I was worried she wouldn't like it.
"So are you excited to go to school tomorrow?" I asked. She nodded and climbed into my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and she nuzzled into my chest.
"Do I get to go to your work tomorrow too?" She asked.
"Yes, but you might have to go to daycare because I have surgeries tomorrow, but I will visit you every second I have and it won't be for long," I said, "and we can still eat lunch together. I promise."
"Why can't I stay with Owen?" She said.
"Because Owen has work too honey," I said and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.
"I'm tired," she said sweetly as she leaned into me.
"You had a tiring day," I chuckled, "Kindergarten and work?" She giggled and snuggled into me.
"Why don't you get showered up and ready for bed?" I suggested.
"Okay," she said. I put our dinner dishes in the sink and walked into her room.
"What pajamas do you want to wear?" I asked.
"Unicorns!" She smiled.
"Alright unicorns it is," I smiled and grabbed them form her closet and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I helped her shower since it was hard with her sling and I didn't want her to try to use her arm and hurt her collarbone. She got dressed in her pajamas and I brushed her hair. I looked in the mirror and she was so cute, and she also looked super tired. I kissed her cheek and she smiled.
"If you're tired it can be time for bed," I said.
"Can you read me a story before?" She asked.
"Sure let's go," I said and she ran down the hallway. She climbed into her bed and I tucked her in and kissed her head.
"So which book do you want?" I asked and looked at the books that were on the shelf.
"Surprise me," she said sleepily.
"Okay," I said. I walked over to the bookshelf and by the time I picked one she fell asleep. I chuckled and kissed her forehead.
"Good night I love you Kamryn," I said.
"Mm," she mumbled. I dimmed the lamp in her room and walked into my bedroom. I looked at my phone and pulled up my mothers contact. I hit call and held the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" She said.
"Uh hi mom," I said.
"Oh it's so good to hear your voice," she said, "how are you?"
"I have news," I said.
"Did you find someone? Are you getting married? Are you pregnant?" She said.
"I'm fostering a little girl," I said.
"Oh my gosh!" She said, "since when?"
"A few days ago," I said.
"Amelia Frances Shepherd you're fostering one of my grand babies and didn't tell me!" She said.
"Well, no," I said.
"How old is she?" She asked.
"She's five, she went to her first day of kindergarten here today," I said.
"I want to meet her, can you meet for lunch tomorrow?" She said.
"Um I don't know," I said.
"Perfect, noon," she said.
"Kindergarten isn't over until 12:30," I chuckled.
"1?" She said.
"Sure," I said.
"Do you want to adopt her?" My mom asked.
"I plan on it," I said.
"You're a mom," she said.
"I am," I said, this was actually a normal conversation with my mom, it felt so comforting.
"I'm proud of you," she said.
"Thanks," I said.
"So are you and Owen together yet?" She asked.
"What? No," I said.
"Are you kidding me?" She said, "Am I going to have to go down to that hospital and force you two to admit your feelings? He was Derek's best friend for years Amelia, I know how he feels."
"No meddling," I said, "just lunch."
"Fine," she said, "just lunch."
"Mama," I heard as I felt someone climb on top of me. I opened my eyes and it was 6:45.
"Baby," I chuckled.
"It's time for school," Kamryn said cutely.
"We have time," I chuckled. I opened my eyes and she was sitting next to me with her stuffed elephant. God I was exhausted.
"We're having lunch with my mommy today," I said.
"The one in the picture?" She asked.
"Yup," I said, "she's super nice." Which wasn't a lie, she was nice to everyone but me.
"Can we have breakfast?" Kamryn said.
"Honey it's not even 7," I chuckled, "mama needs her coffee."
"Okay," she said. I got up and put on a sweatshirt and she ran to the kitchen. I grabbed my phone and texted Meredith.
"Do your kids wake you up every morning?" I sent.
"Ellis loves to crawl on top of me mid sleep :)," she sent.
"Fun," I sent.
"Kamryn doing the same?" She sent.
"Yup," I sent.
"They grow out of it," she sent. I put my phone down and picked Kamryn up and kissed her cheek.
"Are you ready for school today?" I asked.
"Yes," she smiled. I made her a bagel and grabbed the orange juice and she sat at the table. She was so cute.
Everything went smoothly dropped Kamryn off and she was super excited to go. I walked into the hospital and saw Owen.
"Hey," he said.
"Hey," I said.
"I saw your mom this morning," he said.
"What? What did she say?" I said.
"She just said hi," he chuckled, "she's talking to Meredith and Maggie."
"She wants to meet Kamryn," I said.
"Well that's good isn't it?" He said.
"Yeah," I said.
"Amelia!" I heard. I looked at Owen and he chuckled.
"I'll see you later?" He said.
"Yup," I said as he walked off and my mom came over and hugged me.
"Are you two a thing and you didn't tell me?" She said.
"We're just friends mom," I chuckled, "and you're early, lunch is at 1."
"Well I wanted to see everyone, and figured I could come pick Kamryn up with you from kindergarten," she said.
"Okay," I said.
"Sound good?" She said.
"Sure," I said, "I have to prep for an aneurysm in 10 though."
"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere," she said.
"Great," I said.
I scrubbed out of surgery and I timed it right that it was now time to leave to go get Kamryn. I cleaned up and found my mom talking to Owen in the lobby.
"Okay it's time to go," I chuckled.
"Oh already? Owen and I were having such a good time," she pouted.
"He will be here when we get back," I said and Owen chuckled.
"Bye Ms.Shepherd," he said. We started walking to my car.
"He is so nice, you should date him!" She said.
"Mom, leave it alone," I chuckled.
"Are you not telling me something?" She asked as we got in the car.
"Mom, can we just go get Kamryn?" I asked.
"Yes," she smiled. We drove over and I parked the car and I saw Meredith. We walked in and the door opened and Kamryn ran to me.
"Mama!" She smiled and hugged me. I picked her up and kissed her head.
"Kammie guess what?" I said.
"What?" She said and looked at my mom, "is she your mommy?"
"She is," I smiled, "say hi."
"Hi," she giggled.
"Hi Miss Kamryn, I've heard so much about you," my mom smiled.
"Why don't we talk over lunch okay?" I said.
"Okay," Kamryn said and I put her down as we started walking to the car.
"She is adorable," my mother smiled.
"I know," I smiled and watched her run to the car.
"What happened to her arm?" My mom asked.
"Previous foster family," I said. My mom frowned and I unlocked the car and buckled her in the backseat.
We went to Panera again because Kamryn liked it so much yesterday. Kamryn was sitting next to me and she was so cute, my mom loved her.
"So how was school today?" My mom asked.
"It was good, mama I have more homework," Kamryn said.
"We can do it later," I chuckled and kissed her head. My mom smiled at me and it felt good to finally have her be proud of me.

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