30: Dinner

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I was so nervous. Why did it have to be like that? I'm nervous to have dinner with my own mother. I walked out of the bathroom and Owen was laying on the bed.
"Does this look okay?" I asked shyly. I was wearing black jeans with a silver top and a little makeup.
"I think you look beautiful," He said and sat up.  I blushed and he got up and kissed me.
"You always look beautiful," he said, "always. Don't ever forget that." I smiled and kissed him.
"Mama!" I heard Kamryn call from the other room. I left to go check on her, which gave Owen some time to get ready.
"What's up princess?" I asked as I walked into the living room.
"I want you to braid my hair," she asked sweetly.
"One or Two braids?" I asked.
"Two!" She giggled.
"Alright come sit at the table," I said. She hopped up on the chair and I started braiding her hair. I heard my bedroom door open and I turned to see Owen, who was cutely dressed in a button up. God he was so hot. I finished braiding Kamryn's hair and I kissed her head.
"Alright sweetheart you're all ready," I said. Owen came over and put his hand on my waist and kissed me. I was so in love with him. When I pulled away I smiled.
"Are we all ready?" I asked.
"I think so," Owen said.
"Kammie are you ready?" I asked as I picked her up.
"I need to go get my doll to play with Zola," she said and wiggled out of my arms and ran down the hallway.
"Are you nervous?" Owen asked. I looked at him and nodded.
"Don't be, I'll be right here with you the whole time okay?" He said.
"Okay," I nodded and he kissed my cheek.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I smiled.
"Mama I'm ready!" Kamryn said as she ran into the living room.
"Alright let's go," I smiled, but I couldn't knock the nervous feeling.
We arrived at Merediths and I rang the doorbell, and to my surprise, my mom opened the door.
"Amelia!" She smiled and hugged me. Weird.
"Hi," I faked a smile and hugged her back.
"Oh my gosh it is so good to see you," she said.
"You too," I said.
"Owen it's lovely to see you too," she said and hugged Owen. My mom said hi to Kamryn for a little while and then Kamryn went upstairs to join her cousins.
"She's adorable," my mom smiled.
"Yeah," I said, "she is."
"You're doing a great job," my mom said. Never thought I'd hear that sentence.
"Thanks," I smiled. I looked at Owen and he smiled. I pecked his lips before walking into the kitchen and seeing Meredith and Maggie. Maybe this dinner would be alright. My mom wanted to talk to Owen and I let her because she wouldn't be talking to me, and Owen loved her.
"You and Owen seem to be going steady," Maggie smiled, "things good?"
"Yeah," I smiled, "really good."
"That's good," Maggie said.
"Kamryn likes him?" Meredith asked.
"She loves him, it's so cute," I said.
"I'm happy for you," Meredith said and hugged me, "look at you with a little family."
"I know, weird right?" I chuckled.
"It's nice," Maggie said.
"It's a weird nice," Meredith joked.
"Mama!" I heard. I turned and saw Zola and Kamryn run into the kitchen.
"Mom come look at our princess fort upstairs! You too auntie Amelia!" Zola smiled.
"Come on!" Kamryn said as she pulled my arm.
"Okay Auntie Amelia and I are coming," Meredith chuckled as we walked upstairs. Zola opened her bedroom door and Meredith and I somehow got sucked into another tea party.
I told Amelia the whole night not to be nervous to hide the fact that I was actually nervous as hell. I want to marry Amelia, I do, she's the love of my life and I love her and Kamryn so much. I need to ask Carolyn for her blessing to propose and I'm so nervous to. Amelia and Meredith were upstairs with the kids, Maggie was cooking in the kitchen, and I figured now I could finally ask.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," Carolyn said.
"Can I ask you something?" I said.
"Sure," she chuckled, "you know that."
"Well, I was wondering if I could have your blessing to ask Amelia to marry me," I said nervously. Her face lit up and she smiled big.
"Oh my god!" She smiled and hugged me, "of course you can! She's going to be so excited, oh she loves you so much." I could help but smile.
"Thank you," I said.
"Do you have a ring?" She said.
"Yes," I said.
"Picture?" She said. I showed her a picture of it on my phone and she smiled.
"It's perfect she'll love it," Carolyn said, "Did you tell Kamryn."
"Figured I needed the approval first," I chuckled.
"Of course you can propose," Carolyn smiled. I smiled and hugged her.
"Thank you," I said.
"No, thank you for making Amelia and Kamryn the happiest girls in the world," Carolyn said.

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