23: He's back

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a few days later
I walked into work with Kamryn after her day of kindergarten. We were walking upstairs on our way to daycare when we heard a family fighting in a patient room.
"Jamie!" A woman yelled. Oh no. Shit. I turned and saw him. Kamryn's old foster brother. Before I could see if she saw she was sprinting down the hallway.
"KAMRYN!" I yelled and bolted after her. I started sprinting but I ran into someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I-" I started and looked up and saw Maggie.
"What happened? Why are you running?" She said.
"Jamie's here. Kamryn saw him and she bolted down the hall, I don't know where she is," I said.
"Okay," Maggie said and hugged me, "she couldn't have gone far okay?" We both turned and the hallway split.
"I don't know which was she went," I said, trying not to cry.
"Okay, just calm down okay? I'll go left you go right okay?" Maggie said and I nodded. I bolted down the hallway and she wasn't there. I started opening all the closets and empty rooms and I was panicking. I kept running and checking everywhere possible. I was panicking. Where did she go? She was so small, she could hide anywhere. I was panicking. I ran down the peds wing and she wasn't there. I saw Owen and all I wanted to do was breakdown and cry.
"What's wrong?" He said as he came over to me.
"Sh-she, h-hes here, she, running, she's running, hallway, gone," I said in between sobs, knowing I was making no sense whatsoever.
"Amelia," Owen said, "calm down, take a few breaths before you hyperventilate." I couldn't. I couldn't stop panicking. I needed to find her.
"I, I, have to go. Look. I have to look," I said crying.
"Amelia," Owen said, "what's going on?"
"Jamie," I blurted out.
"Is Kamryn in trouble? Is she hurt?" He asked.
"I don't know where she is," I started breathing heavy, "Owen I have to go look for her."
"Okay let me come with you," he said.
"She ran down the wing by the d-daycare, I don't know where she went, Maggie's looking too," I said sobbing. Owen brought me into a tight hug and I couldn't control my sobs.
"Shepherd? Shepherd what's going on?" I heard Bailey say. I looked at her and let go of Owen.
"Kamryn ran away, she saw her old foster brother, I-I can't find her," I said crying.
"Do you want me to call a code?" Bailey said. I nodded.
"Please," I said.
"Okay," Bailey said, "we will find her okay?"
"Okay," I said crying and Owen brought me back into his arms.
"Amelia what was she wearing?" Bailey asked.
"Bailey I have to look," I said trying to get out of Owen's arms.
"Amelia this is going to help okay?" Owen said.
"Amelia!" Maggie said. I turned, hoping she found her. I looked and she was alone.
"Did you find her?" I asked.
"No," Maggie said.
"Amelia what was she wearing?" Bailey asked again.
"A blue shirt, black leggings, she had her unicorn backpack on, and a pair of vans," I said crying.
"We will all look for her okay?" Bailey said.
"Okay," I nodded, "thank you." She called the code and I looked at Maggie.
"Where did you look?" I said.
"I did neuro floor, cardio floor, your office, Owens office, Bailey's lab, your lab, and 3 on call rooms," Maggie said.
"Okay thank you," I said, my voice shaking.
"We'll go together okay?" Owen said. I nodded and started running down the hallways. I opened every supply closet again, checked every on call room and every empty and full patient room. I was starting to panic again.
"Owen I cant find her," I said getting hysterical.
"Why don't we go look in the clinic? Everyone up here is looking," he suggested.
"Okay," I said.
I've never seen Amelia panic like this before.
"Owen I cant find her," She said getting hysterical. I walked over and put my hands on her shoulders.
"Why don't we go look in the clinic? Everyone up here is looking," I suggested.
"Okay," She nodded.
"We will find her," I said.
"We have to," she said as her voice broke.
"Okay," I said, "we will okay?" I wiped her tears away with my thumbs and kissed her forehead. We ran over to the clinic and Amelia checked all the rooms and offices down here and I checked all the beds. I couldn't find her. I was hoping Amelia did. I met back with her and she started crying.
"Maybe someone found her upstairs okay?" I said.
"Owen what if she's gone?" Amelia sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her and caressed her hair.
"We'll go back and look okay?" I said.
"Okay," she said crying. I kissed the top of her head and held her.
"Doctor Shepherd?" We heard. We turned to see three interns.
"Yeah?" Amelia said.
"We heard your daughter was missing, did you find her?" They said.
"Just calm down," I said and held her.
"We'll check all the intern rooms and locker rooms okay?" The female intern said.
"Thank you," I said as I held Amelia close.
"Owen I-I," Amelia started.
"What?" I said.
"I'm gonna be sick," she said and pushed past me and ran to the garbage can. I followed her and she started throwing up and crying at the same time. I rubbed her back and pulled her hair back with a hair tye she had on her wrist. I kept rubbing her back and she stopped throwing up. I grabbed her a handful of paper towels and she wiped her mouth.
"I'm going to go check all the offices again," she said.
"Okay," I said. We went upstairs and the floor was locked off and Bailey was talking to the hospital security. I could see Amelia panicking since we couldn't get on the floor.
"Bailey!" Amelia yelled.
"Let them in," Bailey said to security and they came over and opened the door. Amelia bolted down the hallway. I ran after her and she frantically opened every door again, every cabinet in the kitchenettes and every supply closet.
"Why can't I find her? I lost her. Where is she!" Amelia screamed.
"Why don't we check outside? The benches? The coffee cart?" I said and went to give her a hug.
"Don't touch me," she said as she started looking in the same closets.
"Amelia," I said.
"I KNOW SHES NOT IN THIS DAMN CLOSET BUT I FEEL SO USELESS I CANT DO NOTHING!" She yelled as tears poured out of her eyes.
"Okay," I said and backed off. She broke down and started crying. Her knees buckled and I grabbed her before she collapsed from crying.
"Owen I need to find her," Amelia said sobbing.
"We are going to find her," I said, "let's look outside we haven't looked there."
"Okay," she sniffled. I grabbed her hand and we took the elevator to the lobby and walked outside. Almost nobody was outside because of the code, all the benches were empty and the coffee cart was closed, but then we heard a small cry, and it wasn't Amelias.

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