102: Solutions

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The kids were all asleep and Amelia was super quiet. Suspiciously quiet. I know she was thinking, and she was worried. I walked downstairs and into our home office where she was sitting. She was wearing a pair of big glasses and writing something down. She was adorable when she was focused.
"Hey," I said.
"Oh, hi," she said as she looked up.
"You okay? You've been pretty quiet and locked up in here," I said.
"Just working some things out," she said.
"You want help?" I asked.
"Sure," She said. I pulled up a chair next to her and sat down. She had a bunch of papers with phone numbers and emails on it.
"So what are you working on?" I asked.
"These are all the numbers of the people we'll meet with tomorrow with Kamryn, and this paper is the three possible schools Ellie can go to," Amelia said.
"Look at you super mom," I said.
"I guess," she said.
"Amelia you are super mom," I said.
"Am not," she said.
"Yes you are," I said and kissed her cheek, "how could you say you aren't?"
"Because everything's falling apart," she said.
"Hey, everything isn't falling apart," I said.
"Yes it is Owen," she said and put her head in her hands.
"Amelia," I said and put my arm around her, "it's all going to be okay."
"It's all falling apart," she said sadly.
"Hey," I said softly and lifted her chin with my fingers.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she said.
"So, tomorrow we're going to meet with Kamryn's school, and we'll talk to Ellie about possible schools okay?" I said.
"Yeah," she said, but I could tell she wasn't happy with it.
"Honey what's bothering you," I asked.
"It's nothing," she said, "I'm just tired we should go to bed."
"Okay," I gave in. We walked upstairs and we both got changed into our pajamas.
"Do you think they're happy?" She asked quietly.
"The girls?" I asked.
"I mean and Noah but he hasn't had any major issues lately," she shrugged, "I just want them to be happy and safe, and I feel like lately they aren't either."
"They're just having a hard patch, but it'll all be resolved," I said, "we'll make sure they're safe okay?" She nodded as we crawled into bed and I wrapped my arms around her.
The alarm started going off and I shut it off quickly. Amelia was asleep on top of me and she was so cute.
"Good morning," I said.
"Morning," she mumbled. We both got up and got dressed for the meeting with Kamryn's school.
I was nervous. I didn't want to go back to school, and I didn't want to face Luke. He knew so much about me now, stuff I never wanted him to know. And on top of that he's been my boyfriend for all of 3 days. 3 whole days and I'm already falling apart.
"Hey I have to meet with the principal today with my parents so I don't need a ride, thank you guys though," I sent to Jenny and Luke.
"Good luck, I'll see you after," Jenny sent.
"Good luck, I'll see you after too, and I can still drive you home if you want," Luke sent.
"That works, thank you," I said.
"You don't have to thank me," Luke sent.
"Be gross in another chat," Jenny sent, which made me laugh. I got ready and walked downstairs where both my parents were.
"Hi," I said.
"Hi," my dad said.
"Good morning," my mom said.
"Good morning," I said.
"We have to be at the school a few minutes before 7," my dad said.
"Okay," I said.
"Owen Maggie said she'll be here in a few minutes to watch Noah and Ellie," my mom said, I could tell my mom was really stressed but she was trying not to show it. She was always like that.
"Okay," my dad said. My mom walked upstairs and I looked at my dad.
"Is she worried?" I asked.
"You know how she is," my dad said.
"Yeah," I said.
"She just has a lot on her mind, I'm sure this will be solved," my dad said.
"Okay," I nodded.
Ellie was sad. She's been sad for a few days. Aunt Maggie was taking us to school because Mommy, Daddy, and Kamryn had a meeting with the high school this morning. Ellie and I were sitting in the back of Aunt Maggie's car on our way to school. She parked in the parking lot just like mommy and daddy do and Ellie and I got out.
"Bye Aunt Maggie," I said and waved.
"Bye!" Ellie said.
"Bye guys, have a good day at school," she said. Ellie and I walked into school, and we were walking to my class first like we always did.
"Are you moving schools?" I asked her.
"I don't know," she shrugged.
"Well where would I go?" I asked.
"You can probably come with if you want," she shrugged, "or you just stay here with your friends."
"Oh," I said.
"All the elementary schools go to the same middle school anyway," she said, "it'll only be for a few months."
"Is it because of Marcus and Skyler?" I asked.
"Yes," she said, "but don't say anything to them Noah please."
"I won't," I promised.
"Okay," she said, and we walked the rest of the hallway in silence.
Kamryn, Owen, and I were sitting in the principal's office with the principal, vice principal, and Kamryn's guidance counselor. We re-explained the situation and her guidance counselor was re-working Jamie's schedule so it wouldn't disrupt Kamryn's day.
"Okay," her guidance counselor, "it's all sorted out, we moved his classes around to cause the least amount of contact."
"Thank you," I said relieved.
"Yes, thank you," Owen said.
"We'll keep a close eye on him for the beginning of the month just to make sure nothing goes wrong," the principal said, "does that sound good Kamryn?"
"Yeah, thank you again," Kamryn said. We thanks them and left the office and Kamryn grabbed her backpack.
"Thanks," Kamryn, "thank you for helping me through this, I'll see you guys after school. Love you."
"Bye love you honey," I said.
"Love you Kam," Owen said, "have a good day."
"Thanks dad," Kamryn said. Owen and I walked down the hallway and out of the school.
"So," Owen said, "that's one solution, now we should talk about Ellie."
"Yeah," I said, "we should." He unlocked the car and we got in.
"Can I go first?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"I think that if she really wants to switch schools, we should let her, all of the elementary schools around here go to the same central middle school anyway, so she'll end up in the same place, and this might give he a chance to make new friends," he said.
"I agree," I said.
"You do?" He said.
"Yeah," I nodded, "I think she needs a fresh start."
"Me too," Owen said.
"Do you think Noah's okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't he be?" Owen said.
"Well I don't know, I feel like we've been so focused on Kamryn and Ellie that I don't know if he's okay," I said.
"I think he's okay, but I'll talk to him after school alright?" Owen reassures.
"Alright," I nodded.
"Hey, I know we've had a rough couple of days, but they kids we be alright okay? Everyone will be safe and happy, we'll find solutions," Owen said and kissed my cheek, "I love you Amelia."
"I love you too Owen," I smiled.

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