52: Second Trimester

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I was now around 5 months pregnant. God the second trimester was tough. It was so tough on my body. I had morning sickness everyday and my back was in excruciating after all my surgeries. I was currently throwing up in the bathroom from all my morning sickness. It was god awful. The door opened and I looked at Owen.
"Good morning," he said softly and knelt down next to me.
"Good morning," I sighed. I finished throwing up and he pulled me into his arms.
"Is Kamryn awake yet?" I asked.
"No," he said, "I just checked on her."
"Thank you," I said as I nuzzled into him.
"Morning sickness bad this morning?" He asked as he stroked my hair.
"I think the odor in the bathroom gives it away," I chuckled.
"Yeah," he said. I leaned up to kiss him and he laughed.
"If you want a kiss brush your teeth," he said.
"Owen," I pouted.
"I'm not kidding your breath smells," he said. He helped me get up and I brushed my teeth. When I was done I turned to him and smiled. He pecked my lips and then kissed my forehead.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I said.
I unbuckled Kamryn from her car seat as I was dropping her off from school. Owen usually did so I could sleep in most mornings but he had an earlier shift. Kamryn grabbed her bag and we walked through the parking lot.
"So how many more months until the baby is here?" She asked.
"4," I said.
"Still?" She pouted.
"Well we're halfway there," I chuckled, but the pregnancy was really draining me.
"True," she said. We got to the door and she hugged me.
"Bye mama! Bye baby!" She giggled.
"Bye princess I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she said, "will you tell daddy I love him too?"
"Of course I will," I said. She ran in and I smiled. I drove over to work and immediately got pulled into a surgery. Today would be a long day.
Amelia was still in a really long surgery so I went to go pick up Kamryn. I walked out to my car and started driving over to her school. I parked and walked into the lobby of the school. After about five minutes the doors opened and she smiled as she ran to me. I picked her up and she giggled.
"Hi daddy," she said.
"Hi sweetheart," I said, "how was school?" We started walking out of the school.
"Good," she said.
"What did you do?" I asked.
"We did reading today," she said, "we read a story about a bunny."
"That's cool," I said and buckled her into the car seat of my car.
"Yeah," she said. I drove back over to the hospital and we walked into the lobby.
"Can we see mama before I go to daycare?" She asked.
"Mama is still in surgery," I frowned and looked at the OR board, "see right there?" I pointed to Shepherd-Hunt, A. on the board.
"She's doing brain surgery?" Kamryn asked. I nodded.
"Yup," I said.
"Cool," she said.
"Yeah," I smiled. We walked to the elevators and I let her press the buttons.
"Do you have a lot of homework?" I asked.
"No," she said, "I'm gonna do it after dinner."
"Okay," I said, "sounds like a good plan." We got out and I sighed her into daycare.
"After our surgeries mama and I will come see you okay?" I said, "I love you."
"I love you too," she giggled, "bye daddy."
"Bye princess," I said. I walked down the hallway and saw the elevator doors open. I saw Amelia and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I stepped in the elevator and closed the doors.
"What's wrong?" I said softly.
"I-I," she started but she started crying. I hugged her and kissed her head. The doors opened and we both walked out and down to her office.
"Amelia what's wrong?" I asked. She sniffled and grabbed a box of tissues.
"I'm so tired," she complained.
"I'm sorry," I said. She sat down and she winced in pain.
"What's wrong? What hurts?" I said.
"My back is killing me," she said.
"Sit on the couch I'll rub it for you," I said. She followed me over to the couch and I started rubbing her back.
"Feel any better?" I asked.
"Yeah a little," she said, "thank you."
"You're welcome," I said.
"I just want this baby out already, and I'm literally halfway done," she said.
"I know," I said, "but hey, we get to find out the gender tomorrow."
"We do," She said and looked back at me.

the next day
Everyone was excited. We were finding out the gender today. Owen made pancakes this morning while I showered and Kamryn got ready to go to the hospital. We told her she could stay in daycare during our appointment and we would tell her as soon as possible if it was a boy or a girl.
"Do you have everything packed for your day?" I asked her as I sat down next to her.
"Yes," she giggled, "you'll tell me right away right?"
"Of course we will," I said.
"Anyone have any guesses?" Owen said.
"Girl," Kamryn and I said at the same time.
"So everyone wants me to be outnumbered again," Owen chuckled.
"Well a little you wouldn't be bad," I said, "a mini Owen."
"Yeah," Owen smiled cutely. I pecked his lips and we made our way out of the house and to the hospital. I was so excited.
I was sitting on the exam table and Owen was holding my hand next to me.
"Okay so you guys want to know the gender right?" Carina said.
"Yup," Owen and I smiled.
"Congrats on your baby girl!" Carina beamed.

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