6: New Room

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I could feel my heart racing as I hit accept and ran out of Kamryn's room.
"Miss Shepherd?" I heard a voice.
"Hello this is she," I said.
"I'm so sorry to be calling late, I figured you would want to hear this news now, I'm Judge Baker, I'm calling about your foster papers for Kamryn Jenson," he said.
"Okay," I said.
"You have been approved to foster her, I'm assuming you want to foster to adopt?"
"Yes, oh my gosh thank you!" I smiled.
"Of course, I can get you adoption papers within a few weeks but it does take some times, especially with a quick move like this, but Miss Jennifer Cauldwell put in a good word for you two," he said.
"Thank you so much!" I said.
"Of course, have a good night Miss Shepherd," he said.
"You as well your honor," I said. I hung up and I was so happy.
I watched Amelia talk to the judge from Kamryn's room. She looked happy, I'm assuming she got approved to foster her. She hung up and I opened the door and she smiled at me.
"So?" I said.
"I got her," she smiled.
"Oh my god congratulations!" I said.
"I got her!" She smiled and ran over to me. She started jumping up and down and she was so cute.
"I got approved to foster her," she smiled, "the judge said he'll work on adoption papers in the next few weeks."
"This is awesome Amelia," I said as I wrapped my arms around her.
"I'm so excited," she said and smiled at me.
"I'm so happy for you," I smiled.
"She's my foster daughter now," she smiled,
"Oh my god I can say that!" She jumped
up and down again and I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her again. She grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. It caught me off guard but I kissed her back.
"I have to go tell Maggie and Meredith!" She said and ran down the hall, totally oblivious of what she just did.
Oh my god I get to foster Kamryn. I was so happy. I ran downstairs and found Maggie and Meredith down in Mer's lab. I opened the door and they looked up from the 3D printer.
"The judge called," I smiled.
"Oh my god what did they say?" Maggie said.
"Did you get her?" Meredith said.
"He said I'm approved to foster her," I smiled.
"Oh my gosh that's amazing!" Meredith said.
"Congratulations Amelia!" Maggie said and they both hugged me.
"Yeah and then he said that I'll hopefully get adoption papers soon and get approved for that, I mean there's probably hearings and more legal stuff for that and then, oh my god," I said.
"And then what?" Maggie said, "what happened."
"I- I kissed Owen," I said.
"You kissed Owen?" Meredith said.
"Yeah I, yeah I was so excited and he hugged me and I kissed him," I said.
"Finally," Meredith chuckled.
"Oh my god why did I do that," I pouted.
"Amelia are you kidding he so likes you," Maggie said.
"I can't start something now, I just got Kamryn," I said.
"Oh come on you two have been flirting with each other for years," Meredith said, "you're telling me you never thought of you and Owen as a couple?"
"I mean yeah of course I thought of it," I said.
"Did he say anything about it?" Maggie said.
"No," I said, "he likes me?"
"Are you joking?" Meredith laughed.
"Amelia, he likes you," Maggie chuckled.
"Oh my god why did I kiss him!" I said. The lab door opened and it was Owen.
"Hey uh, she's asking for you," Owen said awkwardly.
"Okay, I'll, I'll be there in a minute," I said.
"Okay," He said. He closed the door and Meredith chuckled.
"Shut up he likes you," She said.
It was now morning and Kamryn was awake. I haven't told her yet that I got approved to foster her, she was watching cartoons and eating a bagel and I decided now was a good time.
"Hey Kamryn?" I said.
"Yeah?" She said.
"You know yesterday when I said I wanted to foster you?" I smiled. She nodded.
"The nice judge called me last night and said I was approved to," I said, "you can come home with me."
"I can?" She smiled.
"Yup, and we can decorate your room too," I smiled.
"Really?" She said.
"Yup," I said. I sat down next to her and grabbed my laptop.
"We have some shopping to do," I chuckled and opened amazon.
"Do you want to look at beds first?" I asked.
"Sure," she said. We looked at bed frames and she picked one out and then we moved to comforters.
"Do you have a favorite color?" I asked.
"Blue," she said.
"Do you want a blue comforter?" I asked. She nodded as she snuggled into me.
"What about this one?" I asked, it was a light blue one with clouds on it.
"It's pretty," she said.
"Do you like it?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. I kissed her head and put it in the cart. The door opened and it was Arizona.
"Good morning ladies," she smiled, "what are we up to today?"
"Shopping," Kamryn said.
"Ooh fun," Arizona smiled.
"We're shopping for her room," I smiled.
"Well I have some good news," Arizona said, "We just need to get some updated X-rays of your collarbone tonight, and then you are good to go home in the morning if everything turns out okay," Arizona smiled.
"Yay!" Kamryn smiled. I kissed her head and Arizona smiled.
"Congratulations," she smiled.
"Thank you," I said. We continued shopping for a little while and Miss Cauldwell opened the door, and I was scared something feel through, but she had a box.
"Don't worry, I am not here with bad news, I just have a few things her old foster family sent over that she should have," She said.
"Okay," I nodded.
"Kamryn I'm going to leave this box right here okay?" She said and put it on the chair.
"Thank you," Kamryn said sweetly.
"We'll be in touch," she said to me and I nodded. She left and Kamryn looked at me.
"Can I open the box?" Kamryn asked.
"Sure," I said. I grabbed the box and put it in between us. She opened it and smiled as it was some of her clothes and toys.
"My elephant!" She smiled and hugged it, she was so cute, "can it come with us to your place?"
"The whole box can come," I smiled.
Kamryn just got her updated X-Rays and now she was resting, which gave me time to get her room ready. I was walking down the hall when I saw Owen.
"Hey," he said, and all I could think about was our kiss.
"Uh hey," I said, "you're strong right?"
"What?" He said.
"I need help, setting up Kamryn's room," I chuckled, "could you help?"
"Of course," he said, "I'd love to."
"Thank you," I smiled, "Do you know how to make a bed?" He chuckled and smiled.
"We'll figure it out," he chuckled.
"Can you go now?" I chuckled.
"Yeah I don't have a surgery for 2 hours let's go," he said.
"Okay she's asleep," I smiled. We went to the parking lot and we both drove over to my apartment. We got in the elevator and I was so nervous around him, I wanted to kiss him again, but that would make things so messy, especially for Kamryn. We got to my floor and there was about 10 boxes outside my door.
"Amelia what did you order," He joked.
"A lot of stuff," I joked. I unlocked my my door and we took the boxes in.
"Oh shit," I said.
"What?" He said.
"I should probably take all my stuff out of the room," I laughed.
"That might be good," he chuckled as we walked down the hallway. I opened the door and there wasn't that much stuff in it, only a few boxes and a book shelf.
"We can leave the book shelf," I said.
"Okay," He said. I took the boxes and put them in the closet down the hall. I came back and Owen opened the bed box.
"Did you order this from Ikea?" He said.
"No I spared you that," I chuckled and sat down next to him.
We finished putting the bed frame together and the mattress company delivered a mattress 20 minutes ago. I made her bed with the cute comforter she picked out and we put the bed by the wall. I figured we still needed to paint the room but I would let her pick out the color. I cleaned off the bookshelf and put the drawers in her end table and dresser.
"Looks good," Owen said.
"Well I didn't do it by myself," I smiled.
"We did good," Owen smiled.
"Thank you so much," I smiled, "she'll love it." It wasn't completely finished but I figured I'd let her pick everything else out.
"You're welcome," he said, "you're going to be a great mom."

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