29: You're Family Too

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I walked into work and saw Amelia and Kamryn walking in the lobby. They were so cute. Amelia was holding her hand and Kamryn was holding her elephant stuffed animal. Since it was Sunday, she didn't have school so she had to come to daycare earlier.
"Owen!" She giggled and ran towards me and hugged me. I picked her up and hugged her.
"Good morning," I said, "how are my two favorite ladies doing today?"
"Good!" Kamryn said. I looked at Amelia and she smiled. She leaned up and kissed my cheek and the three of us walked to daycare. Amelia checked Kamryn out and then came back out to me.
"Hi," she smiled.
"Hi," I said.
"She has so much energy today," Amelia chuckled, "she was off the walls excited this morning."
"It's cute," I said as I put my arm around her.
"It is, but it's also so exhausting," she laughed. I kissed her cheek and we went to go get coffee like we did most mornings. We ordered coffee and sat on a bench together, waiting for the first one to get paged. Her pager went off and she frowned.
"I'll see you at lunch?" She smiled and kissed my cheek.
"Of course," I said.
I was scrubbing out of an emergency craniotomy. It was really bad but I managed to get it under control. I looked at the clock and it was almost 1. I walked past the OR board and scanned for Owen's name, and sure enough he was in OR 2 with a patient from the ER, which meant no lunch. I walked down to daycare and Kamryn came running towards me.
"Hi baby girl," I smiled and picked her up.
"Mama!" She giggled, "is it lunch time?"
"It is lunch time," I said.
"Where Owen?" She said.
"Owen has a surgery right now," I said, usually we tried to have lunch with the three of us.
"Oh okay," she said and held my hand as we walked down to the cafeteria. She had mac and cheese and I grabbed a salad.
"So how is your day today?" I asked.
"I made you something," she said, "for your office." She took out a little piece of paper that was folded in half.
"Open it," she said and handed it to me. I opened it and it was three little stick figures. Obviously Owen, Kamryn and I.
"It's adorable," I said.
"Can you put it in your office with your other pictures?" She begged cutely.
"After lunch I'm sure we can find the perfect place for it," I said.
"Yay!" She smiled. We finished eating lunch and we got in the elevator to go upstairs. The doors opened and we walked down to my office and she ran over and jumped on my spinny chair.
"Can we put it next to the picture of you and your mommy?" She asked cutely.
"Sure princess," I said.
"Princess?" She said.
"Yeah you're my little princess," I chuckled and kissed her head.
"Are you busy at work?" She asked.
"Not right now no," I said.
"So you can have a tea party with Zola and I in daycare!" She giggled.
"I supposed I could," I chuckled.
"Please?" She begged with big eyes.
"Yes, yes we will have a tea party," I chuckled.
"Thank you! You're the best mama ever!" She said and jumped into my arms. She was adorable, I loved her so much.
"Can we go now?" She begged.
"Sure," I said.
I scrubbed out of my surgery and wanted to find Amelia. I checked her office and she wasn't there so I figured she was either with Kamryn or in surgery. I walked past the daycare and saw her, Zola, and Kamryn having a little tea party. She was adorable. She looked up and saw me through the window and she chuckled. I smiled and opened the door.
"Owen!" Kamryn smiled and hugged my leg.
"Hey," I smiled, "what's up."
"We were finishing our tea party," Kamryn said.
"Sounds like fun," I said.
"Auntie Amelia can I clean your cup?" Zola asked.
"Sure Zola," Amelia smiled and gave her the little plastic cup.
"Alright baby, mama has to go back to work now alright?" Amelia said and picked Kamryn up.
"Okay," she nodded.
"I love you," Amelia said.
"I love you too," Kamryn said.
"Bye Zozo, I love you," Amelia said.
"Bye Auntie Amy! Bye Uncle Owen!" Zola smiled. Amelia walked out with me and she chuckled.
"How was the tea party?" I asked.
"So Good," she said, "might have to bring a +1 next time." She nudge my shoulder and I chuckled.
"Wow I feel honored," I said.
"You should be, they are strictly invite only," She laughed. I put my arm around her and she leaned into me. She was such a good mom to Kamryn, she really was. We were walking down the hallway when Meredith stopped us.
"Amelia!" Meredith said.
"What?" Amelia said.
"You'll never believe who is in town," Meredith said.
"Probably my mother," Amelia said.
"Great so you'll come for a family dinner?" Meredith said.
"Tonight?" Amelia said.
"Well you know your mother just drops bombs and shows up at my doorstep," Meredith said.
"Is it just her?" Amelia said.
"Yeah it's just your mom, no shepherd sisters," Meredith said.
"Yeah sure I'll go," Amelia said reluctantly.
"Perfect see you at 6!" Meredith said as she ran off. Amelia sighed and looked at me.
"I don't want to go," Amelia said.
"Then don't," I chuckled.
"You should come," Amelia said.
"Well I wouldn't want to intrude on your family dinner," I said.
"You're family too stupid," Amelia said with a small smile.

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