49: Father's Day

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Owen was at work right now, and Kamryn was home from school, which meant I could ask her what I've been wanting to do for a while. I want to ask her if she wants Owen to officially be her dad. Owen's never mentioned it, but I know it would mean a lot to him, and it makes things a lot easier since we're married if he was her other legal guardian. I opened her door and she was coloring in a coloring book at her desk.
"Hey," I said, "whatcha coloring?"
"A flower," she smiled, "see?"
"It's very pretty," I smiled and sat down on her bed, "I want to talk to you about something though."
"Okay," she said and sat down next to me.
"You know how I'm your official mana with the judge?" I said.
"Yeah," she said, "you signed all those papers."
"I did sign all those papers," I chuckled, "so, do you want Owen to also sign all those papers?" She looked at me and smiled.
"Like he'll be my official daddy?" She said.
"He would be," I smiled.
"Does daddy want that too?" She said.
"Well I think we could surprise him with it," I said.
"When?" She said.
"Well tomorrow's father's day, and the judge said we can pick up the papers today," I said.
"Really?" She giggled, "so you'll both be my official parents?"
"That's right, but, only if it's what you want, if you don't want it you can just tell me and I won't tell Owen okay?" I said.
"No I love him," she said sweetly, "I want him to be my daddy."
"Okay," I smiled, "then we have some work to do. Grab your shoes."
"Okay!" She giggled. That couldn't have gone any better. Kamryn and I got ready to go out. We got in my car and I drove down to the Judge's office. We got out and walked inside.
"Mrs. Hunt," the judge smiled, "thought I'd see you two."
"Hi," Kamryn waved shyly.
"Hey Kamryn, how're you doing?" He said.
"Good," she said. The judge handed me a packet of papers and smiled.
"Congratulations to you and your husband," he said, "just bring these back whenever everything is filled out."
"Thank you so much," I smiled and hugged him. We left and headed to the store to get a card.
"Pick out whichever card you think he'll like," I said as we walked into the card section.
"I don't know," she said, "how am I supposed to know?" I chuckled and smiled.
"Kammie he'll like whatever card you get him," I said.
"This one?" She said and grabbed one that had a cute puppy on the front and said Happy Father's Day in big letters.
"It's perfect," I smiled. We bought Owen his favorite candy, a "world's best dad" shirt, and I had a picture frame with a picture of the three of us at the park at home wrapped for him. We checked out and walked back to the car.
"Alright good job shopping buddy," I said and gave her a high five from the back seat. She smiled and I was so glad she was excited.

the next day

"Good morning," I smiled and kissed Owen's cheek.
"Good morning," he said as he nuzzled into me, and his hands found my stomach, as they did every morning.
"And good morning to you little guy, or girl, either or," he chuckled. I smiled, he was such a cute dad.
"Happy Father's Day," I smiled.
"Thank you," he said.
"I just want you to know that you're the best dad Kamryn could have every asked for," I said, "you're the best."
"Aw thanks," he said.
"You are," I smiled as I kissed him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. I heard the door handle turn and we stopped kissing. I looked over my shoulder and saw Kamryn. She ran over and jumped onto the bed and crawled on top of Owen.
"Happy Father's Day daddy!" She giggled and hugged him.
"Thank you Kamryn," he smiled. She giggled and snuggled into him. I grabbed my phone and took a quick photo of them together.
"Daddy you have to open your presents," Kamryn said.
"Presents? For me?" Owen smiled.
"Yeah," Kamryn giggled.
"I'll go get them I'll be right back," I said. I had the adoption papers for Owen in my end table drawer, they were going to be last. I grabbed everything and then Kamryn gave it to Owen. They were so cute together. Owen was adorable open ring everything and Kamryn asked him if he liked everything, which of course he did.
"Thank you guys," Owen smiled and kissed me and then hugged Kamryn.
"Well there's one more," I said and reached and grabbed the envelope. I gave it to Kamryn and she smiled.
"Here you go!" She said.
"What's this?" Owen said as he started opening it.
"Open it," I chuckled and kissed his cheek. He unfolded the papers and he looked up at me.
"Really?" He said.
"Really," I nodded.
"Oh my god," he smiled and kissed me and then hugged Kamryn.
"You'll be my daddy forever?" She said.
"I'll be your daddy forever Kamryn," Owen smiled.

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