57: Little Sister

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I walked out into the waiting room and my moms face lit up.
"Oh congrats again!" She smiled and hugged me, "Kamryn is at the vending machines with Carolyn right now, but she'll be so excited, she wouldn't stop asking about her baby sister."
"Thanks mom," I smiled, "I'll go get her and wait here okay? We can meet your newest granddaughter together."
"I'd love that," she smiled. I walked down the hallway and Kamryn saw me.
"Hi daddy," she said.
"Hi," I said, "guess what."
"She's here?" She said.
"She is," I smiled.
"Can I see her?" She asked, "like now?"
"Yes let's go," I said. Carolyn smiled at us as Kamryn practically ran down the hallway. We got to Amelia's room and I opened the door. Kamryn's face lit up when she saw Amelia and Eliana.
"Daddy can I sit next to Mama on the bed?" She asked. I nodded and picked her up.
"Just be careful next to your sister and Mama okay," I said.
"What's her name?" She asked Amelia.
"Eliana Carolyn Hunt," Amelia smiled, "Ellie for short."
"Aw it's so pretty," my mom smiled, "Ellie and Kammie."
"I love it," Carolyn smiled.
"Mama can I hold her too?" Kamryn asked.
"Yes, but you have to be super careful okay? See how I'm supporting her head like this?" amelia explained. Kamryn nodded as Amelia lightly put Eliana in her arms. Amelia made sure her head was still propped up. I smiled and took a picture of my three girls.
"You're really outnumbered now," my mom joked. Amelia chuckled and smiled.
"Oh yeah," I laughed.
Everyone took a turn holding our precious Eliana. Kamryn was so cute. She was so excited and so caring around her little sister already. She was still sitting next to me and she was so cute. The door opened and it was Meredith and Maggie.
"Is she still in here?" Meredith asked, since Eliana would have to get some check ups done soon to make sure she was healthy to go home soon.
"Right here," my mom smiled.
"Oh my gosh," Maggie smiled, "oh she is adorable."
"She looks just like you," Meredith smiled. After a few more minutes of talking Carina came back in.
"I have to take Eliana up to the nursery to get the rest of her check ups okay?" Carina said, "you can come visit her super soon I promise."
"Okay," Owen and I nodded. I kissed her head and Owen placed her in her warmer to be taken upstairs.
"Mama where is Ellie going?" Kamryn asked.
"Well she has to go get some check ups done by the nurses," I said.
"They're taking her," Kamryn said quietly.
"We can go visit her soon," Owen said, "upstairs, where all the little babies are."
"Why are they taking her?" Kamryn said crying.
"Oh Kammie honey, I promise she'll be back, all babies have to get checkups. It's how they make sure they aren't sick okay? You don't want Ellie to be sick do you?" I said.
"No," she shook her head.
"Okay," I nodded, "why don't we all get some sleep and we can see Ellie in her cute pink jammies when we wake up okay?"
"You promise?" She asked.
"I promise," I said. She cuddled up next to me and our moms were going to head out since it was late. It was almost 11PM since I was in labor forever. Owen walked them out to their cars to make sure they got there okay. By the time he came back Kamryn was asleep next to me, and I could feel my eyelids closing.
"Hey," Owen said softly as he came back in.
"Hey," I said softly.
"I love you," he said as he kissed me.
"Mm I love you too," I said. He curled up on the couch next to the bed. I reached my hand out to him and he grabbed it.
"Good night," I said.
"Good night," he said, and we fell asleep like that, parents of two perfect girls, and falling asleep holding each other's hands.
I opened my eyes and I was on the hospital couch. I looked over and Amelia and Kamryn were still passed out. I figured Amelia would sleep for a while, and once Kamryn woke up she would beg to see Ellie. I walked to the cafeteria and grabbed two coffees. When I opened the door back to Amelia's room, Kamryn was playing games on her iPad.
"Daddy," she smiled.
"Good morning princess," I whispered as Amelia was still asleep. I put her coffee down on the end table and Kamryn got up and put her shoes on.
"Can we see Eliana now?" She asked.
"Yes, lets be quiet okay, mama has to sleep," I said. She nodded and we walked down the hallway together. We got in the elevator and I hit floor 4. The doors opened and we walked out and to the big windows by the nursery.
"Daddy?" Kamryn said.
"Yes?" I said.
"How did the baby come out of mama?" She asked as we looked in the window.
"It's a long process," I chuckled, "a very long process."
"Where's Ellie?" She asked as I picked her up and put her on my hip.
"Right there see," I said and pointed, "in the little warmer that says Hunt."
"She's so tiny," she said.
"She is," I said.
"She looks like mama," she said as she snuggled into me.
"She does look like mama," I smiled, my family was perfect.

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