38: Dresses

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Today was my dress shopping today, and of course, I was stressed. Why wouldn't I be? I was trying to relax and think of it as a fun day. Hopefully it'll be fun. I'm meeting Evelyn, Mom, Maggie, and Meredith at the dress shop with Kamryn. Thank god Meredith is coming because she's the most honest and the other three would just tell me whatever I like looks fine. Meredith won't hold back to tell me something is ugly.
"Kammie are you ready?" I asked as I walked out of my bedroom.
"Yes mama!" She smiled and walked into the living room.
"Alright go say goodbye to daddy before we leave," I said.
"You guys leaving already?" Owen said as he walked out of the hall bathroom.
"Yup," I said as I pecked his lips, "have a good day at work."
"Thanks," he smiled, "have fun dress shopping."
"Will do," I smiled.
"Bye daddy!" Kamryn said as Owen picked her up for a hug.
"Bye princess, make sure your mama picks out a pretty dress and tell her how pretty she looks for me alright? Because she looks pretty in everything," Owen said sweetly. I could feel myself blushing.
"Shut up," I said.
"You are pretty," Kamryn said, "Daddy's right."
"I'm always right," Owen said.
"I wouldn't go that far," I chuckled and kissed his cheek, "we'll see you later."
"Okay, love you guys," Owen said.
"Love you too!" Kamryn and I smiled as we walked out the door. We drove over to the wedding dress shop and I was really hoping I would find something I liked.
Dress number one. I was in the fitting room and I put it on. I turned around and it was okay. I mean it wasn't ugly, but it wasn't it. I'd show my family anyway because my mom and Maggie really liked the dress. The door opened and it was one of the workers, Mikala.
"You like it? It looks gorgeous on you," she smiled.
"Um it's okay," I said, "I like it, I don't know."
"A maybe?" She chuckled.
"Definitely in the maybe category," I said.
"You wanna show them?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said. I walked out and Maggie smiled.
"It's so pretty!" Maggie said.
"Do you like it?" My mom asked.
"It looks gorgeous on you," Evelyn said. I looked at Meredith and she chuckled.
"It's not you," she said, and there was my honest answer I was waiting for. She was right. It wasn't.
"You look pretty though," Kamryn said.
"You don't like it?" Evelyn said.
"No," I said, "I mean it's okay."
"Well that's okay, it was only the first on you tried," My mom said.
"Yeah," I said. Only the first one. I had nothing to worry about.
Amelia was having a hard time finding a dress. It might help if she wasn't extremely picky, but this is Amelia we're talking about. Which is ridiculous that she's so incredibly picky because she's super skinny and pretty and every dress she's tried on looks so good on her. Every. Single. One. But Amelia doesn't like any of them. Mikala came out of the dressing room without Amelia. Uh oh. That was a bad sign.
"Maggie she's asking for you," Mikala said.
"Okay," I said and got up and followed her.
"Is she okay?" I asked.
"She seems really stressed out, I think she just needs a minute to calm down," she said and led me to the door.
"Thanks," I said. I opened the door and Amelia was pacing the dressing room back and forth.
"You okay?" I said.
"What if I don't find a dress?" She said and looked at me, "what am I supposed to do?"
"Well, your wedding isn't for a few months, we could go somewhere else," I said.
"I've tried on 12," she said, "12 Maggie, what am I supposed to do?"
"You know Owen will think you look beautiful in whatever dress you find, and he's not wrong," I said. I could tell she was really stressed so I wrapped my arms around her and brought her into a hug.
"Do you want to go look for a few more?" I offered. She nodded.
"Just us? Because honestly the dresses my mom picks out are horrible," She laughed.
"Just us," I chuckled, "now let's go before anybody notices that's what we're doing."
"Okay," Amelia said, "thanks for calming me down."
"Well that's what sisters are for," I smiled.
Dress seventeen. I had 4 more dresses in the room and I hoped one of them would be it. Mikala zipped the back and I turned around. I was shocked. It was beautiful. I could feel myself tearing up looking at it, and that's when I knew. This was the one.
"Do you like it?" Mikala asked.
"Yeah," I said, "I love it."
"Let's go show everyone," she said.
"Okay," I smiled. We walked out and everyone's faces light up and I knew this was it.
"It's so you," Meredith said.
"It's really pretty Amelia," Maggie said.
"Do you like it?" Evelyn and my mom said at the same time.
"I love it," I chuckled as I admired it in the mirror.
"Do we have a dress?" My mom smiled.
"We do," I smiled and she hugged me.
"Kamryn what did you think?" I said.
"It's the prettiest," she smiled.
"So it's Kamryn approved?" I chuckled.
"It is," she giggled.
"Is it everyone else approved?" I laughed.
"Of course it is," Meredith said.
"Oh my gosh I can't believe I actually found a dress," I chuckled.
"You did have us a little worried," Maggie chuckled as she hugged me.
"Owens going to love it," Evelyn smiled as she hugged me, "you look gorgeous." And finally, I had a dress. I felt so relieved.
I just got home from my shift and to my surprise Amelia and Kamryn weren't home. I checked and didn't have any messages from them so I figured they were occupied with shopping. I really hope Amelia found a dress she loved because she's been so stressed about the wedding lately, and she doesn't need any more stress. I try to relieve some of the stress but she isn't the best at letting me help. We try to do wedding stuff every other day so we get a break from it, but I don't know. I'm keeping a close eye on her to make sure everything's okay. I started making dinner and after a half an hour the front door opened.
"Hey," Amelia smiled, "guess what?"
"What?" I said.
"I found a dress!" She smiled.
"That's awesome!" I smiled and hugged Amelia, "I'm sure you look beautiful."
"Everyone else liked it too," she smiled.
"Uh speaking of everyone else where's Kamryn?" I said.
"Owen don't be ridiculous she's at Meredith's house Zola wanted her to sleep over," Amelia chuckled, "you're making it sound like I lost her."
"Was not," I chuckled.
"Well that means we have the apartment to ourselves tonight," she said.
"Oh did you have something in mind?" I chuckled as she came over to me.
"I mean, I did but, I don't know," she teased, "depends on what you want to do." I smiled and kissed her passionately. As we started making out we got interrupted by the oven timer.
"Whatever you're cooking smells good," Amelia smiled as her arms made their way around my waist.
"Chicken Parm," I said.
"Ooh someone's being a chef tonight," she said and kissed my cheek.
I was sitting across from Amelia as we were finishing dinner.
"So what do you want to do?" I said.
"Well actually I had an idea," she said and got up and grabbed the wedding binder.
"Now you want to do wedding stuff?" I chuckled, "really?"
"Just for a few minutes I promise," she said, "anyway we have the whole night."
"Fine," I chuckled, she was so adorable.
"Anyway I was thinking we could go through wedding stationary for table settings."
"Amelia," I complained.
"Is someone being grouchy?" She chuckled.
"But we can look at it anytime," I said.
"It'll take 10 minutes max I promise," she said.
"Fine," I said and sat next to her. We looked at wedding stationary and Amelia put everything into neat piles on the table and labeled everything from display labels, to name cards, and table settings. She was right though, it only took 10 minutes.
"So," she said coming back to the table. She came over and sat down, straddling my lap.
"Was there something you wanted to do?" She teased.
"I don't know was there?" I said.
"Shut up," she said and kissed me passionately. I picked her up as we walked into the bedroom and started making out. I started kissing her neck and she giggled.
"I love you," she smiled as she took her shirt off.
"Well I love you too," I smiled as I kissed her.

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