68: Negative Results

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"Mama," I heard as someone was climbing on top of me.
"Good morning," I chuckled as Kamryn snuggled in between Owen and I.
"Someone's up early," Owen chuckled, "good morning princess."
"It's not early!" Kamryn said, "it's 9 o'clock!" I chuckled, she was used to getting up at 7, and was very bored without Owen and I in the morning.
"I'll come downstairs in a few minutes okay?" I said.
"Can I stay here?" Kamryn asked.
"Sure," I said. I heard a pager go off and I looked at the end table.
"It's yours," I said and handed it to Owen. He groaned and rolled over and grabbed it from me.
"Thanks," He said.
"You going in?" I asked softly.
"Yeah," he said.
"Let's go downstairs so daddy can get ready for work," I said to Kamryn.
"Okay," I said. I looked over at the baby monitor and Ellie was still asleep. I pecked Owen's lips and he smiled.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I smiled. I left so he could get ready for work. I walked out into the hallway and I peeked into Ellie's room and sure enough she was asleep. I smiled and walked downstairs.
"Hey I gotta go," Owen said as he ran down the stairs.
"Okay, have a good day," I said and kissed him.
"Thanks, I'll see you later right?" He said.
"Yeah I'll drop the girls off at daycare okay," I said. He nodded and kissed me again.
"Bye daddy have fun at work!" Kamryn said and hugged him.
"I will, make sure you and your sister are extra good for mama this morning okay?" He said.
"We will!" Kamryn said.
"Love you guys," Owen said as he grabbed his keys.
"Love you too," kamryn and I said. He left and I started making coffee.
"Mama what surgery is daddy doing today?" Kamryn asked as she grabbed cereal.
"I'm not sure," I said, "it sounds like an emergency."
"Like what kind of emergency?" She said.
"Well when people get into a car accident daddy fixes them if they're hurt. That would be an emergency," I said.
"Oh," she nodded.
"Make sense?" I said. She nodded and started eating cereal.
"What are we doing today?" She asked.
"Well I have to go into work after lunch so you and Ellie are going to go to daycare for a little while," I said.
"Is Zola going to be there?" She asked.
"I think so," I said, "not sure."
I got out of the shower and threw on clothes for work. I hadn't heard from Owen all morning so I can only assume the ER is packed. I saw there was a big car crash this morning. I looked at the counter and saw the box of pregnancy tests I bought. I was 2 days late, which I know isn't a lot, and I'm probably stressed with work, so I'm probably not pregnant, but all I can think about is if I am. A third kid. I was excited. I looked at my phone and realized I was going to be late. I threw the box into my purse and walked downstairs.
"Kamryn are you ready?" I asked. I picked up Ellie out of her play pen and grabbed the diaper bag. I already packed her formula, snacks, toys, and her favorite stuffies.
"Yes," kamryn said as she zipped up her bag with a few coloring books.
"Alright let's get a move on," I said. I locked the door behind me and unlocked the car doors. I buckled Ellie into her car seat and Kamryn buckled her own seatbelt. I drove over to the hospital and got the girls to daycare and made sure they were settled before going to my office and doing paperwork. I got to my office and put my bag down. I saw the box of pregnancy tests and sighed. I should just go take the test. I grabbed two tests and shoved them into my scrub pocket and walked into the bathroom. I set a timer on my phone and peed on the sticks. I was really nervous. I had a normal pregnancy with Ellie, but what if I had an unhealthy one again? The timer went off and I took a deep breathe and then exhaled. I looked in the mirror and fidgeted with my fingers. I wasn't sure I knew which result I wanted. I looked down.
It's safe to say I wish it was positive.

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