86: Finally Home

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Noah was coming home today. Everyone was so excited. We told Kamryn she didn't have to go to school today because she wanted to go to the hospital with us to bring home Noah.
"Mama are we going to the hospital?" Kamryn asked cutely, "like now?"
"Yes we'll go in a few minutes," Amelia chuckled as she was still in her pajamas and hadn't had coffee yet.
"Is ellie awake?" I asked. Amelia looked at the baby monitor on the counter and shook her head no.
"Not yet," Amelia said. I turned the coffee pot on and Amelia smiled.
"Thank you honey," she said and grabbed a mug.
"Daddy I want to go see noah," Kamryn complained.
"Sweetheart we have to get ready and wait for your sister to get up," I explained.
"Can't we just wake her up," Kamryn said.
"I'll make a deal with you, if she's not up by 9 I'll wake her up," Amelia said.
"Okay," Kamryn said. It was only 8:15 so it gave Ellie plenty of time to sleep.
"Owen do you want coffee?" Amelia asked.
"Sure," I said. She poured me a cup and handed it to me.
"Thank you," I said and kissed her cheek.
We were all ready to go to the hospital. The girls were so excited it was adorable.  Amelia was buckling Ellie into her car seat and Kamryn was buckling herself. We drove over and then we walked into the lobby.
"Daddy can I push the button in the elevator?" Kamryn asked.
"Sure," I said and let her push the buttons. The four of us waited in the elevator and when the doors opened Amelia smiled at me.
"Mommy me walk too," Ellie said and wiggled out her arms.
"Okay," Amelia chuckled as Kamryn and Ellie walked together.
"Aw my heart look how cute," Amelia smiled. I held her hand and smiled.
"We can finally go home all together today," I smiled.
"I know!" Amelia giggled, "the five of us."
"Yup," I smiled and kissed her.
I picked up Noah and smiled.
"Hi buddy," I smiled and kissed his cheek, "you can come home today baby!"
"Hi bud," Owen smiled and kissed his head. The five of us walked back to the car and Amelia and I got everyone buckled. We drove home and the girls were so excited it was adorable.
"Noah look at your room!" Kamryn smiled as she opened the door. I was cradling him in her arms and I was holding Ellie.
"Look little guy," Owen smiled, "this whole room is for you."
"Look you've got a crib and everything," I said. He looked so sleepy it was so cute.
"I think someone wants a nap," I chuckled. Noah did a little yawn and reached for Owen.
"Hey little dude," Owen smiled, "you ready for a nap?" We left as Owen changed him into comfy pajamas and put him in his crib. The girls were eating lunch when Owen came back downstairs.
"Did you turn the baby monitor on?" I asked.
"Yup," he said.
"Okay," I smiled and pecked his lips.
"Mommy!" Ellie giggled.
"Hi honey," I smiled, "what's up?"
"Me done," she said. I looked down at the plate on her high chair and cleaned it up.
"Twank uo," she said.
"You're welcome," I said.
"Mommy can we watch a movie?" Kamryn asked.
"Sure," I said, "why don't you go pick one out?"
"Okay, daddy come help me," Kamryn said.
"Alright we'll be back," Owen said. I picked Ellie up out of her highchair and went upstairs to change her diaper. I picked her back up and I walked into Noah's room, where he was still peacefully asleep in his crib, the crib that we would move into our bedroom tonight. I walked back downstairs and Owen and Kamryn were setting a movie up.
"So what are we watching?" I asked.
"Finding Nemo!" Kamryn giggled. Owen presses play and we all sat down on the couch. Owen put his arm around me as Kamryn sat down next to him and Ellie snuggled into my lap. I smiled at my perfect family, this was the best way to spend the afternoon.
We moved Noah's crib into our room. He was so cute sleeping. Hopefully he wasn't a crier like Ellie, but he probably was, all babies are. Amelia was snuggled next to me in bed as we were watching the news on low volume.
"He's so cute," Amelia said.
"He is isnt he?" I said.
"He looks just like you," Amelia said and kissed my cheek.
"Yeah," I smiled. Noah started crying and Amelia got up. She picked him up and sat down next to me.
"Hey buddy," she said, "what's wrong?" She cradled him and I put my arm around her.
"Hey bud look it's mommy and daddy," I said and kissed Amelia's cheek, "no need to cry you're okay." After a little while he stopped crying and Amelia held him some more.
"Can I hold him?" I asked.
"You don't have to ask," she chuckled and placed him in my arms, "of course you can." I smiled as I looked down at Noah. My mini me.

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