83: Reunited

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I was coming home today. I was so excited. I was so worried about Amelia and the girls. I know this was hard on Amelia, especially pregnant. I hope everything was alright at home. I was getting off the plane in an hour. I couldn't wait to see my family. I missed them so much. I had a bunch of awesome surgeries and saved a bunch of lives overseas, but I missed my family more than anything in the world. I couldn't wait to see them.
"I can't take him with me?" I asked Arizona.
"I'm sorry, he's really unstable right now. You know he needs the vent to breathe properly right now, it's only been 3 weeks," Arizona said.
"Owen should get to meet him at the airport," I cried.
"I know," she said and hugged me, "but you can't put him at risk by taking him off the vent right now."
"You'll have a team here monitoring him right?" I asked.
"Of course I will, now go get your husband from the airport so he can meet his son," she smiled. I smiled and nodded. I walked down the hallway and opened my office door.
"Are you guys ready?" I smiled.
"Time to go get daddy!" Kamryn smiled, "Ellie lets go."
"Us see daddy now?" Ellie beamed.
"That's right baby girl, we're going to see daddy now," I said. She giggled and I picked her up. We walked out to the car and I drove over to the airport in 40 minutes. Owen didn't know I had Noah, but I was so excited to see him.
I was walking out the gate now. I was so excited. I walked through the gate and I saw them. Amelia waved to me. She had the baby. She had Noah, but where was he?
"Daddy!" Kamryn screamed as she ran over to me. I wrapped my arms around her and I smiled.
"I love you so much," I said.
"I love you too!" She said. Amelia came over holding Ellie. I stood up and hugged Ellie.
"Daddy!" She smiled, "Uo back!"
"I am back," I smiled, "I missed you."
"I missed you too," Ellie smiled. I put her down and turned to Amelia. I picked her up and wrapped my arms around her.
"I love you so much," Amelia said crying, "I-I had the baby."
"Yeah I can kinda tell," I joked, "You look good, and I love you too, where is the little guy?"
"He's in the nicu, he was born 7 weeks early, but he's a fighter just like his daddy, he's on a vent right now but he's getting so much stronger," Amelia said.
"He's okay though right?" I said crying. She smiled.
"He looks just like his daddy," she said crying. I hugged her tightly again.
"Daddy you have to see Noah," Kamryn said as she grabbed my hand. Amelia picked up Ellie and we walked out to the parking lot. Amelia drove over so I could talk to the girls.
"So Kamryn hows first grade?" I asked.
"It's longer than kindergarten! Which is unfair, well actually it's stupid but mama says I'm not allowed to say that," she said. I laughed.
"But you have your friends don't you?" I said.
"Yeah I do," she said.
"And Miss Ellie how is daycare with your cousins?" I asked.
"Good," she said, "mommy visits me a lot."
"That's good," I said, "you have fun?"
"Yes!" She giggled. Amelia parked and I smiled.
"Owen," she smiled, "let's go meet your son." I couldn't help but smile. The four of us walked in and I grabbed Amelia's hand. It felt so good to be back.
"Come on," Amelia smiled as she pulled at my arm. She was adorable. We walked into the nicu and I saw my son for the first time. I started crying. I couldn't pick him up because of the vent, but he was so cute. Amelia wrapped her arms around my waist and I put my arm around her.
"He's perfect," I said.
"He is," she smiled.
"How long is he going to need the vent?" I asked.
"I don't know," she said sadly, "he was doing really well after he was born, but then his breathing got bad within the first 24 hours, Arizona has tried to take him off the vent a few times, she thinks next week he might be strong enough."
"That's good," I said, "hey little guy, I'm your daddy." I put my hand on the glass and Amelia smiled.
"I told him all about how his strong and brave daddy was overseas saving people," Amelia said.
"Well now it's my turn to tell him about his super strong and amazing mama," I smiled.
He was finally home. It felt so good. He finally met Noah. It was so exciting. We were now home with the girls. We were going to go back to the hospital to see Noah later since he was sleeping and couldn't come off the vent yet. Owen being here didn't feel real.
"Hey," he said as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Hey," I smiled.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I said.
"I'm sorry I was away when Noah was born," he said. I turned around and faced him.
"You don't have to apologize, you were in Pakistan," I chuckled, "you get a pass."
"I know but," he said and put his hands on my hips.
"I know," I said.
"You look really good though," he smiled, "you're hot."
"Shut up," I chuckled.
"You're always hot," he chuckled.
"So are you," I said and leaned up and kissed him.
"I've missed you," He said as he started kissing me more.
"I've miss you too," I said. We started making out and he pulled me close to him.
"Ew," Ellie chuckled as she walked into the kitchen with Kamryn. Owen and I chuckled.
"Can we use the pool?" Kamryn asked.
"Yeah," I said, "daddy and I will go get changed, just wait here so that Ellie doesn't trip by the water or anything."
"Okay," Kamryn said. Owen and I walked upstairs and changed into our bathing suits to go swim with the girls. I got changed and walked out of the bathroom and Owen grinned.
"Stop staring," I chuckled.
"Sorry," he chuckled, "as if you're not staring at me."
"Shut up," I chuckled.
"So uh, what's the time frame with us having sex after having Noah?" He asked.
"Arizona said 6 weeks," I chuckled.
"So it's been 3?" He said.
"Correct," I chuckled, "come here." He got up off the bed and wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you so much and I'm so glad you're okay, and that you're here today to help me parent our three beautiful children, and that you got to meet Noah this morning," I said and hugged him tightly. I felt so safe in his strong arms, I was so grateful to god that he brought Owen back to me.

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