26: Sleepovers?

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Owen, Kamryn, and I were watching a movie in the living room. She was sitting in my lap and Owen has his arm around me. Owens been spending a lot more time around her lately and it's really cute. She loves him. She absolutely adores him, and I'm thinking maybe I should kinda let him stay the night and see how she feels about it. I just don't know what she's comfortable with or which territory to go into next. I don't want to rush things.
"Mama?" Kamryn said.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Can we eat ice cream?" She said. I looked at Owen and shrugged.
"I don't see why not," I said.
"Yay!" She said and jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen. I chuckled and looked at Owen.
"She's so cute," Owen said.
"I know," I smiled. He leaned in and pecked my lips and I smiled. We got up and walked into the kitchen and I helped her make a bowl of ice cream.
"Can I eat it in the living room?" She said.
"As long as you don't get ice cream on the couch," I chuckled.
"I won't!" She said as she ran over to the couch.
"You want ice cream?" I asked Owen.
"I was gonna eat out of your bowl," he chuckled.
"Oh very cute," I chuckled as he kissed me.
"Hey so I was thinking," I started.
"When aren't you," he said.
"Can you shut up," I laughed, "Anyway, I was thinking about asking Kamryn how she felt about you staying the night."
"Okay," he smiled as he placed his hands on my hips.
"Good idea?" I said.
"Good idea," he said.
"Okay," I smiled.
"Mama! Owen! Are you coming back?" Kamryn said sweetly.
"Yes one second baby," I said. I put everything back in the freezer and Owen and I walked back to the couch with ice cream. Kamryn crawled back into my lap and she was so cute.
The movie was over and Kamryn was getting ready for bed. I gave her a quick bath and she was in her pjs while I dried her hair with a towel.
"So mama has something to ask you," I said.
"Okay," she said.
"Well how would you feel if Owen slept over?" I said.
"Where would he sleep?" She said confused,
"We don't have a bed for him."
"Well Owen would sleep in mama's room," I chuckled, "In mama's bed."
"Like the parents in the movie?" She said.
"Yes exactly," I said.
"So you and Owen are having a sleepover," she giggled.
"We are," I chuckled, "is that okay?"
"Yeah," she giggled.
"Okay," I said, "let's go say goodnight to Owen."
"Okay!" She said and ran down the hallway to where Owen was still sitting on the couch.
"Good night Owen," she said sweetly and gave him a hug.
"Good night Kamryn," he smiled.
"Can you tug me in with mama?" Kamryn asked cutely.
"Sure," Owen said. She ran down the hall and I smiled at Owen.
"Is she okay with it?" He asked as he kissed me.
"Yeah she is," I smiled. I opened her door and Kamryn crawled into bed. Owen and I tucked her into bed and I kissed her head.
"Good night sweet pea," I said, "I love you."
"Good night mama, I love you too," she said, "good night Owen."
"Good night Kamryn," Owen smiled. I dimmed her lamp and we walked to my room. I felt Owen wrap his arms around my waist from behind.
"You're such a cute mom," he said.
"Am I?" I chuckled.
"Absolutely," he said, "it's adorable." We walked over to my bed and we cuddled while watching TV for a while.
"I'm warning you she will wake you up at like 7:30," I laughed.
"Better than hiding in your bathroom," Owen said.
"Shut up," I laughed and nuzzled into him, "I made up for that after."
"You did," he chuckled.
"I love you," I said softly. I didn't realize what I said until I said it. Shit. Was it too soon? I froze.
"I love you too," he said. I looked up at him and smiled.
"Really?" I smiled.
"Of course I love you, are you kidding?" He said.
"I love you too," I smiled.
"I've been wanting to say that to you for a while," he chuckled. I could feel myself blushing.
"You're so cute," I said.
"That's all you," he said.
"Mama," I heard as I felt Kamryn climb on top of me.
"Mm good morning," I mumbled as I opened my eyes. She snuggled into my chest and I looked at the clock and it was 7:15.
"Good morning Owen," Kamryn said as Owen opened his eyes. I chuckled and kissed his forehead, he definitely wasn't used to being woken up by a five year old.
"Morning," he said.
"Why don't we let mama and Owen wake up okay?" I chuckled, "I'll meet you in the kitchen okay?"
"Okay," she giggled and ran down the hallway. I rolled over into Owen and he put his arm around me.
"So early," I chuckled.
"I don't know how you do it," Owen said.
"Me either," I said, dozing back off.
"Get up," he chuckled.
"I'm so tired," I said. He started kissing my forehead and then my lips.
"Mm," I smiled, "okay that's a nice way to wake up."
"Oh yeah?" He chuckled.
"Okay but now I want coffee," I laughed and pulled him out of bed with me. We walked into the kitchen and Kamryn was packing her backpack for school. I yawned and walked over to the counter and started making coffee.
"Kamryn do you want to come to the hospital after school?" I asked, considering last time we were there she had a major meltdown.
"I guess so," she said and hopped onto the chair at the table.
"Mama has to work though, so you have to hangout with Bailey, Ellis, and Zola okay?" I said.
"Okay," she said.
"That's okay?" I said grabbing the cereal from the pantry.
"Yeah," Kamryn said.
"Okay," I said.
"Is Owen coming to the hospital too?" Kamryn asked sweetly.
"Well Owen works there," I chuckled.
"I know," she said and hopped down from the chair and I handed her a bowl of cereal.
"Can I watch cartoons? Please?" She said.
"Yes just be neat," I said.
"Okay," she said. I turned to Owen.
"You want anything?" I said as I grabbed a box of cereal.
"You eat this stuff?" He chuckled as he took the box from me.
"Hey it's good," I chuckled.
"Amelia do you know how much sugar is in this?" He chuckled.
"If you don't look at it, it's not there," I laughed and snatched the box back from him.
"Do you have regular cereal?" He said.
"Yes but you're trying this," I said as I poured a bowl and grabbed him a spoon. It was some fruity trix cereal Kamryn loved.
"Ew no," he said.
"Try it," I said as I held the spoon.
"Fine," he said.
"Do you want me to feed it to you like a little baby?" I said in a baby voice.
"Shut up," he laughed and let me feed it to him.
"Is it good?" I said.
"It's not bad," he said.
"Oh you like it!" I said.
"I'd still prefer regular cereal," he said.
"It's on the second shelf in the pantry," I said.
"Okay," he said. Kamryn ran in with her empty bowl and I lifted her up so she could drop it in the sink.
"Okay go get dress and I'll do your hair after okay?" I said.
"Mhm," she nodded and ran down the hall. I looked over and Owen was eating breakfast. He was so cute.
"Are you coming with?" I asked.
"Do you want me to?" He said.
"I mean you can," I said.
"Okay," he said, "sure, when do I have to be ready?"
"8," I said.
"Okay," he said. Kamryn came out of her room holding her stuff animal and she sat down at the table next to Owen.
"Braids?" I asked.
"Just one," she said.
"Okay," I said and started braiding her hair.
"How do you do that?" Owen said.
"Super secret skill," I joked.
"I see," he chuckled. He got up and went back to the bedroom to go get read. I finished braiding Kamryn's hair and she smiled.
"I like Owen here in the morning," she giggled.
"Me too," I chuckled.
"He makes you so happy mama," she said.

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