56: Third Trimester

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The third trimester was god awful. I was in so much pain all the time. I was 1 week away from my due date and I was so ready to just have our little princess.
"Good morning," Owen said softly as he kissed my cheek, "are you up?"
"I'm up," I mumbled.
"How're you feeling this morning?" Owen asked.
"In pain," I said and tried to sit up.
"Let me help you," he said.
"Thanks," I said, "do you know if Kamryn's up?"
"I checked on her a few minutes ago and she was asleep," he said.
"Okay," I said.
"You need anything?" He asked.
"Kisses," I smiled and he did too. He kissed me and then placed a kiss on my forehead and on my stomach.
"I can't wait to meet her," he said.
"Me too," I said, "hopefully she'll be a strong soccer player after all this kicking she's been doing." Owen laughed and I smiled.
"Definitely," Owen said.
We were all eating lunch in the kitchen. Kamryn was excited to go in the pool today. We've only used it a few times but she loves it.
"Can I go out my swim suit on?" Kamryn said.
"Just put your plate in the sink okay?" Amelia said. Kamryn nodded and then ran upstairs.
"Ow," Amelia winced in pain.
"Kicking?" I asked.
"Yeah," she groaned.
"What can I do?" I asked.
"It'll pass," she said, "okay ow that one really hurt. I think I'm having contractions."
"Right now?" I said. She nodded.
"Yeah," she said as she groaned in pain.
"Okay I'll grab the overnight bag and call the hospital okay?" I said.
"Okay," She said, "make it quick."
"I will," I said. I ran upstairs and Kamryn came out of her room.
"Hey do we can't use the pool today," I said.
"What? Why not?" She pouted.
"Because your baby sister is coming today," I said.
"No way," she said, "really?"
"Yes we're going to the hospital get changed quickly please," I said.
"Okay!" She giggled and ran back in her room. I grabbed the overnight bag and called Arizona and both of our moms. I sent a text to Mer and Maggie to expect us. I walked back downstairs and Amelia was still sitting at the counter.
"I'm definitely in labor," she said, "did you tell Kamryn?"
"Mama the baby is coming?" Kamryn said as she ran into the kitchen. Amelia smiled at me and nodded.
"Your baby sister is coming today," amelia smiled.
God this was painful. So fucking painful. I was only 5cm and it was horrible without an epidural.
"Owen," I complained as I reached for his hand. He grabbed my hand and started kissing it.
"Hey you're halfway there," he said.
"I don't care I want to be done," I complained. I squeezed his hand and he squeezed mine back.
"You're doing good," he said. The door opened and it was Meredith.
"I brought you something," Meredith said.
"What is it?" I said.
"A birthing ball!" Maggie said as she walked in.
"Meredith I'm not sitting on your stupid ball," I said.
"Amelia, I'm not kidding sit on the ball," Meredith said.
"Fine," I groaned. Owen helped me up and I sat on the ball. It felt a little better I guess, I don't know, it still hurt like a bitch.
Kamryn was so excited about having a little sister, but little did 6 year olds know how long it took to have a baby.
"Grandma," she said sweetly.
"Yes honey?" I said.
"Is my baby sister here yet?" She asked.
"Not yet," I said.
"Can you check?" She asked.
"She's not here I promise," I chuckled, "why don't we go for a walk?"
"But I want to see my little sister," she complained.
"Kamryn shes not here yet, there's nothing to see yet," Carolyn chuckled as she came over and handed her a granola bar.
"Okay," Kamryn said, "it'll be soon though right?" Carolyn and I exchanged looks and I chuckled, we'd been here 6 hours and Amelia was only 5cm.
"Yeah it'll be soon," Carolyn said, "let's go on a walk though and you can play games on my phone when we get back alright?"
"Okay," Kamryn said and got down off the chair.
"Owen I cant do this anymore," I said.
"You're almost there," Owen said.
"We've been here for 11 hours," I said.
"I know," He said.
"The baby isn't coming out of your vagina," I said.
"Yes I'm aware," he said. The door opened and it was Carina.
"I swear to god if you say I'm still 9cm," I complained. She exchanged a look at Owen and I sighed.
"You're joking right?" I said.
"You are very close to 10 centimeters amelia," she said.
" 'so close' my ass I want to be done I'm dying Carina," I said.
"Okay just a little while longer alright? You're doing so good okay?" owen said, "I love you."
"I love you too," I said. He kissed me and I leaned into him.
"You're doing so good, you're so strong honey," he said as I squeezed his hand.
"Okay Amelia push!" Carina said.
"Owen I cant," I said, "I can't I can't do this!"
"Amelia you're doing well okay but I need you to start pushing," Carina said.
"You heard her okay? You've got this," Owen said.
"Push!" Carina said. I started pushing as I squeezed Owen's hands. I pushed for what seemed like forever, and what felt like forever, but finally I heard a cry.
"Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl," Carina smiled, "were just going to get her cleaned up and you can hold her."
"We did it," I said smiling, and crying.
"You did it, my strong wife," Owen said as he kissed me.
"Here is your beautiful baby girl," Carina smiled as she put her in my arms.
"Oh my gosh," I said crying, "Owen she's beautiful."
"Just like her mommy," Owen said and kissed my cheek.
"Do we want a picture?" Carina smiled.
"Yes," I smiled. Owen and I smiled and we looked down at our perfect baby girl.
"Do we have a name?" The nurse said. I looked at Owen and smiled.
"Eliana Carolyn Hunt," Owen and I said.
"Ellie for short," Owen said.
"Ellie," I smiled.

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