50: First Ultrasound

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I heard the alarm go off. I rolled over and pulled the blankets over me.
"Amelia," Owen said softly, "get up."
"5 more minutes," I mumbled.
"But then we'll be late," Owen said and kissed my cheek.
"No we won't," I mumbled and buried my face into my pillow. We were getting the first ultrasound today. I was so nervous. I threw up half the night because I was so nervous. I told Owen it was just some pregnancy sickness, but I'm really nervous. I just went our baby boy or baby girl to be healthy, and to have a brain. I'm really scared, I don't want to go. I'm scared of seeing my baby in pain inside of me, struggling to develop or grow, and unable to live a happy and healthy life because of my past drug addiction.
"Everything will be alright," Owen said softly, "I know you're worried, but I'll be right there next to you."
"I know," I said softly. I let him pulled my into his arms and I clung to his chest.
"What if something's wrong?" I said, "will you still love me?"
"Of course I'll still love you," he said and pushed my hair behind my ear, "I'll always love you." I smiled and pecked his lips. Kamryn was staying the night at Meredith's house since our appointment was really early this morning. We got dressed and eat breakfast and drove over to the hospital. I was nervous. I sat down next to Owen in the waiting room while we filled out forms. Owen grabbed my hand and I smiled.
"We're seeing our baby," he smiled.
"I'm so excited," I said, and I wasn't lying, I was super excited, just also worried.
"Hunt," a nurse smiled and brought us into a room to wait for Carina. The door opened and she smiled.
"Hey guys!" She smiled, "first of all congratulations!"
"Thank you," Owen and I smiled. I pulled my shirt up and Carina grabbed the gel.
"Alright it's just going to be a little cold," she said. I grabbed Owen's hand and squeezed it. I couldn't look at the monitor, I was too scared. I heard a strong beating noise and looked at Owen.
"There's your baby," Carina said. I looked over and saw our baby moving around.
"Oh my gosh," I smiled and looked at Owen, "is he or she healthy?"
"Yup, see, there's the head, arms, legs, everything, steady heartbeat too," she said.
"Oh my gosh," I smiled.
"Our baby is perfect," Owen smiled and kissed me, "nothing to worry about." I smiled at the screen.
"I'm assuming you guys want pictures?" Carina smiled.
"Absolutely," Owen smiled. She printed us a few photos and put them in an envelope for us.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"You're welcome, and congratulations again guys," she smiled. I took the envelope from her and we walked back out to the car. We were going to surprise Maggie and Meredith with the photos today since they had no idea I was pregnant. We told them that Owen and I had a super early surgery together and that's why she needed to watch Kamryn. We were gonna surprise our mothers together. Kamryn was so happy to see the baby. We arrived at Meredith's and I rang the doorbell.
"Hi," Meredith smiled, "how was the surgery?"
"Went well," Owen said.
"Yeah," I smiled. We walked in and Kamryn was on the couch watching TV with Ellis.
"Mama! Daddy!" She giggled as she ran towards us. I hugged her and kissed her head as Owen did the same.
"Is maggie home?" I asked, hoping I could tell them both.
"Yeah she's in the kitchen," Meredith said.
"Well I have an announcement," I said.
"Okay," Meredith said confused. Owen and I followed her into the kitchen and I grabbed the envelope out of my pocket.
"So," I smiled and looked at Owen, "Owen and I want to tell you something."
"Okay," Maggie and Meredith said. Owen took one of the pictures out of the envelope and turned it around.
"Oh my god!" Meredith said, "you're pregnant?"
"Amelia!" Maggie smiled and hugged me, "congratulations."
"Congrats you guys! Oh my god this is so exciting!" Meredith said and hugged us.
"Does Kamryn know?" Maggie asked.
"Yeah," I said, "she knows."
"How far along are you?" Meredith asked.
"I'm almost 8 weeks," I smiled. We heard footsteps and I saw Kamryn in the kitchen.
"Can I see?" She said cutely.
"Yes come here," I lifted her up onto the stool and Owen handed her the picture.
"That's the baby?" She said.
"Yup," I said.
"Did the doctor tell you if it's a boy or girl?" She asked hopefully.
"No, not yet," I said, "in a few weeks okay?"
"Okay," she nodded. I kissed her head and wrapped my arms around her. I was so happy.

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