67: Baby Number 3?

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4 months later
Today Amelia and I were both home from work. We've been back in our groove lately and been working a lot more but still spend lots of time with the girls. Ellie is getting so big now. She now speaks in gibberish and hasn't said her first real word yet. She's crawling everywhere and grabbing everything off the tables, so Amelia and I can't leave anything out anymore. She's almost a year old. Kamryn is enjoying her summer off from school before she goes to her first year of elementary school as a first grader. She's been reading books with Amelia every night and splashing me every second in the pool. That's another thing - Ellie now likes the water. After throwing a fit for months Amelia finally brought her in the water the other day and she was perfectly fine with it.
"Owen," Amelia groaned as she rolled over.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Good you're awake," She said. I chuckled as I kissed her head.
"I'm tired," she said as she opened her eyes.
"Go back to bed," I chuckled. Instead she wrapped her arms around my waist and nuzzled into me. It was nice not having to wake up with the alarm clock for Kamryn's school. Now we only use it for work.
"Good morning," Amelia said softly after a few minutes.
"Good morning," I said, with summer, she's becoming less and less of a morning person. Not that Amelia was ever a morning person to begin with.
Kamryn was swimming in the pool and Eliana was upstairs taking a nap. Amelia and I just enjoyed watching Kamryn in the pool.
"Hey so I wanna ask you something," Amelia said softly.
"Okay," I said.
"Would you want a third kid?" She asked. The question caught me off guard but I smiled.
"Yeah," I smiled, "are you?"
"No I'm not," she said, "I was just wondering."
"So do you want to try?" I asked.
"I don't know," she said, "I was just curious what you thought."
"Okay," I said, "do you want a third kid?" She smiled and nodded.
"Yeah," She said.
"Well," I said, "maybe we just have sex but we're not exactly trying."
"And if it happens it happens?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"Okay," she said, "sounds like a good idea to me."
"Me too," I said.
"3 kids," she smiled.
"3 kids," I smiled.
"You're a really good dad," she said.
"Well you're a really good mom," I said.
"If I get pregnant I hope it's a boy," she said.
"Me too," I said.
"I think we need a mini you in this family," she said. I smiled.
"I'm excited," I said.
"Me too," she said, "Hopefully I get pregnant."
"Yeah," I said.
"Wanna go in the pool?" She asked.
"Yeah," I chuckled, "let's go mommy." I picked her up and she started laughing.
"Owen don't throw me in," she said, "please."
"Why not?" I chuckled as I was holding her.
"I have my phone," she said. I put her down and she ran over and put her phone in the counter.
"Are you ready now?" I chuckled. She nodded.
"Mama and Daddy are you guys coming in?" Kamryn asked. I picked her up and she laughed. I jumped in the pool with both of us and we both came up and Kamryn was giggling. We swam over to her and she swam into Amelia's arms. Amelia kissed her head and I smiled.
We all came in from the pool and I went to go check on Ellie. I walked into her nursery and she was lying on her stomach. I rubbed her back and she looked up at me.
"Hi baby," I smiled. I picked her up and her eyes lit up. She was so cute. She started pointing around the room and speaking gibberish.
"What was that honey?" I chuckled.
"Bah ah," she said.
"Baba?" I said.
"Bah," she said.
"You want your baba? Your binky?" I chuckled and picked up the pink pacifier. She took it from me and looked at it. She fumbled with it and dropped it.
"Ellie," I chuckled. I picked it up and rinsed it in the hallway bathroom sink. I gave it back to her and she put it in her mouth. She snuggled into me and I smiled. I walked downstairs and Owen and Kamryn were eating chips at the counter.
"It's almost dinner time!" I complained.
"No it's not, it's 4:30," Owen said. I frowned at them and Owen chuckled.
"And how is this little princess doing after her long nap?" Owen said cutely as he got up to see Ellie.
"You had a long nap didn't you?" I chuckled as I kissed her head. Owen lifted her up and I smiled. He was the best with the kids.
"Mama?" Kamryn said.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Can Ellie try and walk again?" Kamryn begged, "please?" Lately we've been trying to get Ellie to take a few steps holding onto something or Owen and I. We haven't been very successful. She just stands there and eventually starts crying. Kamryn wants her to walk really badly because it'll probably be easier to play dolls and toys with her.
"We can try," Owen shrugged. Owen put Ellie down and sat in front of her. He held both of her hands and she just stood there.
"Ellie do you want to walk to daddy?" I said. She looked up at me and then at Owen. I took out my phone and hit record incase she took a few steps.
"Ellie, come to daddy," Owen said. And then it happened. While holding onto Owen, she took two little steps forwards.
"Good job Ellie!" Owen smiled and lifted her up, "those were your first steps!"
"Yay!" Kamryn smiled.
"Oh I'm so proud of you," I smiled and kissed her cheek.
"Wait did you get that on video?" Owen asked. I nodded and he grinned. Ellie's first steps.

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