35: Birth Mother

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"Why are you here?" I said. It came out mean. It shouldn't have. But I wanted to know.
"I want to see her," she said, "The last time I saw her she was 2." Did she know about the last family? She had to have.
"Did you know," I said.
"Know what?" She said.
"What her brother was doing," I said. Her face turned pale and she knew. She fucking knew. She let them have her. All I could feel was mad. I hated this woman, but at the same time, she was the same person who created the little girl I love more than life itself. I looked at Owen and he didn't know what to do either.
"I did," she said quietly, "the judge wouldn't do anything."
"And you wouldn't take her back?" I said.
"Amelia," Owen said.
"Look can we talk alone?" Rose begged.
"Fine. Owen I'll see you later," I said as we walked down the hallway.
"So you're a surgeon," Rose said.
"Yeah," I said as I pressed the elevator button. Pressed is an understatement. I jammed the button in the wall to try to get my anger out before I was about to strangle Rose. She let Jamie hurt Kamryn. We got in the elevator and the doors closed.
"I wanted to call, but it's not easy finding the phone number of a world class neurosurgeon online," Rose said.
"It's like that for a reason," I said bitterly.
"I'm sorry," she said, "you have to believe me, I tried, I tried to help her, but three years ago I was 18, I couldn't have a kid living with me. I couldn't afford it. I still can't."
"I get it," I said as the doors opened and we walked down to my office. She sat down and I sat down behind my desk.
"Are you trying to take her back?" I asked.
"No," she said, "I just want to check in on her. See how she's doing. I know you're definitely providing a better life for her than I ever could have. I just want to see her." I sighed and looked at her. She seemed sincere, she seemed honest.
"Can I ask you something?" Rose said.
"Sure," I said.
"Is she happy? Is she healthy?" She asked.
"Yes," I said.
"Okay," she nodded, "I understand if you don't want me to see her."
"I'll ask her how she feels when I pick her up from school," I said, "You can wait at the hospital I guess and I'll come find you and tell you what Kamryn wants. It's up to her."
"That's fair," she nodded, "thank you. Is the man you were talking to your husband?"
"Fiancé," I said.
"Congratulations," she said. I nodded and noticed there wasn't a ring on her finger.
"Uh Kamryn's father and I don't speak anymore," she said. I looked at the clock and it was already 12:20. Shit. I was going to be late.
"I have to go get her now so if you'll excuse me," I said. She nodded and I ran out to my car and pulled into the school just in time. Kamryn came out smiling and I had no idea how she would take this news.
"Hi sweetheart how was your day?" I asked as we walked to the car.
"It was good," she said, "we did more math today."
"Was it hard?" I said.
"No, Bailey and I did it together," she beamed.
"That's good," I said, "do you want to get lunch?"
"Sure," Kamryn said, "where are we going?"
"Why don't you decide?" I said and buckled her.
"Okay," she said, "what about chick fil a?"
"Sounds like a good plan," I smiled. I was worried how she would take the news about Rose. We never really talked about her birth parents because I assumed she didn't really have a lot of contact with them, guess I was wrong. I parked the car and the two of us got out and walked into the building. I ordered our meals and we sat down at a table.
"So," I said, "I have something to tell you."
"Is it about the wedding?" She said confused.
"No," I said slowly, "it's actually about your birth mommy."
"Rose?" She said as she stopped eating.
"Yeah," I said, "she met me at the hospital today and she said she wants to see you for a few minutes, just to see how you're doing."
"Is Tim with her?" She said.
"Tim?" I said confused.
"My birth daddy," she said.
"No," I said.
"Okay," she said and went back to eating her chicken nuggets.
"So do you want to see her?" I said.
"I guess so," she said, "she'll leave after right?"
"Yeah," I said.
"Sure," she said quietly and went back to eating. I could tell part of her didn't want to see Rose.
"You don't have to say yes just because she's your birth mommy," I said.
"It's fine," she said quietly, "I'll talk to her."
"Okay," I said. We ate and then got back in the car and she was really quiet. I felt bad, but rose came to me. I walked into the hospital and I saw Rose in the waiting room. Kamryn grabbed my hand and I gave her a reassuring squeeze.
KAMRYNS POV (a new POV lol)
Mama told me that my birth mommy was here. I haven't seen her since I was two. She left me with Jamie's family. She knew I was being hurt by them and didn't do anything. I won't forgive her for that, and I live with Owen and Amelia now, who are the best. We walked into the hospital and I grabbed my mama's hand and she squeezed it.
"Hey you're okay," she said as she bent down to my height.
"She's right over there okay? You guys can talk in my office for a few minutes alright? Or you can back out now and she can go home," she said.
"We can go to your office," I said.
"Okay," Mama nodded. The three of us walked upstairs and we got to my mama's office.
"Okay sweet pea I'll be waiting right out here okay?" She said.
"Okay," I nodded.
"Love you," she said and kissed my head.
"Love you too," I said. She closed the door and my birth mommy was sitting in one of the chairs.
"You're so big now," she smiled, "what grade are you in?"
"Kindergarten," I said shyly and sat down in an empty chair.
"Do you like Amelia?" She asked.
"Yeah, she's the best mama ever," I said.
"Well you know I'm still your mother," she said.
"You left me with Jamie," I said upsetly.
"But that's over with, sweet heart you could come live with me now," she said.
"No," I said, "I don't want to."
"Why not? I'm your mother, Amelia isn't your mom. Owen isn't your dad," she said.
"Yes they are," I said, "they take good care of me and love me!"
"I'm your mother Kamryn," she said, "and you're coming home with me, it wasn't really an option."
"You can't take me," I said, looking at the door.
"I'm not taking you, you're my daughter," she said.
"I'm Amelias daughter," I said quietly.
"No you're not," she said, "kamryn you know that." I looked at the door and thought of running. I looked back at her and she smiled.
"Come on, lets go home," she said. She got up and walked towards me and I bolted to the door and ran out. I saw Amelia and ran into her arms. I started crying and she wrapped her arms around me.
"Baby what's wrong? What happened? What did she say?" Mama said.
"Hey what happened? Are you alright?" I heard Owen say. All I could do was cry.
I was waiting with Amelia for Kamryn to finish talking with her birth mom. I know Amelia didn't really want to but she said Kamryn said it was okay so she let her. Suddenly the door opened and Kamryn came out bawling her eyes out.
"Baby what's wrong? What happened? What did she say?" Amelia said as she wrapped her arms around her.
"Hey what happened? Are you alright?" I said. All she could do was cry. Amelia held her as she sobbed and Rose came out of the room.
"What did you do?" Amelia said.
"She's not your daughter!" Rose said.
"Yes she is," Amelia said.
"No she's not, and any court will see that, because Amelia Shepherd, you're being sued," Rose said. Amelia looked at me and neither of us knew what to do, and it didn't help that Rose was making a huge scene in the hospital.
"You can't do that," Amelia said.
"Yes I can, I'm her birth mother, you're some random lady who just took her in," Rose said.
"She's my mama," Kamryn said quietly. Rose looked like she was going to lunge at Amelia and probably hit both of them. I ran in front of her and she hit me instead.
"I swear to god touch either of them and I'll call the police," I said. She tried to push past me and I grabbed her wrists.
"Who even are you? The man she's screwing around with, while she's running away with my daughter?" She said.
"Don't talk to my family ever again," I said as security took her away.

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