25: Fear

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I opened my eyes and to my surprise Kamryn didn't wake me up. I looked over my shoulder and saw Owen. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and he was nuzzled into my back. Shit. What if Kamryn saw him.
"Owen," I said.
"Hm? What?" He said.
"You have to get up," I said.
"Why?" He said, "what's wrong."
"I don't want Kamryn to see you," I said.
"Why?" He said.
"I don't know, we haven't discussed you staying over, and she usually comes and wakes me up so I don't know how she'll react," I said.
"Want me to hide in the bathroom?" He chuckled.
"If you don't mind," I chuckled. I looked at the clock and it was 7:30.
"I leave in 30, you can eat whatever you want once I leave and I'll be back around 8:15 okay?" I said.
"Okay," he said and kissed me.
"Oh and good morning," I chuckled.
"Good morning Amelia," he chuckled and got up and walked into the bathroom. I don't know why I freaked out about Owen being here but I don't know what Kamryn would think about it. I got dressed and as I grabbed my phone my door opened. It was Kamryn with her elephant stuffed animal.
"You're already awake," she said cutely.
"Yup," I said, "good morning sweet pea."
"Good morning mama," she said. I picked her up and kissed her cheek and walked into the kitchen. I made her a bowl of cereal and packed her lunch and bag for today.
"Are you excited for school today?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said, "am I going to the hospital with you today?"
"Yeah but you'll be with Bailey and Ellis, and later on Zola remember?" I said, hoping she would go.
"Okay," she said quietly. I knew this was going to be a struggle later.
"Can you put my hair in a bun?" She asked.
"Sure," I said and grabbed a hair tye. I pulled her hair into a bun and she looked into the mirror.
"Is it cute?" I chuckled.
"Yeah," she smiled.
"Okay go put your shoes on," I said, "I need to go get my bag."
"Okay," she said. I ran back to my room and opened the bathroom door and Owen was sitting against the wall on his phone and I chuckled.
"I'll be back in 20 okay?" I said.
"Alright," he said.
"I'm sorry about this," I chuckled.
"It's okay," he chuckled, "I get it, it's new territory for you guys and you wanna take it slow with her, I don't mind hiding in your bathroom."
"Yes you do," I chuckled, "but thank you." I walked back out and Kamryn was putting her shoes on.
"I want to tie them," she said.
"Okay," I said. She sat down and really focused and tied the first one tight enough.
"Oh my gosh good job baby," I smiled and kissed her cheek and she smiled. She tied the second one but it was a little too loose. She frowned.
"Hey it's okay, you tied one of them, you're getting better, practice makes perfect okay?" I said.
"Okay," she nodded. I held her hand as we walked down the hallway and to my car.
I heard Amelia leave and I got up and walked into her kitchen. I didn't really care that she didn't want Kamryn to see me, I mean I get it, Amelia dating me and me being here in the morning is a little different for her and it's fine. I figured she would be home soon so I started making pancakes. I turned her TV on and soon enough the door opened.
"Hey I'm back I'm so sorry about that," she said.
"It's fine," I said, "did you eat?" She smiled and shook her head no.
"Well lucky enough for you I made you a plate," I said.
"Thanks," she smiled.
"You're welcome," I said. We sat down at her counter and we ate breakfast.
"You can stay every night if you're gonna cook like this," I chuckled.
"Deal," he chuckled and pecked my lips.
"Mm," I smiled and started kissing him more. We both got up and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Owen we have work," I said.
"We have a few minutes," he said.
"Mm," I said as he started kissing my neck, "I already got dressed."
"So?" He chuckled. I looked at the clock and I had 45 minutes before my shift. I looked at him and then glanced at the open bathroom door in the hallway.
"Wanna have hot shower sex?" I chuckled and he smiled.
"Sure," he said and picked me up as we ran to the bathroom. We both got undressed and he wrapped his arms around me as we started making out. I turned the water on and pulled him into the shower. He started kissing my neck and I ran my fingers down his back.
"You're beautiful," he whispered in my ear.
I was running down the stairs to get to my car to go pick up Kamryn. I was worried she wasn't going to want to come back here. I would have to figure something out. I ran out to my car and drove to the school. When the kindergarten door opened she ran over to me and jumped in my arms. I lifted her up and she giggled.
"How was your day?" I asked.
"Good!" She said, "Mrs.Williams said that my reading got better!"
"That's awesome!" I smiled, "see the practice worked."
"Yeah," she smiled. I drove back to the hospital and when I opened the door to unbuckle her she started throwing a fit.
"I don't want to go in!" She said.
"But we're going to daycare, where you can color, and play, and see all your friends," I said.
"NO," she said.
"Jamie isn't here okay? He's not at daycare," I said.
"I'm not going there!" She said and started crying.
"Can we go to mama's office?" I offered.
"I want to go home," she cried.
"Baby mama has to work," I said and scrambled for an idea.
"I want to be with you," she said.
"Okay well I have an idea," I said, "what if you did my job with me, when I check up on patients you can come with me."
"Like a Doctor?" She sniffled.
"Yup, just like a Doctor," I said.
"Okay," she said in a small voice.
"Okay?" I smiled. I picked her up and we walked inside and made it to my office. She looked so scared and my heart broke. I changed into scrubs in the bathroom and grabbed a folder of charts.
"You ready?" I said.
"No," she said and ran under my desk. This was harder than I thought.
"Okay honey, I know you're scared, but nothing is going to happen to you, I'm going to be right there and protect you if anything happens okay? And everyone here loves you and will do the same okay? But mommy has to go check on her patients okay?" I begged.
"No!" She said and started crying.
"Kamryn please? You said it would be a good idea to be a mini doctor like me!" I said.
"I don't want to anymore," she cried. I was running out of ideas and I didn't know what to do.
"But you can be a doctor just like mama," I begged, "you can see all the patients and help me visit them, doesn't that sound fun?"
"What if he hurts me!" She cried.
"He's not going to hurt you I promise," I said, "he's not even here anymore."
"I don't want to! I want to go home!" She said and started bawling. My pager went off. 911. Shit.
"Kamryn please mama has a patient," I said frantically.
"Don't leave me," she sobbed.
"What if you went with Owen?" I said. My pager went off again. Shit.
"Please?" I said.
"Fine," she said. I picked her up and walked out of my office. I ran down the hallway with her and the patients room was Jamie's family. I put my hand over her face so she wouldn't see and paged Koracick. I ran into Owen's office and he was doing paper work.
"Hey what's up?" He said. My pager went off again.
"Can you watch her just for a little bit? I'm sorry," I said.
"Yeah that's fine," he said.
"Oh and Owen? Keep her o-u-t of r-o-o-m 4210, okay?" I said, spelling half the words so she wouldn't understand it.
"Gotcha," he said. My pager went off a fourth time. Fuck. I ran down the hallway and Koracick was bringing her up to surgery. I think it was Jamie's new foster sister.
"You're scrubbing," Tom said.
"Okay," I said.
"Looks like a brain bleed, we don't have much time," Tom said.
"Then let's do this," I said.
Kamryn seemed really upset. She was sitting in a chair next to me and she hadn't said a word since Amelia dropped her off here.
"You okay?" I asked.
"I want to go home," she said.
"I thought you loved Amelia's work," I said.
"I'm scared," she said.
"Of what?" I said.
"Jamie," she said quietly.
"Well he's not going to hurt you, your mama and I will protect you," I said, "he's not going to get to you."
"Yeah," she said quietly.
"What if we went on a walk around the hospital so I can show you that it's safe?" I said.
"Okay," she said. I figured she wouldn't really want to say no to me and it would get her over her fear.
"Okay," I said.
"Can you carry me?" She asked shyly.
"Sure thing I can," I said and picked her up and she giggled. We walked around the peds and neuro wing and she clung to me.
"See? You're completely safe," I said.
"Yeah," she said.
"Your mama was right," I said.
"Mhm," she said. We looked back to my office and she seemed super tired.
"Tired?" I chuckled.
"Yeah," she yawned.
"Do you want to take a nap?" I said. She nodded as she closed her eyes. She was so precious.
I finally got out of surgery. She was okay. My back was absolutely killing me. It was almost an 8 hour surgery and I felt awful leaving Kamryn with Owen for this long. I opened his office door and he was passed out in the couch with Kamryn fast asleep on his chest. I couldn't help but smile at the adorableness.

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