31: Big Questions

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I've been thinking about proposing to Amelia for a while. I'm really nervous to do it, and I have to ask Kamryn about it too, which I'm kinda nervous about. I'm literally nervous about talking to a five year old. I had to ask her today though because it was Saturday and Amelia had to work, and I was watching Kamryn at Amelia's apartment, which over the past few months has kinda become our apartment but I haven't officially moved in. But today Kamryn and I would be alone and I could ask her about it.
"Okay you two I'm going into work now," Amelia said as Kamryn and I were eating breakfast, "Kamryn be good okay?"
"Okay," Kamryn said as she hugged Amelia.
"Have a super fun day here with Owen, but not too much fun without Mama okay?" Amelia said cutely and kissed her head, "I love you."
"I love you too mama!" Kamryn smiled, they were so cute.
"And I love you too," Amelia smiled as she kissed me, "I'll see you later."
"Mhm," I smiled, "see you later I love you." She left and Kamryn continued eating her cereal.
"So what do you want to do today?" I asked.
"Can we go to the park?" She asked.
"Sure," I said. She got up and put her empty bowl in the sink and sat back down next to me.
"Can I ask you a question?" I said.
"Sure," she said.
"Well, you know how your mama and I have been dating for a little while," I said.
"Yeah," she said, "you make mama smile a lot." She was adorable.
"Well your mama makes me smile a lot too, and I was wondering how you would feel if I asked her to marry me," I said. She sat there quietly for a moment. Shit.
"Like with the big white dresses?" She said.
"Well yeah, if she wants to wear a big white dress," I chuckled.
"Why didn't mama tell me?" She said.
"Well that's the thing, she doesn't know, like in the movies, where the boy asks the girl if they will marry them, but I wanted to see how you felt about me asking, because I haven't asked yet," I said. She smiled.
"So you're going to ask her with a big sparkly ring?" She giggled.
"I am," I said.
"Can I see the ring?" She said.
"Well it's at my house," I chuckled.
"I want to see it," she said.
"Well I think we can make a field trip to my house," I chuckled, "so you're okay with me asking her?"
"Yes," she said, "but I want to be in yours and mamas wedding! Like on TV, with all the little kids in dresses and flowers!"
"I'm sure that can be arranged," I chuckled, "but you can't tell her okay, I want her to be surprised when I ask her."
"Why?" kamryn said.
"Because," I chuckled, "aren't the girls always surprised in the movies?"
"Yes," She said.
"Well then we have to make sure your mama is surprised too," I said.
"Okay," she giggled, "I want to see the sparkly ring!"
"Okay, we can go now," I chuckled. I was so glad she was okay with this. She ran down the hall and got ready while I cleaned the breakfast dishes. She came back out and put her shoes on.
"Owen," Kamryn said.
"Yes?" I said.
"When are you and mama gonna get married?" She asked sweetly.
"Well I don't know, we have to plan," I chuckled.
"Oh," she said, "when are you going to ask her?"
"Soon," I said.
"Okay," she nodded. I locked Amelia's apartment and drove us over to my house. I unlocked the door and Kamryn ran inside.
"Where is it?" She said excited.
"Follow me," I chuckled and we walked into my room and I opened my end table drawer and took out a small black box.
"You can't tell your mama okay?" I chuckled.
"Okay," she said.
"Promise?" I said.
"Promise," she said and held her pinky out for me to link. She was really adorable. I linked my pinky with hers and opened the box. Her face lit up and she smiled.
"All the sparkles!" She giggled.
"Do you think she'll like it?" I chuckled. She nodded and I smiled.
"It's so sparkly! It's like a princess ring!" Kamryn smiled.
"Okay but we're not going to tell her alright?" I said.
"Okay," she nodded.
"Alright, you ready to go to the park?" I said.
"Yeah!" She smiled and we walked back out to my car. I drove us over to the park and I sat down at a picnic table as I walked her run around the playground and go down the slides a million times.
I missed Kamryn and Owen. It was so boring at work. I was sitting in my office doing boring paperwork. I just wanted to be with my daughter and boyfriend. I felt my phone buzz and it was Owen. It was a selfie of them at the park which read "miss you." I smiled, they were so cute.
"Miss you guys too, looks like you two are having fun," I sent. I put my phone away and stared at my pager, hoping for a page, for anything to bring me out of this boredom, and soon enough, it buzzed.
I was finally done with work. Another 12 hour shift. I was exhausted. I changed out of scrubs and drove home. I walked up to my apartment level and I unlocked the door. When I opened the door Kamryn was giggling and running around the apartment while Owen was chasing her, it was such a cute site.
"Mama!" Kamryn smiled, "you have to run before Owen gets you! He's the tickle monster!" I chuckled and she ran down the hall. Owen walked over to me and pecked my lips.
"Hey how was work?" He said.
"Very exhausting, and boring," I said.
"I'm sorry," he frowned.
"Yeah, it's okay, how's the tickle monster doing?" I said.
"Not doing enough tickling," he said and started tickling me.
"Owen!" I laughed, "No stop." We both started laughing and he kissed me again.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I smiled, "how was she today?"
"An angel as always," he said. I smiled.
"You two get a lot of fresh air today?" I said.
"Yeah," he said.
"Which means she'll sleep well," I smiled.
"Me too," he joked. I ruffled his hair and smiled.
"You're the best thank you for watching her," I said and kissed his cheek.
"Owen!" Kamryn giggled as she ran out from the hallway. He chased her down the hall and I smiled. I'm glad they got along so well.
I got Kamryn bathed and into her pj's. I was brushing her hair in the bathroom.
"Is owen sleeping over?" Kamryn asked.
"Yes," I said.
"Can I sleep in your room?" Kamryn begged, "please?"
"I guess so," I chuckled, "why?"
"Because I want to spend time with both of you at the same time!" She said, "the three of us."
"Okay," I said, "I think that can be arranged sweet pea." I picked her up and kissed her cheek. I walked back into my bedroom and Owen was watching TV.
"We have a visitor for the night," I said and Kamryn jumped onto the bed. I crawled in next to her and she snuggled into my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair and watched as her eyes started to drop.
"Good night baby, I love you," I said.
"Night night," she said half asleep, "Love you too mama and Owen."
"Love you Kamryn," Owen said, which caused me to smiled. She stopped fighting the sleep and finally closed her eyes. I kissed her head and Owen pulled the covers over us.
"I'm pretty tired too," Owen said, "I'm gonna go to bed."
"Okay," I said, "good night I love you."
"Good night I love you too," he said and kissed me. The kiss was long and sweet, and as I pulled away I smiled at him. He was truly the love of my life.
I'm gonna marry this girl.

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