55: Moving Day

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I was now almost 7 months pregnant. We were moving into the new house today. Kamryn loved it and Owen and I put in an offer a few days later and it got accepted. Now, almost a month later we can move in, which is exciting, but at 7 months pregnant, my body is in so much pain. I want to help Owen with all the boxes but he refuses to let me do anything. We were at the house unpacking in all the rooms.
"Owen," I said.
"Yeah?" He said as he put another box down in the kitchen.
"Will you please let me unbox dishes," I chuckled.
"Yeah but don't hurt yourself, don't stand on any chairs, if you can't reach a shelf come get me okay?" He said and kissed me.
"I know," I said.
"I just don't want you to get hurt," he said, "be careful."
"I will," I said, "where's Kamryn?"
"She's unpacking her toys," he said.
"Okay," I smiled.
"I'm gonna bring in the living room boxes next okay?" He said.
"Okay," I said, "who knew we had so much stuff."
"I know," he chuckled, "I love you."
"I love you too," I said. I started unpacking dishes and silverware in all the drawers. There was double the amount of drawers in this kitchen so I doubt we'll fill all of them. The movers put all our furniture here a few days ago, so all our couches, bed, tables, and stuff was already here, which made everything super easy. I finished unboxing most of the stuff and folded the boxes. I went to grab water when I felt a sharp kick.
"Ow," I said as I rubbed my stomach. The baby was kicking a lot more now, and so much more frequently.
"Are you okay?" Owen said as he came in the kitchen.
"I'm fine honey," I chuckled, "just a little kick."
"A little kick?" He smiled.
"Mhm," I smiled, "come here." He came over and put his hand on my stomach and sure enough she kicked again. He smiled and kissed me.
"Mama! Daddy!" Kamryn called as she ran down the stairs, "come look at my room."
"Okay we're coming," I smiled. Owen helped me up the stairs, which was new, the apartment didn't have stairs. Stairs while being pregnant was annoying as hell. We walked into her room and it was cutely organized. It was a little different from her old room since this room was much bigger. It had a window seat where she put some of her dolls, and her bed was in the corner.
"It looks good baby," I smiled as Owen picked her up.
"You are a good little worker," Owen smiled, "you did all this super quickly." She giggled and snuggled into him. They were so cute.
Today we moved in. Everything went super smoothly. We spend forever unpacking everything but eventually we got everything done and the house looked good. Amelia wasn't feeling well though. The past month or so has been really tough on her, I can see it although she'll never admit it. She's always either super sick or super tired, or in a lot of pain. She was upstairs trying to fall asleep while I was downstairs with Kamryn. We were watching TV together. It was almost her bedtime, and I could tell she was getting tired.
"Daddy?" She said softly.
"Yes?" I said.
"Is the baby almost here?" She asked, "it's been forever!"
"2 more months I promise," I said.
"You said that last time," she said.
"You asked yesterday," I chuckled, "still 2 months." She pouted.
"It's not fair," she said.
"But the baby is almost here," I said, "remember when Mama told you that you would have to wait 8 months? We you've already waited 6 so 2 doesn't seem so bad right?" I could see tears forming in her eyes.
"Hey don't cry it's okay," I said.
"I want to meet the baby," she said and she ran upstairs. I sighed and turned the TV off and walked upstairs. I saw our bedroom door was open which meant she was with Amelia.
"Baby what's wrong?" I heard Amelia say. I stopped a few feet down to listen in on their conversation.
"I'm upset," Kamryn said.
"Why what's wrong? What happened? Where's daddy?" Amelia said.
"I want to meet my little sister!" Kamryn said, "it's not fair! Daddy told me I have to wait 2 whole months still!"
"You do," Amelia chuckled.
"It's not fair," Kamryn said.
"I know," Amelia said, "tell me about it." I peeked in and Kamryn was snuggled into Amelia.
"Hi," Amelia said.
"Hi," I said.
"Why can't the baby come now?" Kamryn pouted, "please?"
"Kammie it's just the way it works," Amelia chuckled, "I promise you that your baby sister will be here soon okay?"
"Okay," she moped around and snuggled into the bed. I came over and pecked Amelia's lips and she smiled.
Kamryn was now asleep in her new room. Amelia was in the bathroom brushing her teeth and I was flipping through random channels.
"Ow," I heard Amelia say softly.
"You okay honey?" I said.
"Yeah I'm fine," she said. After a few moments she came out and sat down next to me.
"More kicking?" I asked. She nodded.
"Ow," she winced in pain again.
"Is there anything I can do?" I asked.
"Can you rub my back?" She asked.
"Of course," I said. She sat in front of me and I rubbed her back.
"So are you excited about the new house?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said, "it's so cute."
"It is," I smiled.
"I also can't wait until this baby is out of me," she chuckled.
"Me too," I chuckled.
"I don't know how to explain it to Kamryn," she said, "she's too little to understand."
"Yeah I know," I frowned, "She's going to be the best big sister."
"She is," Amelia smiled.

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