75: The Gender

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I was so excited. Today we were finding out the gender. I was pretty sure it was a boy. I don't know if it's just because I really want it to be a boy. Owen and I were walking into the hospital and my mom was at home with the girls while we went to the appointment. Owen grabbed the paperwork from the nurse and we sat down in the waiting room. Owen was so cute, he was so excited to find out the gender today. after this we could finally start really working on the nursery. We didn't want to paint anything until we knew if we were having a baby boy or girl, but we have a lot of furniture set up and ready.
"I'm so excited," I smiled.
"Me too," Owen said. He leaned in and kissed me.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," he said.
"Hunt?" The nurse said. Owen and I smiled and walked down the hallway, following the nurse. Owen squeezed my hand. This was the moment, where we would find out if we were being blessed with a mini Owen or mini Amelia. I was so excited. The nurse opened the door and Carina smiled.
"Hey guys, big day," she smiled.
"Big day," I nodded. I got on the bed and Carina started the ultrasound.
"Okay so, ultrasound looks good as it normally does, but today I can tell the gender," she smiled, "congratulations on your baby boy." My mouth dropped and I smiled at Owen, who was grinning. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. Carina printed us pictures and I was so happy. A baby boy in the family. I couldn't wait.
I unlocked the door with Owen and Kamryn sprinted to the door.
"Is it a boy or girl?" She asked.
"I'll tell you in a few minutes," I chuckled, "just wait a second." She frowned but understood and waited. My mom came out of the kitchen with Ellie on her hip. They were cute.
"Hi baby!" I smiled as Ellie saw me.
"Mommy and Daddy!" She giggled.
"That's right," my mom smiled, "mommy and daddy are home."
"We're they good?" I asked. My mom nodded.
"As always," my mom smiled.
"Thank you for watching them," I said.
"So do I get to know?" My mom chuckled. Owen and I exchanged glances and I chuckled.
"You can find out at the gender reveal party!" I chuckled and hugged her.
"That's not fair," my mom frowned.
"That's when everyone else gets to find out," I chuckled.
"My mom doesn't know either," Owen said.
"Yeah see," I said.
"Okay okay," my mom chuckled. I smiled and we talked for a little while and then she went home, which meant we could tell the girls.
"Can I know now?" Kamryn begged as she climbed into Owen's lap.
"Yes," I chuckled. Ellie was laying in my lap half asleep. She would definitely need a nap later. I wasn't sure if she would totally understand but that's okay. I looked at Owen and I smiled.
"Youre going to have a baby brother," we smiled.
"REALLY?" She smiled. I nodded.
"Yup," I smiled, "A little boy." Her face was so cute.
"Are you happy?" Owen asked. She nodded.
"I have a baby sister and brother now!" She giggled.

a few weeks later
Today was when we were telling our family that we're expecting our baby boy soon. Nobody knew except Kamryn and Ellie. Our moms begged us desperately for us to tell them but Amelia and I wanted to tell everyone in a special way.
"Amelia," I said softly. I woke up before her like most mornings.
"Mhm?" She said and snuggled into her pillow.
"It's time to get up," I said. She groaned and pulled the blankets more over her.
"Hey," I said softly. I ran my fingers through her hair and I hoped she wasn't having a super sick day today with the pregnancy because I knew how excited she was to tell everyone.
"Hey," she mumbled after a few minutes.
"You feeling okay?" I asked. She nodded.
"Just tired, I'll be up in a few minutes," she said.
"Okay," I said. I got up and walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and combed my hair. After a few minutes Amelia walked in and did the same.
"Good morning," I said.
"Good morning," she said.
"Are you excited?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.
"Yes," she said, "I can't wait."
"Me either," I said. I walked over to her and put my hand on her stomach and she put her hand over mine.
"Let's get this party started," she smiled as she pulled me downstairs to finish decorations.
Gender reveal party today! I was so excited. We were finishing up decorating downstairs and Kamryn loved party decorations so she was truly such a big help.
"Mama are the balloons okay over here?" She asked.
"They look perfect," I smiled.
"Okay," she smiled, "is the baby almost here? It's taking forever." I chuckled as she sat down at the table.
"Only about 3 more months to go," I said.
"Why is it so long?" Kamryn pouted.
"Tell me about it," I chuckled and sat down next to her. She moved over and nuzzled into me. She was adorable. The doorbell rang and Kamryn and I got up quickly. We walked into the living room and to the door where Owen and Ellie were. Owen already had the door open and it was Meredith and Maggie with the kids, and conveniently our mothers just pulled up too. I was so giddy and excited.
It was time for Amelia and I to pop the party blowers, which would reveal a spray of blue confetti and smoke. Amelia was so excited it was adorable.
"Okay let's go," I said in her ear as I held her hand.
"Okay," she smiled. My mom was holding Ellie and Kamryn was with her cousins. We all went outside and we waited for everyone to get their cameras out.
"Are we all ready?" Amelia chuckled. Our moms gave us a thumbs up and Mer and Maggie nodded.
"Okay then," Amelia smiled at me.
"Count of 3?" I said. She smiled.
"Count of 3," she said.
"3," we both said, "2."
"1!" Everyone said. Amelia and I popped the party poppers and blue confetti and smoke came out. She smiled at me as I kissed her.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she said and kissed me more.

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