87: Seventh Birthday

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Today was Kamryn's seventh birthday! I was so excited. It's only been her second birthday with us but it feels like so much longer than that, and I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful that she loves me as much as I love her and for all the work the social worker and the Judge did for me to be able to adopt her, and eventually for Owen to adopt her too. I'm so happy how everything worked out and now she's our daughter. I opened my eyes and Owen wasn't next to me and Noah wasn't in his crib. I got up and threw some clothes on and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and all the kids were up and Owen was making Kamryn's favorite pancakes for her birthday.
"Good morning everyone!" I smiled, "and happy birthday Kamryn." I hugged her and kissed her cheek.
"Thank you mama," She smiled.
"So are you excited for your big day?" Owen asked.
"Yeah!" Kamryn said, "my cousins and school friends are coming over."
"That's right," I smiled.
"Mommy?" Ellie said.
"Yes honey?" I said.
"How old is Kamwyn," she said.
"7!" Kamryn giggled.
"That's right," Owen smiled as he put a plate of pancakes on the table, "your big sister turns 7 today."
"Me old?" Ellie said.
"You're almost 2," I said.
"This many?" Ellie said and held up two fingers.
"That's right," I smiled. I walked over to Noah's high chair and I picked him up.
"Good morning baby boy," I smiled, "Owen did you already give him the bottle?"
"Yup he's all fed and ready for the day," Owen said.
"Aw good boy," I smiled and kissed his cheek and held noah close to me.
"Amelia!" I called. We were getting ready for Kamryn to open her gifts before the family and friends came over.
"I'm coming!" Amelia said. I was holding Noah and the girls were watching TV in the other room. Noah started crying and I frowned.
"Hey what's wrong? Don't cry bud," I frowned and kissed his cheek.
"Is he okay?" Amelia asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"Yeah, just a little fussy," I replied. I couldn't help but notice how cute she was. She curled her hair and she was wearing an adorable top with jeans.
"What?" She said.
"Hm?" I said.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She chuckled.
"I can't admire my adorable wife?" I chuckled.
"You can," she smiled and kissed my cheek. Noah grabbed onto Amelia's shirt and she chuckled.
"Come here little guy," Amelia said and lifted him up. We walked into the living room and the girls looked up from the TV.
"Kamryn it's time to open your presents," I smiled.
"Yay!" She giggled. Ellie was sitting in her lap and it was so cute. She started opening her presents and her eyes lit up.
"An easy bake oven?" She said, "thank you mommy and daddy!" She ran over to us and hugged us.
"You're welcome honey," Amelia smiled.
"Can we set it up later?" Kamryn begged.
"Yes we can set it up tonight okay?" I said. She nodded.
"Oven?" Ellie said as she looked at the box.
"Yeah see, we can make mini foods," Kamryn said, "mommy and daddy can Ellie bake too?" Amelia and I looked at each other and she chuckled.
"Why don't we figure out how to set it up first, then we can help you and your sister okay?" Amelia said.
"Okay," she said and opened the rest of her presents. She liked everything and I was so glad.
"Thank you," she smiled as she hugged us.
"You're welcome, happy birthday!" I said.
Everyone was over now and Kamryn was having a fun party. Her friends and cousins were using the pool and the adults were outside watching to make sure all the kids were safe in the water. Noah was clinging to Amelia and it was adorable. He looked so sleepy.
"He looks just like you," my mom said as she walked up next to me. We both watched Amelia with him from across the way.
"Yeah he does," I said, "he's getting so big, can't believe he's already 4 months old."
"I know," my mom said, "and Kamryn's 7."
"I know," I said, "it's all going so fast."
"Appreciate it, it goes quick sometimes," my mom said.
"Oh I am don't worry," I said. Amelia came over to us and I smiled.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," she smiled, "I think someone's ready for a nap."
"Yeah, little guy looks tired," I said.
"Mhm," she said, "wanna come with?"
"Sure," I said, "I'll be right back mom."
"Okay," she smiled. I walked upstairs with Amelia and Noah was already asleep.
"Good night," Amelia said softly as she pulled the blanket over him. I turned the baby monitor on and she smiled.
"You think she's having a good party?" Amelia asked.
"Yes, considering she hasn't left the pool with her friends for the past 2 hours, I'd say yes," I chuckled. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Good," she said, "I'm glad she's having fun."
"Me too," I said.
"Oh and quick question," she chuckled, "Do you know how to put an easy bake oven together?"
"No," I chuckled, "you're the baker."
"Looks like we have a lot of reading to do tonight on how to put it together," she laughed.
"You've got that right," I laughed. She smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked downstairs.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you too," I said and pecked her lips.
Kamryn was having so much fun which was good. I was glad her 7th birthday was a success. We were singing happy birthday to her and having cake right now. Everyone sang and she blew out all 7 candles. Owen and I cut the cake into slices and handed them out to everyone.
"Are you having a good birthday?" I smiled.
"Yes!" Kamryn smiled, "thank you mama."
"You're welcome, I love you," I said.
"I love you too," Kamryn smiled.

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