90: Family Fun

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I opened Kamryn's door and she was zipping you her backpack.
"All ready?" I smiled.
"Yup," she said.
"Alright I'll meet you downstairs," I said. I walked into our bedroom and Owen was finished changing Noah.
"Look who's ready in his shark onesie!" Owen said.
"Oh he's adorable," I smiled, "aren't you the cutest?"
"Mommy I need help," Ellie complained as she walked in, "I can't put shoes on."
"I got you princess," I said as I lifted her onto our bed and sat her down. I put on her velcro shoes and she hopped down.
"Twank uo," she giggled and ran down the hallway. Noah started crying and Owen turned to me.
"Think someone wants their mommy," he chuckled. I smiled and picked him up out of Owen's arms.
"Hi bubs," I smiled, "how are you? Why you crying?" I cradled him and held him close to my chest as Owen grabbed our bags and went downstairs to put them in the car trunk.
"Girls are you ready?" I asked as I walked down the stairs.
"Yes," Kamryn said as she was holding Ellie's hand.
"Okay, lets go meet daddy at the car alright?" I smiled. I walked outside and buckled Ellie and Noah in their car seats and Kamryn buckled herself. Owen locked up the house and got in on the drivers side.
"We all ready?" Owen asked.
"Yes," Kamryn and Ellie said. Owen looked at me and I smiled.
"Ready?" He asked me as he took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.
"Ready," I smiled. We pulled out of the driveway and I was excited. Some family time at the beach was so needed and overdue. I couldn't wait.
Noah and Ellie fell asleep and Kamryn was playing games on her ipad. We've been driving for about 3 hours and we only have 1 more hour to go. The kids were surprisingly good for the car ride which was surprising. I thought for sure Ellie or Noah would throw a fit, but they both fell asleep.
"Owen?" Amelia said in a quiet voice.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Can we stop for a bathroom break?" She chuckled like a kid.
"Amelia," I said, "we stopped an hour ago."
"Owen I drank an iced coffee," she said, "I have to pee."
"Fine, but you have to wait 2 exits," I chuckled.
"Okay," She said, "that's fine."
"And that's it, no more stops," I joked.
"Shut up," she chuckled. I pulled off after two exits and pulled into a Dunkin' Donuts parking lot.
"No coffee," I said.
"Hey," she pouted.
"Amelia I'm serious," I chuckled and she got out.
"I'll be back," she said and closed the door. I looked in the mirror and Ellie was rubbing her eye.
"Daddy we here?" She asked.
"Not yet, mommy had to use the bathroom," I said.
"We almost there?" Ellie said.
"Yeah daddy are we almost there?" Kamryn said.
"Yes," I said, "about 40 more minutes okay." Noah must have heard them talking because he started crying. I got out and walked around the car and picked him up out of his car seat. I cradled him in my arms.
"Little guy awake?" Amelia asked as she came back.
"Yeah," I said.
"Good afternoon buddy," Amelia said cutely and kissed his head, "some body had a good sleep didn't they?"
"Almost slept the whole ride," I said and kissed his head. I buckled him back in his seat and Amelia and I got in the car. I got back on the highway and started driving.
"Are we almost there?" Amelia asked.
"You are as bad as the kids," I whispered.
"Am not," she said.
"Yes you are," I chuckled.
"Yeah but it's cute when I do it," she pouted.
"It is," I chuckled.
I pulled into the hotel parking lot and I nudged Amelia, who managed to fall asleep on the last 15 minutes of the drive.
"Hm?" Amelia mumbled.
"Were here," I said. She sat up and smiled.
"Daddy Ellie fell asleep again," Kamryn complained.
"It's okay honey we'll pick her up," I chuckled. I went in and grabbed a cart for all our luggage while Amelia got the kids ready. I loaded our luggage and Ellie was still asleep in Amelia's arms, despite all the noise.
"Looks like this kid can sleep through anything," Amelia chuckled.
"Looks like it," I said and kissed Amelia's head. We checked in and walked upstairs to the room. There were two beds and a cot, but we brought a pop up crib for Noah and figured Ellie could share a bed with Kamryn.
"Daddy," Ellie said softly. She was still in Amelia's arms while we were in the room.
"Good afternoon sweet pea," Amelia smiled.
"We here?" Ellie said.
"We're here," I said.
"Look at the beach!" Kamryn said as she was sitting by the window.
"Me see!" Ellie said. Amelia brought her over to the window and I smiled. I snapped a picture of my three girls and then set up Noah's crib.
"Mommy can we go to the beach?" Kamryn begged.
"Yeah we'll go down in a little while okay?" Amelia said as she put Ellie down. Amelia came over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Family fun," she smiled and pecked my lips.
"Family fun," I smiled as I pulled her into me.

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