73: Accidents Happen

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I've decided to take more time off of work. I feel really guilty that lately I've been working a lot of morning shifts and not spending as much time with the girls as I want to. I'm not working Sunday's, Monday's, Wednesday's, and Thursday's, which gives me Saturday's Tuesday's, and Friday's home for the full day. Obviously I told bailey if there's an emergency I'll come in, but after April and Jackson's divorce, April has been working in the trauma center a lot more now.
"Hey I have to leave now," Amelia said, breaking my thoughts.
"Have a good day at work," I said.
"I will," she smiled, "you'll be good here with them?"
"I will," I said, "don't worry."
"I know," she smiled, "have fun here."
"We will," I said. She kissed my cheek and walked to the counter to grab her keys.
"I love you," I said and grabbed her waist. She giggled and smiled.
"I love you too," she said and kissed me passionately. She went to go say goodbye to Kamryn who was watching TV with Ellie in the other room. I followed her and she was so cute with the girls. She left for work which left the three of us.
"Daddy?" Kamryn said.
"Yes princess?" I said.
"Can we make pancakes?" Kamryn asked.
"Sure," I said, "how about chocolate chip pancakes?"
"Yay!" She smiled. I picked up Ellie and she squirmed out of my arms because she wanted to walk and follow her big sister into the kitchen. I walked behind her to make sure she didn't fall or walk into anything. I picked her up once we got to the kitchen and put her in her highchair. I made a batch of pancakes for Kamryn and I and then got Ellie's baby food too. Kamryn and I ate pancakes and I fed Ellie her food with a baby spoon. My girls were so cute.
I was making lunch in the kitchen and Ellie and Kamryn were playing with Ellie's train set on the kitchen floor. Ellie loves trains, she loved pushing them around the track. I was making Kamryn a sandwich and getting Ellie's food ready too. The girls started laughing and I looked up and Ellie was running around and Kamryn was following her.
"Kamryn make sure you're careful," I said.
"We are," she said as they started running again.
"ELLIE," I yelled as she ran right into the kitchen chair. Oh no. No. No. No. I ran over and she started crying. She had a small cut on her forehead.
"Daddy I'm so sorry," Kamryn said, "I didn't know she was going to run into the chair I'm sorry. Is she going to be okay?"
"It's just a cut okay? She'll be okay, just be more careful next time," I said.
"I'm sorry," she said.
"It's okay, accidents happen Kamryn," I said.
"Ellie I'm sorry," Kamryn said. Ellie wouldn't stop crying. Her cut was bleeding a little.
"Ellie were gonna get you cleaned up okay?" I said, "Kamryn can you go get a bandaid from the bathroom?" Kamryn nodded and ran into the hallway.
"Shh Ellie it's okay," I said, "you're okay." Kamryn came back with a bandaid. I put the bandaid on her cut and picked her up.
"You're okay," I said softly and kissed the top of her head.
I was running the ER with April and it wasn't that bad today. I anticipated it to be a lot busier and hectic today.
"Hey there's Owen," April said.
"What?" I said and turned and saw Owen, Ellie, and Kamryn walking into the ER. Ellie was hysterically crying. I ran over to them.
"What happened?" I said and rubbed Ellie's back, "what's going on?"
"Mama I'm sorry," kamryn said sadly, "Ellie and I were playing and she fell." I took Ellie from Owen and noticed the bandaid on her forehead.
"She won't stop crying, I'm afraid something's wrong," Owen said.
"Okay, just clam down it's okay, it's probably just a cut okay," I said. I walked down the hall and blocked out a trauma room.
"Ellie, hey look it's mama," I said in my baby voice, "it's okay, you can calm down." She looked up at me and I hugged her.
"Baby can I look at your eyes?" I asked. She nodded and she followed my finger perfectly.
"She's fine," I said and looked at Owen, "no need to freak out."
"Okay," Owen said.
"She's okay," I said.
"Sorry I freaked out," he said as he hugged me.
"It's okay," I said and pecked his lips, "I'm glad she's okay."
"Me too," Owen said.
I had such a hectic day today. It was now almost 11PM and I was finally leaving the hospital. I grabbed my stuff and got to my car. I got in and drove home. When I unlocked the door the house was really quiet which meant hopefully Ellie went to bed. Sometimes she threw a fit and cried and just stayed up half the night when one of us was working later. I opened Kamryn's door and she was fast asleep. I walked over and kissed her head and then walked across the hall to Ellie's room. She was peacefully asleep in her crib. I kissed her head too and then walked back into the hallway.
"Hey," Owen said.
"Hey," I smiled and walked over and kissed him.
"How was work?" He asked.
"It was good," I said as we walked into the bedroom. I got changed into my pajamas and went in the bathroom to go get ready for bed. Owen walked up and stood in the doorway.
"So what exactly happened before?" I asked as I grabbed my toothbrush.
"I was making lunch and I was watching them, I was and then-" he started.
"I'm not mad," I said, "I just want to know what happened, it's not your fault."
"Kamryn started chasing Ellie and she ran into the kitchen chair," he said.
"It's okay Owen accidents happen," I said and hugged him, "I know you were watching them okay? I'm not mad at you."
"I feel like a bad dad," He frowned.
"Owen accidents happen, I promise it's okay. She's perfectly fine, just needs a little bandaid. If I was home I'm sure she probably would have run into the chair too, it's not your fault," I said and kissed his cheek, "don't beat yourself up over it."
"I just," he frowned, "I felt bad that I was working a lot of shifts and not seeing the girls as much and it was exhausting you and now I get one full day with them and Ellie gets hurt."
"Owen you're not a bad dad," I said, "it was an accident, she's a toddler, accidents are going to happen okay?"
"Okay," he nodded.
"Come here," I said. I wrapped him in a hug.
"You're the best father the girls, and our little one in here, could ask for. I wouldn't want to be parenting Kamryn and Ellie with anyone else," I said.
"You mean it?" He asked.
"Of course I mean it," I said.

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