58: Sisters

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Kamryn and I were watching Ellie in the nursery. Kamryn was so adorable watching her baby sister in awe.
"Can we go inside?" She asked.
"We have to wait for the doctor," I said.
"But you're a Doctor," she said.
"We have to wait for Eliana's Doctor," I said.
"Oh, okay," she said. After a few minutes I saw Carina looking at Ellie's stats. She opened the door and Kamryn ran over to her warmer.
"Just be careful," Carina said.
"I will," Kamryn nodded and sat down.
"Is she healthy?" I asked.
"Everything came back perfect, no abnormalities," Carina smiled, "congrats on your perfectly healthy baby girl."
"Thank you," I smiled and hugged her. Kamryn was kneeling on a chair so that she could see Ellie better. I took a picture of them and they were so cute.
"Is mama awake yet?" Kamryn asked.
"No not yet," I said.
"Can we eat breakfast in here with Ellie?" Kamryn asked.
"We can't bring food in here," I said, "the doctors don't want people to make a mess in here."
"Oh," she said, "but we can come back right?"
"We can come back whenever you want okay?" I smiled, "and in a few days Ellie can come home with us and you can show her her room alright?" I said.
"Okay," she smiled.
"Sound good?" I said.
"Yeah," she said. She grabbed my hand as we walked through the hospital to the cafeteria. We sat down and ate breakfast.
I opened my eyes and the room was still dark. I looked over my shoulder and the room was empty. I looked at the clock and it was 5. In the morning? I grabbed my phone. No, at night. I slept through the whole day, but honestly, I needed it. I opened my messages with Owen, which included a good morning text, and a picture of Kamryn next to Eliana's warmer. Aw.
"Good morning," I sent back.
"Good evening," he sent.
"Come back to the room," I sent.
"Yes ma'am," he sent.
"Shut up," I sent.
"Just kidding love you," he sent.
"Love you too," I sent. After about 10 minutes the door opened and it was Owen, Kamryn, and Ellie's warmer.
"Oh my gosh," I smiled as I sat up, "She's okay? She's healthy? She's stable enough to come down here?"
"No I stole her form the nursery against medical advice," Owen said.
"I hate you," I said.
"Carina said she's perfectly healthy," he said as he kissed my head.
"Really?" I smiled, "oh that's amazing news to wake up to." Owen picked up Eliana and she started crying. He cradled her until she calmed down and then placed her in my arms.
"Hi baby," I smiled, "I'm your mama." Owen helped Kamryn onto the bed next to me. She snuggled into me and watched Eliana.
"Eliana," I said softly, "this is your older sister Kamryn."
"Hi," Kamryn said cutely.
"Do you want to hold her again?" I asked. She nodded. I placed her in Kamryn's arms, being conscious of her small head.
"Are all babies this tiny?" Kamryn asked.
"Yup," I said, "which means you were once this tiny too."
"That's weird," she said.
"It is weird," Owen said as he sat down on the other side of me. I leaned in and kissed him softly. I love our family. He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek. Ellie started crying and Kamryn tugged at my sleeve.
"Why is she crying?" Kamryn said worried, "did I do something? I was just holding her her."
"You didn't do anything," I said softly and picked Eliana up, "babies cry a lot, and most of the time, for no reason, you didn't do anything I promise."
"Okay," she nodded. I cradled Ellie in my arms until she stopped crying. After she was done crying she fell back asleep. Owen picked her up and put her back in the warmer with her little blanket so she would be comfortable.
"Are you hungry? We were going to order dinner," Owen said.
"Yeah, whatever you guys want is fine," I said.
"Dinner for breakfast?" Owen chuckled.
"Looks like it," I laughed. Owen ordered dinner and I looked over at Eliana. She was so tiny and precious.
"When can we bring her home? Daddy said I can show Ellie her room," Kamryn said.
"Probably tomorrow," I said.
"Can she sleep in my room?" Kamryn said, "like can we have a sleepover?"
"Well, it would be best is Eliana stayed in mama and daddy's room for a few months," I said, "Babies like Ellie cry a lot when they're small, so it's easier if she's in our room so we can hold her and feed her if she's crying."
"Can I sleep in your room?" She asked with big eyes.
"Of course you can, if you can tolerate some crying from your baby sister," I chuckled.
"I can, I promise," she said.
"Hey so the food is going to be here soon," Owen said and sat down at the edge of the bed.
"Okay," I said.
"Daddy, mama said we can all have a sleepover in your room when we can take Ellie home," Kamryn said.
"She's going to cry a lot," Owen chuckled, "but be my guest."
"That's what I said," I chuckled. Ellie started fussing and Owen got up and picked her up. He cradled her and I smiled. I took a picture of them and he came over.
"She looks just like her mama," Owen smiled.

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