99: First Date

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I was going on a date with Luke tonight. I was actually really nervous. I got up and got ready for school and my mom and dad were downstairs making breakfast already. I didn't know if my dad knew, I feel my mom might have told him but she might not have. I don't know, they do tell each other everything though. I walked downstairs and packed up my backpack and walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning," my mom smiled.
"Morning," I said.
"Morning," my dad said.
"Good morning dad," I said as I sat down to eat breakfast.
"So do you have plans tonight?" My mom asked as she sat down.
"Mom," I said.
"Someone has to tell him," she whispered.
"Um you," I said.
"What's going on?" My dad asked as he sat down at the counter and opened the newspaper.
"Kamryn has a date tonight," My mom said.
"Oh," my dad said, "with who?"
"Luke," my mom said.
"He's picking me up for dinner at 7, is that okay?" I said.
"That's okay, but I want you home by 9, 9:30 at the latest," my dad said.
"Okay," I nodded.
"So you do like him," my dad said.
"Uh, yeah," I said, "anyway I have to go Jenny and Luke are here."
"Have a good day at school," my mom said, "love you."
"Love you too guys," I said and hugged both my parents.
"Have a good day, I love you," my dad said.
"Did you know she liked Luke?" I asked as Amelia was washing dishes.
"Yeah," Amelia said.
"You didn't tell me?" I said.
"Because you'd freak out, like you're doing now, you're doing the nervous dad freak out thing right now," Amelia said.
"Am not," I said, "I just want to know things."
"Okay well he kissed her yesterday," Amelia said.
"What? And you didn't tell me?" I said.
"She didn't want you to know until she talked to Jenny about it and made sure it was okay with Jenny," Amelia explained.
"Okay," I said, "so they like each other."
"Apparently so," Amelia said, "I didn't know she liked him."
"Well I had suspicions after yesterday," I said.
"Me too," Amelia nodded, "but we have to let her date, at least it's someone we know and we love their family."
"Yes you're right," I said, "but she's our baby girl, she can't grow up."
"I know," Amelia said. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.
"When did we become old that our daughter is going on a first date?" Amelia chuckled.
"I know right," I said.
"Are you okay? Are you still doing your dad freak out thing?" Amelia joked.
"Shut up," I chuckled and pushed a piece of hair before her ear, "I'll be fine."
"Okay," she nodded.
I was nervous to go to school today. Yesterday Noah got into a fight because Marcus was making fun of me for being gay. I'm scared he's going to be mean to me again.
"Okay guys, have an awesome day at school!" My mommy smiled as she parked in front of the school. Usually mommy and daddy drove Noah and I to school but daddy had surgery this morning. Noah and I got out and we walked through the parking lot together.
"Are you mad at me?" Noah asked.
"No, why would I be mad?" I asked.
"Because I punched Marcus," he said.
"I'm not mad," I said.
"Okay," he said as we walked into the school. I walked Noah to his classroom every morning because he's smaller than me, and it's a routine we have.
"Bye," I said when we got to his room.
"Bye," he said and waved as he walked into his classroom. I walked down to my classroom and I didn't want to be here. I sat down at my desk next to my friend Rebecca.
"Hi," she said.
"Hi," I said. I heard the door open and it was Marcus and Skyler. The boy who won't leave me alone and the girl I liked. I saw the principal walk out so maybe he talked to them. I slouched in my desk and just wanted the day to be over.
I was getting ready for my date. My very first date. I was nervous. I really liked Luke. I put on jeans and a nice shirt and curled my hair. I only put on mascara since I never really wore much makeup anyway. I put on my favorite pair of vans and walked downstairs.
"You look pretty," my mom smiled and hugged me, "can I take a picture?"
"What? No," I said.
"Oh come on we have to document this," my mom said, "your first date!"
"And what if it goes horrible, you don't need a picture," I said.
"Kamryn it's not going to go horrible," my mom said.
"No pictures," I said.
"Kammie," my mom complained.
"Fine, just one," I said. She took a picture of me and I grabbed my phone and purse.
"Aw my baby is going on her first date," my mom said and hugged me. I hugged her back and my dad came into the kitchen.
"I think Luke just pulled in," my dad said, and sure enough the doorbell rang.
"Yeah," I smiled and walked to the door. I opened it and it was Luke.
"Hi," I smiled.
"Hey," he smiled, "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Hunt." He shook my dad's hand and hugged my mom. My parents were literally so weird they've know Luke since he was 11 and they're acting like this is the first time they've met him.
"Have fun," my mom smiled.
"And be home by 9," My dad said.
"Will do," Luke said. We left and we walked down my driveway to Luke's car. We got in and he smiled at me.
"So how are you?" He asked.
"I'm good how are you?" I asked.
"Better now that you're here," he said. I smiled as he leaned in to kiss me.
"I'm so sorry my parents are literally so weird," I chuckled.
"They're not weird, they're just being parents," he chuckled.
"No they're being weird," I laughed. He reached over and squeezed my hand as we started driving to dinner.
The date went really well. I really like him. So much. I mean I've always liked him. It still seems super crazy to me that he likes me. We were driving home and I was so happy. Luke parked on the street and turned to me.
"I had a really good time," he said.
"Me too," I smiled, "thank you for a good date."
"Well thank you for saying yes," He said. I felt myself felt blushing and he leaned in to kiss me.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked.
"You will," I smiled.
"Okay," he said. We got out and he walked me to the door which was super sweet, which of course I could literally see my mom and dad waiting for us in the living room but it was fine. Luke could definitely see them and I chuckled.
"I am so sorry they're so weird," I chuckled.
"Kamryn it's fine, you know I love your parents, and your family," he said.
"Okay," I said.
"Well Goodnight, ill see you tomorrow," he said and kissed my cheek.
"Goodnight," I smiled as I walked inside. I closed the door behind me and turned to my parents.
"You guys are so weird," I said.
"So how was it?" My mom asked.
"He got you home on time," my dad observed, "was he a gentleman?"
"Yes dad he was," I smiled, thinking of our amazing date.

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